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it's a big deal jack
  • Can you imagine a president like that, even Obama wasn't close to that level of eloquence and charisma. Every president in my lifetime has been a joke, to mirror the circus in every tent in DC.

  • Why do the vast majority of romantic comedies depict people who are wealthy?
  • Because then it'd be a romantic tragedy.

  • Egyptian scribes suffered work-related injuries, study says | Higher incidence of damage to hips, jaws and thumbs reveals their writing efforts may have taken a toll
  • Oops it's in the article "They said changes around the jaw could also be linked to such postures, or the habit of scribes to chew their rush tools to make a brush-like head."

  • Double Barreled Cannon (1862)
  • You can't fool me, that's just a military grade pair of binoculars

  • doot doot
  • thank mr skeltal

  • Anon dislikes reddit
  • Possibly, it's a shark tank, be positive, never any nuanced opinions, keep swimming forward in the pack and you are ok. Any blood in the water and you get torn apart. Most people are genuinely nice but the amount of terrible and loud people online is frightening and/or depressing.

  • Trick Shot (by Sam Logan)
  • So cute 🥰 my partner loved it as well, thank you for sharing!

  • Anon dislikes reddit
  • Is it though?

  • Anon dislikes reddit
  • Lemmy isn't immune, I had a recent encounter that rubbed me wrong recently in a redditish way. It's quickly gone downhill here, I'm sure before too long, just like reddit I'll turn to lurk only then go away as the posts themselves become mostly intolerable.

  • Just give me a minute
  • Opossum memes are so me

  • Bisexual and transgender adults report loneliness twice as much as straight adults: CDC
  • I admitted in my reply you may have been making a joke and I may be taking things wrong, even though the connotations are there for me to plainly see, giving you a chance to simply reach out and clarify. You are escalating here, cursing at me and telling me I have problems when I'm just calmly reacting to what I saw as your subtle "light" transphobic joke.

    Edit: And why not, I'll answer your question, what are my problems? I'm tired, stressed, overworked, underpaid, exploited, hated, feeling unloved, dealing with dysphoria and dysmorphia, stuck in place, stuck in a body that makes me cry, in pain, worried, at the end of my rope.

    And I usually get through it with a smile, I stay positive, I look forward. However many things are going wrong in my life at the moment and I am really struggling.

  • Bisexual and transgender adults report loneliness twice as much as straight adults: CDC
  • Yep, you're a troll like I thought. Buh-bye

  • Bisexual and transgender adults report loneliness twice as much as straight adults: CDC
  • So, I've let this digest a bit.

    I do really like 4X games, especially Stellaris, it is very fun.

    On the other hand, I don't know if people are gonna think I'm a total loser here but, seriously? You know what I meant, and it really feels like you are being trivializing and demeaning. Maybe you are just making light of stuff. But it really just feels like u are making a helicopter joke, and if you are, just leave me alone.

  • Ape box rule
  • Seriously, also I wonder if there are peoples with the same surname that aren't in my family tree, cause I am sure it's more of a name of a village than a family. Keeping surnames is so weird though, very weird feudal tradition and honestly I think having a unique last name is more interesting in general. My partner changed her name to something unique she's the only one with that surname. I kept mine cause I think it's just so interesting, but part of me wishes I changed it, if not drastically then to the feminine version of the name as the language it's in is gendered.

    One of my life goals is living in a house over a hill where the specific tree from my last name is planted.

  • Ape box rule
  • I love my last name, it translates roughly to "those people over there past the tree"

  • A Cool Guide for Saving Money
  • I wish my needs were only 50%

    I'm on the like 90/5/5 rule

  • Finally started to get a wardrobe and start dressing feminine for the first time in my transition!

    How do I look? I've been feeling very euphoric with the new clothes but nervous if I pass or not..

    But I've at least been feeling super cute lately and I try to push the doubts down. -

    Rulerrection day

    Update: Thanks to a few of y'all who got me to look at things differently I think there was a miscommunication. I called my mom, and sorta cleared things up, they said they thought that my message out to them was saying I was planning on celebrating trans day of visibility, and not just mentioning it off hand after accepting the invite. I wouldn't be honest if I didn't say I am not fully convinced but I love them enough to forgive. Things have been rocky with them, my dad is teetering on the edge of ultra-conservative and still misgenders and dead-names me. In my mind there was a very real possibility my dad told my mom to dis-invite us after knowing it was a trans day.


    Kinda posting to just vent, family instantly cancelled when I just mentioned it was a trans awareness day.

    Crazy thing is they know me, they know we're not religious, they know that all we'd like to do is just see family (most importantly the two doggos.) And now I'm not going to be getting to do that and I just feel pretty hurt after this. I've sent some messages back and forth and they've re-invited us, but without a clear explanation or sincere apology, my partner doesn't feel comfortable around them now. I agree with her, so we won't be going.

    This is the first overtly discriminatory thing I have experienced from them, and it is just so strange this is what hill they decided to claim.

    I hate being a social war politic pawn, any other situation, birthday falling on the same day, solar event, or an "acceptable" awareness day, would have been met with open arms. They've just treated us as degenerates.

    I wasn't expecting or wanting anything, other than perhaps a minor acknowledgement, just getting cancelled on is bizarre and I can only see it as hateful or at least extremely overly defensive over my perceived motives?

    Well idk after this I feel like on march 31st it would have been really fun if I spent the day misgendering them so they could experience a taste of some of the experiences I have. But I'm still just hurt, I would have loved to get a hug from my mom and sis and pet the dogs.

    Hopefully this follows the rule and venting is ok, this is my first post here and I would have rather it be something more lighthearted but I just want support and validation after this.

    Kyatto Kaity


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