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who's even worth voting for in the UK anymore
  • i wanted to vote northern independence but we don't have a candidate here powercry-2 we are objectively northern wtf

  • who's even worth voting for in the UK anymore

    they all seem so fucking useless. only the sinn féin/SNP seem even vaguely based and i can't vote for them.

    on the "left" in my area we have a candidate for labour, green, lib dem, social democratic party, and the worker's party. ngl i didn't know those last two even existed.

    i was going to vote workers party, because they're ostensibly socialists and they're the only party that's loud about supporting Palestine, but apparently they have some sus views on lgbt people and climate change :doomjak:

    so then what? the soc dems and greens seem pretty limp, the lib dems are liberals (and fucked their entire voter base last time they were in lmao), and labour are fucking open blairites now. honestly at this point i'm back around to feeling like, since they'll never get any power anyway, the most impactful thing i can do is to vote for the worker's party anyway just to send a message on palestine !ukkk !isntrael

    UK comrades, who are you voting for? (or are you not voting?)

    Gooners 4 Corbyn
  • i always saw it spelt "gunner"

    ... have i accidentally been gooning all of my life stress

  • Combining alcoholism and the stock exchange with a bar game is the latest example of manmade horrors beyond comprehension
  • aw i saw shitposts about this and thought it looked pretty fun, like stock trading but without the cruelty and capitalism and crushing horror. like the real stock market sucks shit but i'm baller at the cookie clicker stock market mini game.

  • Lmao you can't even visit Reddit anymore if you use a VPN
  • yeah, thats what switched me from using it occasionally to never.

    the odd occasion i go one some craft subreddit and have to turn my fucking vpn off for embroidery resources i radicalize all over again

  • :yea:
  • no skills

    i can absolutely guarantee that a food worker has more skills than me or literally anyone i know in tech

  • Sometimes I almost forget I live in the 4th Reich.
  • theres a guy at my work who's been incredibly helpful to me and has taken up all of the training that this bullshit company neglected to give me. he is lowkey the reason i still have a job. he has a bit of shaky grasp of the english language and i try to be patient with that and give him a hand, i don't think the rest of the team really talks to him because of his hit-or-miss english. sometimes we'll stay on a call even after work hours have ended to chat about football.

    and then, a few days ago, he tells me whats going on in fr*nch politics. this then rapidly progessed into open racism. he complained about immigrants not integrating, and the whole "there are parts of paris that the police are afraid to go to. because of the woke.", and how some socialist freaks don't like isreal and are clashing with police (BASED), and how all arabs are violent; its just innate, its their culture. he, not speaking good english in an english language company, had the gall to bitch about immigrants not knowing french

    he even tried to bond with me by being like "don't you guys have the whole knife crime thing? because of the violent immegrants?" FUCK OFF CLAUDE, KNIFECRIME IS OUR NATIONAL FUCKING SPORT ALL ON OUR OWN ukkk france-cool

    the whiplash from the only person in this company who has ever been decent to me (and is also my boss' boss) turning out to be a rabid reactionary is incredibly unsettling. i don't know what to do, or if i could even keep my job if i mention this to anyone. it was unrecorded, outside of work hours, and hes my only source of support in this bullshit fucking job. so yeah, don't ask, but they might tell you anyway doomjak

  • Don't go reading Old Man Zampan\u00f4's manuscripts, worse mistake of my life. Now I gotta deal with Old Man Zampan\u00f4 adding internal expansions to my house with galvanized square steel.
  • was that not the implication? i mean, certainly some of it probably happened, but i did just assume that johhny (drunk madman) was not having the greatest times regardless of whatever he might say.

    i figured that the sickening, unnerving, body-horror esq way that the woman with the Pekinese was described was closer to what was actually going on. i figured all these girls were somewhere between absolutely average and just having the worst times of their lives, like johnny, but we were getting his tilted/exagerated perspective - only one of these encounters was actually confirmed to have happened (as much as anything is ever confirmed in this book lol).

  • I really hope they dont make MGS political :/
  • he plays world of warcraft and, as a wow player, i can tell you that the only cure for that is wall-talk how-compelling-flipped

  • My cat bit my hand because i called her pudgy and jiggled her belly
  • dislikes communists

    cat named maggie

    damn, i can't believe you named your cat after margaret thatcher visible-disgust

  • The least nazi defending terf
  • to be fair, this is just general lib shit. like, you'll find a shittonne of people who are 100% "trans rights are human rights!!! ^_^ (but we need to fund the police, blow up muslims, and protect nazis UwU)"

  • I love when things are named exactly what they do
  • you don't have a seperate brush for each tooth? fucking commies smh

  • NSFW
    [CW: Penis talk] Completely normal - Ai
  • i love that the CW is "penis talk" not bugs or anything. which implies that this is just a normal part of life for people with dicks... scared

  • Always the same countries
  • because they have spent approximately 0.5 seconds of their lives thinking about foreign policy. they simply Do Not look at this

  • Honestly can't even hate these articles, they keep giving me good ideas
  • harold-manic jesus fucking christ

    what is the point of a federal government if not to set regulations and minimums like that (obviously the purpose of the US federal governemnt is to serve the bourgeoisie, but goddamn how does it get away with being so much more mask off than all the other bourgeois states)

  • Honestly can't even hate these articles, they keep giving me good ideas
  • Workers who receive 11 to 15 days of PTO each year

    in amerikkka you're allowed to give your emplyees 11 days vacation per fucking year?? land of the free lmao amerikkka amerikkka amerikkka

  • General election latest: Rishi Sunak announces 4 July vote in Downing Street statement - BBC News
  • why is he doing it early? i figured the tories were desperately holding on and hoping something big happened to give them some chance of winning, but i'm pretty sure the tories are as fucked as they always were thonk

  • Nazis' anonymous
  • idk, i know this is probably happening on twitter for sus reasons, but in practical terms this seems like a straight upgrade? tumblr lets you hide your likes and thats great - i don't neccessarily need people who i want to have genuine conversations with exposed to my piss kink lmao, or to see that i'm into [name of trashy tv show here]. if anything this will improve engagement because you're not making a Statement everytime you hit the little heart button. generally more privacy is more good isn't it?

  • Does anyone have any good SQL resources?

    I've never touched SQL but some friends said that its a language you can basically learn in an afternoon, so I put it on my CV and applied to some jobs that say they want SQL lol. But now I've actually gotten an interview and I'd like to not get caught out as bullshitting - is it as easy as my friends say and do any of yall have some good resources about learning/using it? In the past I've had pdfs that take you from nothing to profiecency in a language and I'd love something similar, but now that I've graduated I don't have access to stuff like that anymore. I have a shittonne of experience in python if that helps (although at a glance nothing i'm seeing online looks much like python, but i'm told that you can implement it through python or something?)

    Most stuff I can find quickly either try to make you pay for it or they're videos instead of text and that doesn't really play well with the adhd. Do you guys have anything? Thanks for the help scamming a corporation comrades !meow-hug

    fucking christ i hate the middle class

    like i know these people are technically meant to be our allies because they don't own the means of production, but how the fuck do you spend more than my family's annual income on fast food? how are we meant to find common ground with people who are able and happy to do this? !visible-disgust

    edit: turns out this is a repost. sorry. but still, i standby my disgust

    Lerios Lerios [hy/hym]
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