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fight fire with napalm
  • I'm not very knowledgeable in existing works, but Stray is an incredible game that explores this idea I think. I haven't finished it but what I've played so far is fantastic and immersive in that sort of world

  • Government Monitoring Those With "Negative" Views of Health Insurance Companies
  • I think the point of big data is to collect enough information to extrapolate other qualities about whatever you want to know, so if everyone is on the list then you have no patterns to go off of besides "on Earth" or "in X country".

    Side comment: if 99% of people were on the list, the the govt could just oppress everyone with a 99% accuracy rate. It's entirely possibly they could pick a proportion drastically lower than 99%

  • Pornhub has better rates than YouTube
  • Not commenting on the validity of the post, but what is the area of a circle doing there? The only explanation I could see for calculus is if their profits were reported to them in an unclear manner (probably not...?) and then doing an optimization problem, but what kind of information must they be giving you to need calculus rather than using like dimensional analysis or something (or maybe it's a tiered system like tax brackets)

  • InitialsDiceBear„Initials” ( by „DiceBear”, licensed under „CC0 1.0” (
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