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  • Have you ever danced with the devil in the pale moonlight?


    joker-dancing liz-society joker-laden angry-place obama-socialism joker-shopping marx-joker joker-dancing

  • Bro (Joe) thinks he's in on the joke... Dark Brandon's Secret Sauce

    Official webstore of Biden Victory Fund

    Dark Brandon's Secret Sauce

    >"The secret to a good debate performance? Staying hydrated."

    Guess I'll never drink water again.

    NSFW Locked Removed moderator defends pedophilia
  • TheAnonymoyseJoker: "You can kill someone with scissors, but I should still be allowed to have scissors because they are extremely useful to me. The same logic applies to nuclear warheads, meth, and anime C. P."

    Me: "Joker, what the fuck are you talking about?" jesse-wtf

  • NSFW Locked Removed moderator defends pedophilia
  • social media cringe

    socialist media mario-thumbs-up

  • Is Capitalism or Calvinism more to blame for this sentiment?

    The Buddha: Life is always full of suffering, so you should abandon the pursuit of wealth and enjoy the time you have.

    Perfidious Albion and the Miserly Dutch: If you do not become wealthy it means that Jesus hates you and will send you to hell.

    The name of the webcomic is "Webcomic Name," it's pretty good, like a simplified version of Pictures for Sad Childen.

    I don't want to come off like a shill, but if you want online work (US based) I can refer you
  • Is this something people can do part-time? Like 5-6 hours a week?

  • Chinese cars are pouring into Mexico — and the U.S. is worried - Autoblog
  • I think you just discovered the plot for The Fast and the Furious 10.

  • Chinese cars are pouring into Mexico — and the U.S. is worried - Autoblog
  • BRB, hiring a coyote to smuggle a cool Chinese EV over the border to avoid tariffs.

  • Locked
    Bulletins and News Discussion from June 3rd to June 9th, 2024 - Morena Reigns More - COTW: Mexico
  • Literally the opening scene of Team America: World Police, but without any irony or awareness.

  • Bad news, everybody: the revolution is cancelled
  • But HOW will the medication factories work without the CEO and the shareholders? Who will make the medicine? The workers themselves? Preposterous! Without shareholders, material infrastructure ceases to exist. I am very smart.

  • Majority of Middle-Class Americans Say They Struggle Financially
  • Yes, I think if you watch American Graffiti or Happy Days you can see exactly what the mythical "American Middle Class" was supposed to mean. Every white dude can work 40 hours a week, and have a suburban house, a car, a wife, 2.5 children, money to spend on vacations, milk delivered to their front door, etc.

    The Simpsons even made fun of this trope with their famous "Frank Grimes" episode. Grimes straight up tells Homer Simpson that he is a lucky dumbass and that "In any other country, you would be dead."

    If you read On the Road by Jack Kerouac, he uses his GI Bill money to get a degree and then spend months upon months hitchhiking around America without a job. The American Dream was definitely a real thing for a specific segment of the American population for a certain period of time, but now we see even boring white dudes being excluded from the shrinking middle class. Of course, this increases radicalization.

  • Locked
    Bulletins and News Discussion from May 27th to June 2nd, 2024 - The Virgin France vs the Chad Sahel - COTW: Chad
  • Here's a good one:

    Siento que Reddit es una de las peores maneras de experimentar la realidad latinoamericana. La GRAN mayoría de gente acá tienen entre 15 y 20 años, no han ido a la universidad, son mantenidos por sus papas y son extremadamente conservadores. Cada opinión que tienen siempre encuentra un echo chamber terrible. La gente en r/peru estaba celebrando cuando mataron a un centenar de peruanos en las protestas por el nuevo gobierno y la gente en r/argentina genuinamente piensa que Miles es el más querido e intelectual presidente de la era republicana. Estos subs son genuinamente extraños si los comparamos con el resto del mundo.


