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79°F "Heat Wave"
  • That sounds super frustrating, do you have any idea why that might be? I know certain conditions like Raynauds or some medication can fuck with temperature perception.

    Oh no worries, my partner described it to me that way as she gets pretty much the same symptoms in the heat that she gets in large crowds or noisy environments. Then we looked it up and other people (especially those with ASD) described it the same way!

  • 79°F "Heat Wave"
  • It is interesting to see high heat and associated sweating as quite a powerful stimulus which often causes overstimulation particularly in people with neuro divergence. So sometimes it's not even a heat tolerance problem but an overstimulation problem which NTs seem to have a hard time understanding.

    Also like others have said, perception of temperature changed is largely dependent on where your current baseline is.

  • US navy being comprehensively defeated by Ansar Allah who don't even have a navy will never stop being hilarious
  • My enemy keeps throwing pebbles at my house and I'm blocking them with flaming suitcases with a million dollars in each. Anyway, can you help me figure out why I can't afford to send my kids to the doctor?

  • Locked
    Bulletins and News Discussion from June 10th to June 16th, 2024 - Havana Derangement Syndrome - COTW: Cuba
  • Wtf is the point if a far right government if it doesn't even help the elites? Has anyone benefited from this idiot?

  • Locked
    Bulletins and News Discussion from June 10th to June 16th, 2024 - Havana Derangement Syndrome - COTW: Cuba
  • Everything declassified and in the past bad, everything currently happening good. Being skeptical of the agencies in the present is Russian/Chinese/Iranian propaganda. smuglord

  • Apparently the most characteristic feature of my speech is saying "side note" a lot
  • Bad vocal fry and just going "uhhhh" a lot seems to be a thing and also "if that makes sense?"

  • I hate electoralism.
  • I want a Hunter Biden dick shirt

  • A wargame simulated a 2nd Trump presidency. It concluded NATO would collapse.
  • Always knew the "What if?" machine from Futurama was real

  • Israeli Ambassador: "You are shredding the UN charter!" *Feeds UN Charter into minature paper shredder*
  • You just know he had imagined this being an epic display like in a scene of an overly dramatic law movie or something but instead it comes off like a skit of a dry satire lmao.

  • Locked
    Bulletins and News Discussion from May 6th to May 12th, 2024 - The Nagorno-Karabakh Nosedive - COTW: Armenia
  • Now imagine these morons having to face an actual peer rather than a poor nation recovering from years of starvation and war. Absolutely delusional.

  • Gov. DeSantis signs bill requiring teaching of history of communism in Florida schools
  • It taught me about all the cool drugs that were out there and how amazing they would make me feel!

  • Went to Xinjiang
  • Hmm there's soldier's rounding up and abducting all my Jewish neighbours, all their property and business have gone and are run by Germans now and every week there's a new explicit and implicit genocidal law passed... Anyway, probably nothing sinister going on.

  • NSFW
    Hasan Piker with the post of the year, bar none
  • It's in the constitution sweaty, look it up

  • Locked
    Bulletins and News Discussion from April 8th to April 14th, 2024 - First Iran-Israel War Megathread
  • By God you're saying they have developed their own Neuralink chips? We need Elon on the case right away

  • Locked
    Bulletins and News Discussion from April 8th to April 14th, 2024 - First Iran-Israel War Megathread
  • Wow, that is really fucked up! I guess my own slavic brain was too stupid to understand this. Thank you.

  • Locked
    Bulletins and News Discussion from April 8th to April 14th, 2024 - First Iran-Israel War Megathread
  • They're still going with the Russian zerg rush narrative though

  • How about reverse rehab?

    Feelings of wanting to dissappear and do nothing for a couple of days gave me a very good idea that would be a hit. Any enterprising individual should jump at this idea and make enough money to fund a revolutionary militia.

    So you've seen all these fancy rehabs where it's peaceful and in a pretty location. You can get looked after as you "recover" from your addiction and then promptly relapse after succeeding in lowering your tolerance enough. Rich waspy types love this stuff and will dish out lots of money to get it.

    The idea that I'm proposing is exactly this experience but they give you drugs instead of taking them away. Wouldn't it be lovely to dissappear for a couple of days while you get looked after and get given pharma grade heroin (or drug of your choosing). Then you can go back to your normal life and just tell people you were in rehab. Now you seem cool and mysterious to the people in your life because they think you're a tortured soul like Kurt Cobaine AND you had the best holiday of your life.

    Feedback would be appreciated.

    Why are right-wingers so vocal about their views? Or am I just unlucky?

    Just wondering what everyone thinks about this. In almost every place I've worked coworkers with right wing beliefs are never shy about giving their opinion and views on things.

    The major talking points are usually variations of stuff like: we spend to much on beneficiaries and they should stop being lazy and get a job. That poor people have kids so they can get free money from the government. We need or be tougher on crime. Even absurd shit like being outraged that a homeless person had a smartphone and indulging in such lavishness is why they're homeless etc etc

    Some of the shit I hear from otherwise seemingly lovely people is insane. I feel like I have to be so much more measured and have all my 'evidence' ready to defend my commie beliefs while these people can just say whatever bullshit they want and everybody just kinda nods in agreement.

    Is this a normal thing in the Angloverse? Is it because their views are essentially the status quo already and they have just fully internalised the capitalist propeganda?

    Please let me know
