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Japan has an excess sushi problem. These food waste activists put it in numbers
  • That's good! Although I was thinking more like if it could be repurposed as stuffing for another dish.

  • Japan has an excess sushi problem. These food waste activists put it in numbers
  • How have they not come up with a use for the leftovers? That's like the first thing a convenience store would do.

  • After its reputation went up in flames, Humane warns users its charging case may too
  • Oh shit, you are right. I can't keep up with all these snake oil sellers.

  • After its reputation went up in flames, Humane warns users its charging case may too
  • Check out Coffeezila's video on them, the whole things shady AF, in addition of being shitty.

  • Atari Acquires Intellivision Brand
  • Sunk cost? Perhaps they think the idea has potential without the baggage of having The First American around.

  • Removed
    Billionaire hasn't heard of Streisand effect
  • Don't forget to send her the Steam Cards, who knew she is such an avid gamer.

  • New Doom Game Could Be Announced At Xbox Showcase In June
  • The DLC composers did a good job IMO.

  • A Hong Kong-based crypto exchange used deepfakes of Elon Musk to claim the billionaire was its lead developer
  • Crypto bros have a hard on for Elon, the scam is targeting them specifically.

  • Elon Musk’s Neuralink reports trouble with first human brain chip
  • Dude's quadriplegic, can't fault him for giving it a go.

  • Elon Musk’s Neuralink reports trouble with first human brain chip
  • At first I was like "oh, at least Neuralink is being open about this since they reported it on their blog...", reading further it's pointed out The Journal reported this first, and Neuralink made the blog post for damage control.

  • [Official] Switch 2 will be announced this fiscal year + June direct confirmed
  • They are letting the investors know in advance they won't talk about Switch. The Japanese Twitter account is used for these kind of things.

  • me_irl
  • Hollow Knight lore be like.

  • Russia Issues Arrest Warrant For Kasparov On Terrorist Charges
  • He tried to do the intercontinental ballistic missile gambit.

  • NSFW
    This is a certified 'WHOA MAMA' moment
  • "I don't know, I never thought I'd make it this far."

  • I knew the Orange Storm Giga was huge, but jeez.
  • Maybe it's just for the photo, I thought it was crib at first haha.

  • Saudis Scale Back Ambition for $1.5 Trillion Desert Project Neom
  • Damn, you know your project is bad when even people with the infinite money cheat code need to reevaluate it.

  • Washington state judge blocks use of AI-enhanced video as evidence in possible first-of-its-kind ruling
  • "Your Honor, as you can see from the footage, my client sprouted 7 fingers out of his hand, with such a condition, he couldn't possibly operate a firearm..."

  • Lanusensei87 Lanusensei87

    3D Printer enthusiast and Metroid enjoyer, you can find my stuff here

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