    I feel like Reddit is one of the worst ways to experience Latin American reality. The VAST majority of people here are between 15 and 20 years old, have not gone to university, are supported by their parents and are extremely conservative. Every opinion they have always finds a terrible echo chamber. People on r/peru were celebrating when a hundred Peruvians were killed in protests over the new government and people on r/argentina genuinely think that Miles is the most beloved and intellectual president of the Republican era. These subs are genuinely strange compared to the rest of the world.

  • If you use Windows 11 and Telegram, you might want to leave NOW
  • Love my completely secure, untraceable communications system funded by checks notes Radio Free Asia. /s

    (Signal is bad. Do not use signal. Speaking out loud on the phone is way more safe than typing in Signal.)

  • Locked
    Bulletins and News Discussion from May 27th to June 2nd, 2024 - The Virgin France vs the Chad Sahel - COTW: Chad
  • spoiler

    The French? On your continent? It's more likely than you think.

  • Anti-China posters are having a normal one...


    Crack down on deez nuts, lmao gottem.

    Some gems from the comments:

    >This is a classic case of why centrally planned economies don't work. Political ideology takes precedence over efficient markets. It was destined to fail.

    But... China's economy has not failed. Putting the cart a thousand miles before the horse.

    >It’s also why Putin is willing to throw an entire generation of Russians, including the convicts and addicts at Ukraine. Russia is dead for 40 years because he failed to fulfill his mob boss promise to Xi. China is now clearing farmland in Siberia because the typhoon floods last August and September wiped out the Chinese people’s food storage.

    Wake up, babe, new BlueAnon conspiracy just dropped. !hillgasm

    >Xi's just not into him or her; only Xi.

    Found Elon's account. !melon-musk

    >A lot of those, like "cracking down" on NEETs and the gaming industry, would benefit the economy if done successfully.

    Liberal infighting... It's so much more boring than leftist infighting. What will happen to the NEETs when Xi presses the button?


    !pikmin-carry-l !gamer-gulag !pikmin-carry-r

    Huh! Hooh! Huh! Hooh! Huh! Hooh!

    Anti-genocide protesters at George Washington University in D.C. project a giant image of "Genocide Joe" onto on enormous American flag hung by counter-protesters


    What is NOT awesome are the posts on the university subreddit.

    >"At the George Washington University Gaza Solidarity Encampment today, the protesters held a "People's Tribunal" where they put President Ellen Granberg, Provost Christopher Bracey, the Board of Trustees, @GWPolice, and many others on trial."

    >"Guillotine, Guillotine, Guillotine, Guillotine"

    >"Calling for the execution of university officials is where free speech ends. Whoever led these chants should be expelled and face legal consequences. Zero tolerance for that behavior."

    >A more effective protest would have been them form a student union and saying meet our demands or we won’t pay tuition next semester.

    > As you know, there was always an American flag 🇺🇸 flying in that location till the protestors commandeered the companion flagpole and replaced the GW flag with a giant Palestinian flag which was illegal for several reasons inc. "When flags of two or more nations are displayed, they are to be flown from separate staffs of the same height. The flags should be of approximately equal size."

    Fucking FLAG LAW NERDS, the worst kind of nerds.

    Elon Musk has suspended the twitter account of Mandla Mandela - who is an MP in the Parliament of South Africa (ANC party) and Nelson Mandela’s grandson

    "I like friends who have independent minds because they tend to make you see problems from all angles." -Nelson Mandela

    "Chess is a simple game. Understandable when all we had to play with were squirrels 🐿 and rocks, but now we have computers 💻." - Elon Musk

    HE'S DOING IT! Pictured: Xi Jinping pressing the socialism button. Xi Jinping’s misguided plan to escape economic stagnation

    It will disappoint China’s people and anger the rest of the world

    Xi Jinping’s misguided plan to escape economic stagnation

    "The Economist is a journal which speaks for British millionaires." - Lenin

    Here are some quotes from article #1,000 about China being about to collapse.

