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Lost your only source of income? Well people died in the holocaust so deal with it lol
  • That was my reaction as well upon seeing this post lmao

  • deleted
  • Yes it's anarchist, which is leftist

    You could Google that instead of asking someone you obviously just want to dunk on

    Go away

  • deleted
  • You shouldn't have to, but unfortunately the doors won't open otherwise 😁

  • deleted
  • "Mobs" is a loaded word. This isn't vigilante justice. This is how social systems work.

    Sorry, I thought this was "lefty memes," not "bootlicker memes." My mistake.

  • deleted
  • This sounds very classist to me. Level of education has nothing to do with being a good person. If you're educated, but you're too cowardly to stand up for what's right, then your education is a complete waste.

  • deleted
  • The people getting forced off the train are the ones being bigots. For example, people who make comments against gay people, women, trans people, or black people. People who act like that get forced off at the next stop. Not just bigots, but I've seen people taking creepshots of young women get pressured off the train/bus as well. No cops needed. Does this make sense?

    It doesn't happen every time, but it happens enough in certain neighborhoods. I've seen it multiple times.

  • deleted
  • Looks like the people who are hurt are the ones downvoting a perfectly good meme. Just because y'all let bigots use you as a doormat doesn't mean we're all pathetic cowards.

  • rule
  • You monster!

  • YSK Various Reference Sites
  • This is great! Thank you so much for compiling these resources. I've bookmarked it for reference. Please don't delete it!

  • Sphomgebøb rule
  • Thanks for the tip. I'll be sure not to post any!

  • deleted
  • What the fuck does this have to do with forcing bigots off the train? Clueless ass comment. Blocked.

  • deleted
  • I'm sorry you don't ride with better people. It's great to see!

  • Deleted
    acab rule
  • I'd even give them a Chicago Sunroof

  • rule
  • You are literally the Joker

  • And it was a huge PBSuccess!
  • It was hilarious seeing companies scrambling to do damage control and showing their full ass in the process!

  • Migrant Crisis Complicates Democrats’ Bid to Regain George Santos’s Seat
  • Fuck those racist suburbanites. It's not ok to disseminate the racist myth about a border "crisis" just to win political favor. Fuck anyone -- Democrat, Republican, or other -- that contributes to this.

    Edit: That sounded really negative. If you support open borders, then I hope you have a great day!

  • And it was a huge PBSuccess!
  • I think about this tweet a lot.

  • Meet Graham Rule
  • I've noticed the same!

  • Deleted
    acab rule
  • 196 world tour it is, then!

  • Good clock!
  • NO! Everyone MUST speak how I do at all times, or they're WRONG!

    There's only one way to speak, and any linguistic deviation will be reported to the POLICE!

  • Hey mods, ya think you might get around to removing that CSAM that's been up for hours?

    Probably wise to block this community. This ain't the first time this has happened. I'd suggest leaving for your own good.

    Proton keeps dodging my questions

    I've had it up to here with Proton.

    I'm an Unlimited subscriber, but even so I receive promotional ads in the Proton VPN app for Android (e.g., "Limited time offer..." or "x% off..."), which is something I find distracting and weird, since my subscription is active. These promotions don't always appear in the app, but it was really bad around the turn of the new year. It made me feel like I was using some sketchy crapware I accidentally downloaded from the Play store vs. a legitimate VPN app.

    Let me make this clear: I am not talking about emails! I know how to manage emails, but for some weird reason, it's all anyone ever responds with. If one more person replies with information on how to manage email subscriptions, so help me...

    I am specifically talking about promotions that appear to be baked into the app itself and are indismissable and perpetually visible within the app. (See my examples above, if you're still confused by what I mean. I wish I'd taken screenshots last time it happened.)

    Another issue I've had with Proton is that occasionally I will receive popups on their web site that entirely obstruct the screen and have no way to bypass them. Here's an example of one advertising Proton Pass, that has no x button and nothing to click except "Start using Proton Pass now," which is not something I want to do!

    If you check my comment history, you can see multiple instances of my asking the Proton fediverse account (I think they're on Mastodon) about these things, and every time without fail, they reply telling me how to manage email subscriptions, which (to be clear) IS NOT AT ALL WHAT I'M TALKING ABOUT, IN FACT I WAS VERY EXPLICIT ABOUT THIS.

    So I finally contacted them via support. Here's what I said:

    >How can I disable notifications for promotions on your web site? (See:

    >How can I disable notifications for promotions in the Proton VPN app for Android?

    >I'm not talking about emails, but about the "50% off now!!!!" or "Try our new product!!!" style advertisements that I keep seeing.

    >I am a subscriber to Unlimited, and I do not want to see these self-promoting ads from Proton.

    Let me just quote this one more time. I said:

    >I'm not talking about emails

    So here's the response I got:


    I ... I can't fucking believe it.

    I've sent one last message about this, but I don't feel very hopeful at this point. If they replied with something like, "Unfortunately, we don't allow users to dismiss promotions," I could probably live with that ... but this total dodging and ignoring simple questions is a huge red flag. Do I trust these people with my privacy when they can't even answer a simple question?

    Fortunately, all of these services have viable alternatives, so if they are unable to answer me this time, then farewell to Proton. I'm sick of this shit.


    I got less than 2 hours of sleep and I'm having a terruleble day at work

    Edit: Reading what makes you happy helped me through the day. I wish you all the greatest of happiness!

    YouTube clickbait is out of contrule

    I'm sure these freak events really happened, but it seems irresponsib(ru)le to make people feel like this might happen to them, just for views

    Update: I have hidden channel names in the interest of letting people know this is criticizing the tr(ul)end, and not any specific YouTubers

    Edit: If you're here to discuss any particular YouTuber, please scroll down. I've already had this discussion, and I have nothing more to consider or add regarding this derailment. I've fixed the problem by posting an edited image. Thank you so much!

    Moldy Monday rule

    This is one of the oldest images on my phone

    How does ransomware get into major networks, such as schools or other large public agencies?

    I read an article about ransomware affecting the public transportation service in Kansas, and I wanted to ask how this can happen. Wikipedia says these are "are typically carried out using a Trojan, entering a system through, for example, a malicious attachment, embedded link in a phishing email, or a vulnerability in a network service," but how? Wouldn't someone still have to deliberately click a malicious link to install it? Wouldn't anyone working for such an agency be educated enough about these threats not to do so?

    I wanted to ask in that community, but I was afraid this is such a basic question that I felt foolish posting it there. Does anyone know the exact process by which this typically can happen? I've seen how scammers can do this to individuals with low tech literacy by watching Kitboga, but what about these big agencies?

    Edit: After reading some of the responses, it's made me realize why IT often wants to heavily restrict what you can do on a work PC, which is frustrating from an end user perspective, but if people are just clicking links in emails and not following basic internet safety, then damn.

    Game night at my house rule

    I'll put a bunch of pretzels into a bowl like Jesse Pinkman, it'll be great

    LinkOpensChest_wav Mario_Dies.wav

    Account abandoned due to dbzer0 members disparaging me for sharing my experiences and trying to provide interesting leftist OC


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