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Neil rule
  • I'm pretty sure Neil Gaiman enjoys milk and cookies, he even wrote the story Fortunately, The Milk where a kid goes back in time to get the ever-important milk that his father forgot to pick up.

  • What's your biggest gamer achievement?
  • Does that mean you pulled off being mean to Kim? Of those that have tried, most can't go through with it, and I myself lack the conviction to ever even attempt it.

  • Crab has a stalker [Extra Ordinary Comics]
  • It's either quite the paradox or that bear's info is out in the open.

    In other words, it's either a bear-a-dox or that bear got doxxed.

  • The Borg assimilated much of the Internet when they captured other human technologies and culture.
  • As far as the basic concept goes, they are very similar though there are significant differences in the details that are mostly a blur in my memories except that the actress for Seven of Nine is significantly more attractive than Douglock.

  • Microplastics found in every human testicle in study
  • Microplastics are stored in the balls.

  • Have experience with ShadowRun for Genesis, chum?
  • I know of the Genesis game but never played it (though I do own the newer titles in the series), but did some digging to see what I could find to answer your questions:

    Am I imagining this games difficulty? I feel like I am making little progress and I’m always getting ganged up on. / Does this game require a lot of grinding or repeating tasks before moving on?

    Everything I'm finding is saying yes to both, with the grinding resulting in the increased money, stats, contacts, equipment and practicing/refining your own strategy for completing runs. Luckily, there are multiple strategies for "quick" grinding, and certain equipment and stats that really help whether it be just straight up powerful stuff or specifically helps to deal with pesky foes like ghouls. Because there are different sections to the grinding with different strategies to doing it efficiently, I'll leave the specifics out since they get a little spoiler-y in case you want to figure it out on your own. But, do let me know if you'd like me to reply with specific strategies that may be seen as too much of a walkthrough or too spoilery for some (they don't seem like gigantic story spoilers or anything so if the grinding gets too tedious and you stop having fun, they might be worth knowing about).

    Should I be killing these innocents I see on the street? I try to get shadow runs but they seemingly always involve killing ghouls, which bend me over and spank my samurai butt. I’ve put my morals on hold and have been tediously murdering the population for the little nuyen and items they have.

    Luckily the Karma explanation section on the Shadowrun strategywiki actually explains this pretty well. I went through it and it looks like a straight up explanation without story spoilers so I feel comfortable just linking it here for you:

    -is the samurai class the all-rounder character or should I just restart as a shaman or netrunner?

    I found a really good explanation on the Shadowrun wiki: Thankfully this also gives a much needed explanation of the differences between classes without spoilers. It seems like this info is very important to know upfront depending on what your playstyle is like.

    As far as the game itself, I did not play the genesis version but definitely looked into it after I got the Shadowrun trilogy that GOG games gave out for free a few years back. From what I found, the Sega Genesis version is superior to the SNES version in a few ways but a lot of people enjoyed both. I really like the style and concepts presented in the series and the newer Shadowrun trilogy seems to have taken all of that and improved on it, with each game getting better and better at giving the experience intended. I'd say it's worth taking a look at if you enjoy the Genesis game, or if you really like the elements of the Genesis game but aren't enjoying it so much, the newer series might be what you're looking for.

    Edit: Spelling, grammar and formatting.

    Edit 2: Also, here is a link to a PDF of the original game manual for the Sega Genesis version, which helps navigate the UI and buttons, etc., just in case you need it since manuals were kind of a big deal back in the day!

  • Anon is suspicious
  • It is common knowledge, I merely guessed they used that specific hunting strategy over other "food hacks" because this is literally a greentext community.

  • Anon is suspicious
  • They're probably referencing another greentext from the perspective of a fast sprinting Elk that can't escape the long-distance persistence endurance of a bipedal human hunter:

  • Morgan Spurlock dead: Super Size Me director dies at 53
  • The premiere episode where they try to survive on minimum wage is still one of the best day-to-day documentations of the struggle and that was almost 20 years ago, well before the price gouging of today. I wish it had as much impact as Supersize Me which actually succeeded at putting pressure on McDonald's to make changes.

  • when you lore dump on someone who has only seen the Fallout show
  • COURIER: "That right there (pointing at the platinum chip) is the mail. Now let's talk about the mail. Can we talk about the mail, please, Boone? I've been dying to talk about the mail with you all day, OK? "Robert House," this name keeps coming up over and over again. Every day Robert's mail is getting sent back to me. Robert House! Robert House! I look in the mail, and this whole box is Robert House! So I say to myself, "I gotta find this guy! I gotta go up to his office and put his mail in the guy's goddamn hands! Otherwise, he's never going to get it and he's going to keep coming back down here." So I go up to Robert's office and what do I find out, Boone? What do I find out?! There is no Robert House. The man does not exist, okay? So I decide, "Oh shit, buddy, I gotta dig a little deeper." There's no Robert House? You gotta be kidding me! I got boxes full of Robert! All right. So I start marchin' my way down to Jane in HR and I knock on her door and I say, "Jane! Jane! I gotta talk to you about Robert." And when I open the door what do I find? There's not a single goddamn desk in that office! in HR. Boone, half the employees in this building have been made up. This office is a goddamn ghost town."