    > Last year the country achieved growth of 5%, but

    but !butt

    > Xi Jinping’s response is to double down on an audacious plan to remake China’s economy. Blending techno-utopianism, central planning and an obsession with security

    techno-utopianism = using science to improve your country. central planning = when the government does stuff. obsession with security = protecting China from the United States' various proxy forces in the region

    >the mood in China is dour

    What amazing reporting. "China will collapse because, like, the vibes are fucked." !ancrap

    >consumers are depressed, deflation lurks and many entrepreneurs are disillusioned

    Yes, unlike in the United States of America. All our consumers love the high price of rent and groceries! No disillusioned people in the USA! !amerikkka-clap

    > Relations with America are steadier, as a phone call between Mr Xi and President Joe Biden this week attested. But they remain fragile.

    WWIII will happen tomorrow, no actually it won't, wait actually I don't really know. Either way, this is bad for China. I am very smart. !biden-ok-smart-guy

    Novelist Sally Rooney says that Ireland should not support America's genocide in Gaza, or else it will "haunt us forever." Sally Rooney: Killing in Gaza has been supported by Ireland’s ‘good friend’ in the White House

    Our Government is basking in the moral glow of condemning the bombers, while preserving a cosy relationship with those supplying the bombs

    Sally Rooney: Killing in Gaza has been supported by Ireland’s ‘good friend’ in the White House

    Abnormal people. :kelllyemote:

    The one good debate bro.

    The British "Labour" party is pathetic: Keir Starmer backs ban on transgender athletes Keir Starmer backs ban on transgender athletes in female competition: ‘Common sense has to prevail’

    Labour leader says he supports governing bodies’ actions to ban transgender women having previously refused to take a position on the issue

    Keir Starmer backs ban on transgender athletes in female competition: ‘Common sense has to prevail’

    >Starmer had previously refused to state whether trans women like Lia Thomas should be allowed to compete in women’s sport amid accusations from Harry Potter author JK Rowling that his party could “no longer be counted on to defend women’s rights”.

    Ah, so this is what the Labour party is designed to do: make billionaire feel better about imaginary threats from minority groups.

    Sometimes I think, "How could Marie Antoinette have been so oblivious to her oncoming downfall?" Then I see shit like this: "$150million pre-wedding party w/ Rihanna, Ivanka Trump, live elephants..." Billionaire heir's $150m pre-wedding party with 9-page dress code and 100 chefs

    Rihanna, Mark Zuckerberg and Ivanka Trump were among the A-list celebrities who came together to celebrate a pre-wedding party hosted by the richest man in Asia, Mukesh Ambani

    Billionaire heir's $150m pre-wedding party with 9-page dress code and 100 chefs

    >The star-studded event featured 2,000 animals, a fireworks show, and a two-hour performance by Rihanna. Videos from the extravagant party show Mark Zuckerberg and his wife Priscilla Chan chatting to guests Bill Gates and Hillary Clinton.


    >They were also seen admiring the groom's $1million Richard Mille watch, which featured Koi Fish models and bezel set diamonds. Priscilla joked she "might want that", while her husband commented: "You know I never really wanted a watch but after seeing that I was like, 'watches are cool'."

    Literally commodity fetishism happening in real time. !marx-joker

    >Before the big bash, guests were given a nine-page dress code

    !kim-drip Contractual drip.

    > The bride-to-be is the daughter of billionaire Shri Viren Merchant, CEO of private health firm Encore Healthcare. Ambani is the youngest son of India's richest man Mukesh Ambani.

    So this is the fail-son of a billionaire who profited off building clothing sweatshops all over India and the fail-daughter of a billionaire who profits off exploitative medical care (which should be free and nationalized).

    >Radhika and RIL chairman Mukesh Ambani visited a number of temples across the country earlier this year to offer prayers. Radhika and Mukesh Ambani, along with RIL director Manoj Modi, paid a visit to the Shrinathji temple in September. They then went to Kerala's Guruvayur Shri Krishna Temple and Andhra Pradesh's Tirupati Balaji Temple. Mukesh Ambani donated Rs 1.5 crore to the nearby Tirumala hill shrine of Lord Venkateswara.

    Oh, they're philanthropists. All is forgiven!

    By the way, Lord Venkateshwara is supposed to give wealth to all who worship him. It worked for these two, maybe it will work for you too.

