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  • Let the balkanization and infighting among New Englanders begin

  • Europe is not a continent. It's Eurasia.
  • West Asian Peninsula

  • So what's your favorite video game mod?
  • Enderal was really good. Don't think I ever finished the game because I lost my save, but there was a lot to that game and the map was designed really well (especially the capital city).

  • So what's your favorite video game mod?
  • Proton VPN is now free and open-source and (I believe) they just made it so you can use it without an account.

  • It's dialectical you see
  • I need the lore. What did Pierre do that makes Jojomart look proletarian?

  • Oh shit look who's back
  • Creamsicle's back!

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    Are you Vegan? If not, what are your reasons?
  • Yikes. If I had that kind of experience I would do the same thing, and I'm sorry you went through that.

  • Deleted
    Are you Vegan? If not, what are your reasons?
  • I mean, I knew it was a possibility, but I kind of did everything I could to prevent it. That's why I clarified my intentions going in while also asking people to be civil. It was good to see why people do or do not do something, and the beliefs that guide their reasoning, for myself if I ever have to abandon the consumption aspect of veganism and for others who I may have to educate in the future. I learned a lot today, and I think it's good to see other people's point of view when I live a pretty isolated lifestyle.

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    Are you Vegan? If not, what are your reasons?
  • It's hard when other people are buying the food, and a partner is one of the prospects I fear when it comes to Veganism.

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    Are you Vegan? If not, what are your reasons?
  • Meds are meds, if you need to take them there's not much you can do to avoid those kind of things. There's a reason people say to so when possible and practical.

  • Deleted
    Are you Vegan? If not, what are your reasons?
  • True, I actually started getting vegan ice cream before I went Vegan. I just thought it tasted better, and it didn't upset my stomach as much.

  • Deleted
    Are you Vegan? If not, what are your reasons?
  • I love anxiety so much. /s

  • Deleted
    Are you Vegan? If not, what are your reasons?
  • REAL. I bought morningstar (Kellogs) stuff once only to see it wasn't vegan despite being shelved with other vegan food. That part about the pandemic is also interesting, how would people react is animal product once again became more expensive and inaccessible? Something to study if it ever happens again I guess.

  • Deleted
    Are you Vegan? If not, what are your reasons?
  • I used to (and still kind of do) have issues when it comes to food waste. I actually made a post about it in the vegan comm, and there was a bit of debate around the subject Beliefs tended to lean towards moving away from seeing animals as consumable, though some did say that they will eat animal product if it meant it would be thrown away. Either way, I would personally still see them as vegan, being "pure" doesn't matter as much as believing in the ethics of the meaning behind the movement itself.

  • Deleted
    Are you Vegan? If not, what are your reasons?
  • Seriously, why hasn't any company released tubs of vegan ice cream, they would make so much money sadness. Cut frozen fruit is delicious though (and more healthy so I'm glad I was pushed in that direction), blend it with some soy (or other plant) milk and it makes a nice, sweet, and cold treat.

  • Deleted
    Are you Vegan? If not, what are your reasons?
  • Don't beat yourself up over it :). You're already better than many others admitting that it is important from an ethical standpoint. There are many others, including some who would call themselves educators or agitators, who don't think it important enough to discuss at all.

  • Deleted
    Are you Vegan? If not, what are your reasons?
  • Change seems to be a big factor for a lot of people. I had a feeling it would be, change is really hard. That cognitive block could also potentially come from some sort of neurodivergence. At least for me, AuDHD tends to make any sort of change more difficult.

  • Deleted
    Are you Vegan? If not, what are your reasons?
  • It's tough when other people you are around present themselves as obstacles, it's actually one of the topics of the little essay I mentioned. I will say that any potential quality of life decrease would come from tensions surrounding people you know. It's also change that challenges existing norms, which I of all people definitely understand is extremely daunting.

  • Destiny Potato - Addict

    Another Destiny Potato banger. I enjoy this song for similar reasons as the rest of the "LUN" album, so I won't talk to much. Enjoy!

    Not quite sure the credits, information on this band is a bit scarce

    Vocals: Aleksandra Djelmash Guitars: Dusan Vanja Andrijasevic, David Maxim Micic Bass: Bojan Kvocka Drums: Milan Jejina Yeqy Programming, Synths, etc.: David Maxim Micic (I think)

    Libs always manage to surprise me

    I made a comment on the world news comm saying it would be funny if the DNC had Bernie and Hillary debate for the candidacy (as a Biden replacement). It was downvoted (later upvoted, probably by left-wing .ml users) with .worlders leaving comments like "We need more radical (as in Bernie or AOC) candidates, or no to Hillary but yes to Bernie. The funny part comes in where a shitjustworks user comes in saying " It's her turn". At first I thought this was ironic (as it should be) so I sent this emoji (🤣). They downvoted my comment (the only interaction with that comment so it was most likely them). They UNIRONICALLY said it was her turn. I'm way too used to Hexbear and the Lemmygrad/.ml users that are willing to interact on it, I was not ready for the pure liberalism and reddit vibes that awaited me on .ml (not even .world).

    TL;DR, someone on .ml said "it's her turn" unironically, it's funny if not a bit strange, and every time I see someone coment or post about "saving american democracy" all I can think of (not say, I don't want to get banned) is Death to Amerikkka.

    Destiny Potato - Lost Dream

    I found this band while looking for dent/prog vocalists I could potentially voice train to, and now I have another band I think I'll add to my rotation. The vocalist is really good, and I love the style of vocals that is done over the instrumentals (which is rare for me, it's why I can't quite get into a lot of the djenty-metalcore stuff). The instrumentals themselves are also great, with drums I could never hope to play along to, djent guitars, and the prog feel that really makes the djent "genre". Also for some reason a certain portion of the main riff reminds me of Periphery's "Icarus Lives" so I'm sharing this song first, though they have another one that I will likely share in the near future due to how good it is.

    Not quite sure the credits, information on this band is a bit scarce

    • Vocals: Aleksandra Djelmash
    • Guitars: Dusan Vanja Andrijasevic, David Maxim Micic
    • Bass: Bojan Kvocka
    • Drums: Milan Jejina Yeqy
    • Programming, Synths, etc.: David Maxim Micic (I think)

    Also this band is Serbian, so Serbia has been mentioned; Yugoslavs and Serbs rejoice (i'm not serbian lol)

    Luna Luna [she/her, it/its]

    Hi, I'm Luna !trans-vegan I used to live here:


    I like nature, history, FOSS, and socialism! Please be patient with me, as I have AuDHD (bars)

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