    Boone: OK, Courier I'm going to have to stop you right there. Not only do all of these people exist, but they've been asking for their mail on a daily basis. It's all they're talking about up there. Jesus Christ, dude, we are going to lose our jobs.

  • I actually kinda like his work.
  • This is my yearly reminder that I still haven't watched Melancholia (2011) and that I should at some point.

  • Deactivating Facebook for just a few weeks reduces belief in fake news
  • The person reacting to your comment calling them a pigeon:

  • Just got a fantastic gift from my husband :)
  • Any recommendations for reliable storage? I need new drives but I've put off buying any for years with all the bad reviews and counterfeit products making me weary of any deal that seems too reasonable or model with known issues.

  • [Request] Bleak/desolate/dreary looking movies. Basically where you seldom see the sun shine.
  • This is the extreme end of things but nearly every Zack Snyder movie, extreme because it specifically goes heavy on editing saturation, contrast, etc., that takes away the aspects of realism for this look to instead make it stylized in an exaggerated way on purpose.

    Joker (2019) plays with this look.

    A lot of noir-esque stuff will use this kind of look to varying degrees too. Dark City (1998), and a lot of the future/neo-noirs will do this even when bright cyberpunk lights are present. Zone 414 (2021) is another one. Live by Night (2016) uses it during the criminal activity scenes to contrast against the brighter, roaring world of the rich.

    I think there are a lot of better examples out there that I'm just not thinking of at the moment.

    Edit: Adding Prisoners (2013), Pan's Labyrinth (2006), Children of Men (2006), and Taxi Driver (1976) to the list.

  • He is the man
  • Though I walk through the valley of the shadow of Darths, I will fear no evil: for Obi-Wan art with me!

  • Justice League: Crisis on Infinite Earths Part Three | Official Trailer | Warner Bros. Entertainment
  • Part One was available on Max about three months after the Blu-Ray release for it (Part One had digital copies released Jan 9 and physical versions released Jan 23, with Max getting it on about April 26).

    I really wish they'd get specific about streaming dates but it does seem like Max is consistently getting this kind of stuff about three months after their initial release for purchase dates.

  • Stardew Valley is just spot on.
  • In Stardew Valley one of the questions the game asks during character creation is "what is your favorite thing?" where you can type anything you deem fit for you (and your character). Without knowing why it asks this (or completely knowing why) means that an honest answer like "tits" can happen organically or specifically just for the chuckles.

    Throughout the game, every time you find a Stardrop that increases your total energy bar, you are reminded of whatever favorite thing you entered at the start of the game.

  • blink blink blink blink
  • Get on up outta here with my eyeholes!

  • Notes from a year of reading science fiction and fantasy [potentially minor spoilers]
  • Definitely, in the show when we start meeting characters from their home city and really start to hear details about how they grew up it was such an eye opener. As soon as I heard there was a novella I smashed through it for the moment-to-moment details and really felt like I understood a lot about the character, by the end thinking "you know, all things considered, this character is actually far more well-adjusted than I gave them credit for initially" which, given the character, is saying something.

    I squeezed in the first chapter of Leech earlier today and it's very much the kind of "different" that I've been looking for! Getting these insights into how a character with a consciousness across multiple bodies thinks and feels is fascinating. Also, the description of the autopsy very much reminds me of watching Castlevania where I'm impressed and intrigued while also knowing there is no way I could read this book and eat food at the same time haha.

    Hmm you might have also convinced me to check out The Host after this. I'd adamantly stayed away from it because I got sent the first book from the big series she's known for in a care package and read it since the girl I was dating at the time really liked it, and it was one of the most miserable reading experiences of my life. Nothing against the swathes of people that loved her big blockbuster series, and I'm not saying reading them makes people dumber, but for me I found it harder and harder to think the further I got in and that terrified me. But, even the author herself said she wants to be remembered for The Host but knows people will only remember her big hit series instead. If it really is enough of a step up for her and others to say that, and it serves as a comparison to the kind of narrator perspective in Leech, I might just have to give her another shot.

  • Dallas Cowboys vs. San Francisco 49ers | 2023 Week 5 Game Highlights

    I loved watching this game. Enjoy the highlights!

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