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The terror against homeless will continue as scheduled
  • getting real hard to make excuses for the terror

  • Has anyone ever gone so far as decided to look so Medicare?
  • he is literally less coherent than some dementia patients and that's not a joke, it's just really fucking grim

  • Stem-oids that even talk about this should be hanged from their endtrails as a warning to others.
  • we invented a machine that give you CPTSD in less than a smoke break. we believe this will increase productivity for workers and businesses.

  • They’re finally talking about replacing Biden
  • baby-matt and when the world needed him most, he disappeared

  • They’re finally talking about replacing Biden
  • smh these posers simply believe their lying eyes, biden is doing great jokermala

  • ITT: I post pictures of Biden looking like a lich
  • it's baffling. trump said some of the most unhinged shit that he's ever said, and i can't really remember it because of how biden was. we have anderson cooper asking kamala harris point blank "is he like this every day?"

  • ITT: I post pictures of Biden looking like a lich
  • oh he really really really needs to stop trying to fucking smile lol

  • ITT: I post pictures of Biden looking like a lich
  • got two of my own. my god does he look and sound like he's dying, so much so that it distracts from the genuinely insane shit that trump is saying.

  • For threads sorting is broken. Clicking - top, controversial, new, old - does nothing. I'm on a desktop.
  • for me this seems to be working on desktop, both in sorting of posts and sorting of comments within a post

  • The tech bros truly inhabit different world
  • maybe certain ones, but it's generally bad about numbers and mathematical reasoning. he also gets paid to make it fail at math, and it's arguably worse at basic math than physics.

  • The tech bros truly inhabit different world
  • my friend is doing gig work to make chatgpt better at just boring old textbook physics problems, and it's complete dogshit at it. so uh, sure man. nice brainworms you got there.

  • Critical support from the volcel police
  • That should pair nicely with the spyware he voluntarily installed on his and his sons electronics

  • For your viewing displeasure, I present the absolute grimmest one of these I've ever seen.

    CW: Colonial Murder

  • How do I make my business legally worker-owned?
  • There might be information in the orbit of Richard Wolf's work since he's so big on co op advocacy.

  • What have I been doing while the site was down you ask? Chappell Roan - Pink Pony Club (Official Music Video)

    Chappell Roan – Pink Pony Club Download/stream "Pink Pony Club": Director: Griffin Stoddard Production Co: Dreambear EP: Evan Brown Producer: Danny Pollack Choreo: Ashley Robicheaux DP: Oren Soffer PD: Armando Vernet Art Director: Blake Hilton Prop Maste...

    Chappell Roan - Pink Pony Club (Official Music Video)


    Rep. Jamaal Bowman, a vocal Israel critic and 'squad' member, loses primary
  • the message is clear: the party line on funding genocide is nonnegotiable.

  • The US is cooked. It really is.
  • turns out that providing no education about human genitalia means that most adults are absolutely fucking clueless about the average human body

  • NSFW
    (cw: fatphobia) H Pearl Davis sister go on chapo
  • wonder-who-thats-for my family members are urging me to self-harm, am i the problem?

  • Uh oh. DPRK is a slave state according to liberal NGO 😱
  • are they just conveniently ignoring amerikkkan prison labor?

  • RIP Red Lobster, you died doing what you loved

    catastrophically underestimating the cost of a poorly thought-out deal on cheap shellfish

    going to Alabama really makes you *feel* like you're surrounded by sociopathic fascists

    I'm here for a wedding, I couldnt bring grass with obviously, I'm surrounded by racist christofascists and they keep asking me about work. I hate it here.
