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"I’m just focusing on the present because the future is depressing"
  • I'm not here because I care what those others think

  • Wasps
  • I can’t blame them for not understanding the significance of human communications infrastructure, but I wish they wouldn’t set up camp in poorly tended mailboxes. Granted, ants are worse about this by some distance. (I’ve also had to deal with small birds while delivering)

    All things considered, though, they’re cool if you give them an appropriate berth

  • Boo! Something exciting and interesting happened!!! Boo!!!!!
  • If memory serves they used something water soluble, didn’t they?

  • NSFW
    "Nick Fuentes' BADASS security!"
  • Nick Fuentes hires worst hired goons ever seen, asked to leave club

  • Louisiana passes into law that the Ten Commandments must be posted in all school classrooms
  • Yeah, it's interesting. I was just kind of a RationalWiki type then so I already kind of broke left, mostly just seems like it's some of the bigger figures that broke right?

    I hear TJ ended up leaning more into the left politics. Not sure about that, though, haven't really thought of the guy in a while.

  • This community note is fuckin wild.
  • One of the things I'll continue to say I liked about Obama was the gestures towards lightening up on Cuba. Not that they'd add up to anything, but hell, it seemed like the cold war status quo might get left behind to me at that point.

  • Louisiana passes into law that the Ten Commandments must be posted in all school classrooms
  • It's a shame a lot of the NuAtheists ended up breaking right because I can relate with wanting to irritate the shit out of these people at every possible opportunity

  • Looks like someone hit a nerve
  • He's got better politics than I'd expect of a host of a broadcast TV show on a major network, but he's not really anyone I care that much about either. I don't really watch TV, and (more importantly) these personalities have expiration dates. At one point I liked Colbert but he became quaint in the face of Chapo; eventually Chapo themselves became quaint as a broader swath of podcasts did the things they did better. Eventually they too will become quaint as my interests move elsewhere and i crave increasingly outwardly belligerent media.

  • What is an underrated/forgotten video game that you think deserved a second chance?
  • Seibu Kaihatsu's Dynamite Duke (1989), a pretty novel hybrid Cabal-like/Beat-'em-up with a lot of love put into it. The arcade version's got a pretty slick art direction, the environmental destruction vfx rock, and the animation's pretty slick. The whole thing's got that passion project charm to it. Unfortunately, Cabal clones were only really in vogue in that late '80s/early '90s space, and the beat 'em up gameplay isn't fleshed out or consistently applied enough to be satisfying in a post-Final Fight, post-Streets of Rage world. I'd like to see something like it, but there's no way to bring Duke into the world of modern game design practices without drastic reformulation at a minimum.

    Notably, Seibu had really high hopes for Duke, being a passion project and a intended magnum opus. Unfortunately, lukewarm reception brought in poor returns, the company slipped into dire straits, and they were forced to make something simpler and lower stakes as a hail mary. That title - a simple, Toaplan-esque shooter nobody had any real faith in - turned out to be Raiden, which would become a darling in arcades, pushing 17,000 units solds worldwide in the first year after release, and becoming the fifth highest grosser on the Japanese market in 1991. (Beating out some offerings from much bigger players like Konami)

  • Slurs becoming normalized in 2024?
  • I'm glad I told some right winger I was gonna kill and eat his kids to get banned on purpose tbh

  • Progressivism started when Gamergaters harassed me, it ended when leftists criticized me
  • Then what the hell were the alter-globaliazation guys doing 20 years ago?

  • Gaza aid pier removed, satellite images show | REUTERS
  • It's like they're trying to destroy everyone's trust in them. Can't even toe the whole "Villain with good publicity" line effectively.

  • Ruby the Hatchet - Last Saga
    Can Donkey Kong fans explain this for me?
  • Least horny Rareware-adjacent female character

  • Libs: Evil Tankie Jon Stewart believes the US is to blame for Russia invading Ukraine.
  • Oh god these types are gonna drift right and become Neocons 2, aren't they

  • Queer Harmer is a true gay understander
  • Where's that one Sweet Caroline remix from forever ago with the drop that sounded like a bass boosted version of the "You fucked up" noise from some game show? Wait a second here it is

    Also I'd be double fisting Malört and blasting "Cortar Todo" by Zu

  • "Ideally the lord" - a great example why the Bruenigs routinely delete their tweets.
  • We need an American supercomputer, a Chinese supercomputer, and a Russian supercomputer. Once we have those, we can make the dreAM real

  • "Ideally the lord" - a great example why the Bruenigs routinely delete their tweets.
  • In essence, the church (or rather, whichever particular subfaction of a sect has the strength or finesse to make their pick happen)

  • The British suffer such a poor diet that their intake involves rubber as a primary ingredient Baked beans recalled because they may contain rubber balls

    The balls, about 2.5cm in diameter, are a choking hazard and have been found in tins of beans sold at three major UK supermarkets.

    Baked beans recalled because they may contain rubber balls
    The next step up from galaxy brain

    Also shout-out to the late '00s fad of pseudo-medical games trying to cash in on Brain Age
