ah seems like better times for the Lakota then
what kind of schools feed their kids sushi?? we're lucky if we get edible food
I've seen a lot of posts on sites like Instagram and Tiktok where artists post their timelapses proving they weren't using AI, so it seems like the future is now
coughing baby vs hydrogen bomb
more time to
much less cooler tho
0.02% of LA's population of 3.8 million? Are they saying a group of about 800 people alone commit 15% of all violent crime in LA? at that point you could just home all of them in a few apartment building
don't forget what araki did in part 2
why does every deranged lib talk like they're doing an anime cosplay roleplay tiktok
isn't this the plot to chicken little
its paid but btd6 is always a certified hood classic
humans developed intelligence
humans developed intelligent ways to combat disease
always liked playing pokemon while listening to slop in the background, esp. when I'm just replaying a game as nuzlocke challenge or what have you
i kinda do think plagiarism bad honestly
everytime one of these "ironic" communities pops up, they will always eventually devolve into unironic shit
case in point r gamersriseup a few years back on
You gotta keep him alive for the next go around!