    Reposting this fascinating interview with the developers of Palworld. Their starting budget was $10,000.

    I have not played Palworld but I love that it has exposed the greed and capitalist rot of the company that makes Pokemon. Seriously, the "old guard" video game giants like GameFreak, Valve, etc. are putting out lazy content and sucking up billions from micro-transactions, lazy retreads, and subscriptions. It's just funny to see capitalists be bad at capitalism.

    I found it. I've found the worst comment of the year. Warning: MAXIMUM LIBERALISM

    > Prelude 1: "Was it worth it Hamas? Now what? Whats your plan?" -Extreme_Attention_99

    > Prelude 2: "The plan is to blame Israel for the destruction of civilian infrastructure and have a bunch of idiot leftist college kids to echo it on their behalf when not demanding student loan forgiveness." - TheRealAuthorSarge

    > The Absolute Banger: "As a leftist who supports military action in Gaza (and who paid off my student loans early), I agree. Not so often these days we have issues that don't split neatly down party lines, but this is one of them. My entire circle is fairly progressive, and there is a ton of support for Israel." -citori421

    I had to dig a little further into the profile of citori421. Here's his "progressive circle" btw:

    >I have so many friends who maybe make 100k per year between them and their partner, buying $500,000 houses.

    He also, surprise surprise, hates women:

    >Like 90% of women flexing their business prowess on tiktok, there's a solid chance some dude with a boring real job is financing this

    Apparently he lives in... Juneau, Alaska? Which means he gets a yearly $1,600 dividend from the Alaska Permanent Fund. Checkmate, capitalist!

    >It's a graveyard of non-professionals who dreamed big and failed hard. Don't move to Juneau unless you have plans to hit six figures like tomorrow. But it is one of the most "big city" little towns in the world.

    Oh, and he also admits he's a "fed" in the subreddit r/fednews. No, I am not joking:

    > I'm in a position as a fed where I get reference checks for past interns with a whole form I'm supposed to fill out like I'm performing a fuckin background investigation for them. For basic entry level jobs that will just be OJT.

    And the COUP DE GRACE, an amazing anti-Trump post that both proves how "progressive" this guy is while also being incredibly classist AND using an anti-neurodivergent slur:

    >Trump belongs in jail, because he's a criminal. There's a mountain of evidence and literal court decisions and the only thing saving him at the moment is politics. He'll eventually die in prison, and you'll switch to beating yourself off to the next right wing wannabe dictator that makes you feel safe by lying about the world and pretending to be able to do things for sure white trash to pull themselves out of the hole they dug themselves into. Also, lmaooooooo at your "source". This comment should be in a textbook chapter 200 years from now about the extent of r-t-rdation trump worshippers engaged in. [my censorship]

    Just found out about this guy, a REAL PERSON, whose name is "Danny Sachs Goldman," heir to the $250 million Levi Strauss fortune, who is the Democratic representative from the district bordering AOC's

    Guys, I think if we win in 2024 we can PUSH THIS GUY LEFT. His name is Timmy Blackstone Google, and he owns ten butlers, and a private helicopter. But at least he's a Democrat, right? We can't let those fascist right-wingers win next November, right?

    Also, I love that Sachs Goldman led the impeachment trial against Trump. He is fine with inheriting a fortune based on extracting labor from children in sweatshops. But breaking the sacred traditions of democracy? Sir, that cheeto has gone too far!

    This AI-generated comic is surprisingly accepting of gender fluidity.

    I'm imagining the AI-generated films of the future, where you can change the gender of any character by pressing a button. Like choosing your own character in a video game. Or maybe auteurs could use this kind of like how Bob Dylan was played by four different actors in I'm Not There.

    "Scratch a liberal, and and a fascist bleeds." Self-described Neoliberal says "there is no genocide" happening in Gaza right now.

    There is a tangled web of infuriating comments below. Some are calling this descendent of anti-Castro refugees a "Gigachad" for denying genocide. Others are quibbling over the definitions of "genocide," vs "ethnic cleansing," vs. "mass displacement."
