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What is the weirdest food your cat wants to eat?
  • Our cat LOVES Taco Bell, too. More specially, he absolutely loves their nacho cheese sauce to the point to where he has a few extra sides of it ordered when we grab it. It seems to be a ubiquitous food that all cats seem to seek when it's nearby.

  • What are your hidden gem medications/drugs/substances and what makes them ideal for your usecase
  • DXM is a drug that definitely needs to be treated with respect. So many people take too much and have bad trips and can reset their brains in negative ways. Also, hitting the higher plateaus feel like you are having a stroke if you are unexperienced and can sneak up on you quick depending on what your metabolism rate is. Used it responsibly for years until my body rejected it and can no longer take it without feeling like I'm going to pass out, even at lower dosages.

  • What are your hidden gem medications/drugs/substances and what makes them ideal for your usecase
  • Long term use of both cannabis and LSD have both had a sort of brain breaking effect for me. After 20+ years of responsible dosing, my body finally rejected both and started making me feel like I was having a psychotic breakdown. I was a happy user for so long and then one day, about six months ago, a switch clicked over in my brain and bad things started happening. I won't get into too many details, but once I stopped cold turkey, all of my symptoms went away in about a week. I did a small experiment there weeks ago to confirm that it was the drugs, microdosing for both, and sure enough all those cylinders started firing again for a couple of days. I definitely would still recommend them, just with the caveat that one day you may no longer be able to take them comfortably without your body saying enough is enough.

  • What are your hidden gem medications/drugs/substances and what makes them ideal for your usecase
  • Water taste is definitely varied depending on where it's coming out at the tap. Being located in Louisville, I've been spoiled to the luxury of having access to the best tasting tap water in the states (voted time and time again, even just recently) and anytime I travel, the tap water is disgusting. It's crazy even just traveling 30 minutes from Louisville to neighboring cities and how drastically it differs in overall quality. I drink so much water that it's even been a bullet point at the top of my list not to leave. I think if everyone had access to what we do, the whole entire mindset of water drinking would change.

  • What companies have made your blacklist?
  • Tech people will tell you that Seagate has been trash for decades. The truth is...they have been. I would see 100 Seagates fail for every 1 Western Digital, and that was almost over 10 years ago. I would think it's gotten even worse since then.

  • What are some games you played years ago, which you've recently enjoyed playing again?
  • Retroacheivements would probably be right up your alley. Sometimes it's hard to keep even the slightest attention span for games that you used to love and know inside and out, but when you add a series of checklist and points attached to them, it becomes a game changer. It totally changed my love for classics and drives me to go back and complete a lot of titles from my childhood.

  • If you could go back in time and do, or bring, one thing to mess up the timeline what would it be?
  • The first thing that pops into my mind is Bioshock: Infinite's Albert Fink and his Magical Melodies. If you haven't played the game before, Fink uses portals that are rips into the future to hear modern music and then recreates it with period appropriate instruments and vocals, which is set in 1912. Hearing "Girls Just Want To Have Fun" coming from and Organ Grinder booth and "God Only Knows" by a barbershop quartet (just to name a few) was a highlight for me, so I can only imagine what something would be like with your suggestion.

  • Where the hell are all of the jobs?
  • Best decision of my life was to get out of the IT field after 25 years. I didn't realize how much of my person and being I was sacrificing to continue something because I couldn't admit that what I really wanted to do had died years ago. I'm the same age as you and finally met someone who asked me why I wasn't happy versus telling me I was good at what I did and to keep pushing. I couldn't get anyone to budge on making things better and it started destroying my soul.

    IT companies killed my love of IT.

    I took a year off to find myself and founded a Nonprofit Ferret Rescue 3 1/2 years ago. I regret nothing and will never go back into the field. Find something that satisfies your soul instead of going down with the sinking ship like the others who drink the Kool-Aid. You know it is, you just have to finally wake up and admit it to yourself. It'll be the hardest thing you ever do in your life, almost like losing a close friend. It's liberating the day you finally do and know there is light at the end of the tunnel.

  • The infamous amazon Union busting video
  • Geek Squad (through Best Buy) is the same way. Worked at a Geek Squad City and they made us take re-education classes about how they were bad and forced us to sign papers stating we would turn in anyone wanting to form a union. This was 2007-2009 and the stress and pressure they had people under to do diags and repairs were not obtainable without sending out poor quality work. Most of the time, I was able to fudge the numbers for my team to keep the targets off their back. Didn't last long and got released because of a remote login program being installed on my terminal. Don't ever take your computer in to be repaired by Geek Squad. The good techs don't last long and the ones that stay behind are bad techs who suck each other off to keep some sort of status. They also encourage holding your hard drive hostage for their backup fees, which were $200-$300 at the time.

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