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What industry do you work in and what are the LPT the general public should know about it?
  • For android it's power+volume up to bring up the power options menu (shutdown, restart, etc) and there is a "lock down" option that disables biometric unlock.

    Wish I could do it with one hand, but good to know it's there.

  • A PR disaster: Microsoft has lost trust with its users, and Windows Recall is the straw that broke the camel's back
  • Yup. I can say for sure that SSDs were certainly a game changer, but now we have systems with like 10x the processing power that operate at the same speeds because the power has been spent on poorly optimized code and bloatware.

    Sigh... I'm going to have to start fucking around with Linux, aren't I?

  • People will find anything to be upset about
  • I disagree. Robots could still be designed to work and fit in human spaces but be much more versatile with more limbs. Like they could have 4 legs that are the same size as 2 human legs (think 2 human legs split right down the center). Robots don't need muscle mass in order to carry their weight. You can fit way more in a smaller space with pneumatics. You could have arms that split apart into more arms when needed. Why only 5 fingers per hand? Why only 1 thumb per hand? Why only eyes/cameras on the head? They should have eyes/cameras everywhere. Every place you can put them. Bipedal is good enough for us because it's what we have. When you get to design something from the ground up, make it harder, better, faster, stronger.

  • A PR disaster: Microsoft has lost trust with its users, and Windows Recall is the straw that broke the camel's back
  • The worst part is that Windows can do that, but Microsoft insists on enshittifying it. Like Windows 11 isn't that terrible if it wasn't for all of the data collection and advertisements and other shit.

    I miss the Windows 7 days where you could download a stripped down ISO that was just the OS. It launched your programs of choice and didn't suck up your battery running unnecessary junk.

  • Ultrakill dev says it's fine to pirate his game if you don't have money to spare: 'Culture shouldn't exist only for those who can afford it'
  • In my teenage years and early 20s I pirated everything because I was broke. I could squirrel away enough money to build a low grade gaming computer and the benefit to me was "I don't have to pay for games because I can pirate them". That or I survived on Demo CDs that came with magazines I got at the book store (and later on I think it was If it wasn't for these resources, I probably never would have gotten into PC gaming.

    Now that I have expendable income, I buy games that I want to play.

    I would never have been a customer if I wasn't originally a pirate. It's the circle of life.

    Also I just went and bought this game because I have money to support shit like this and I'm all about supporting developers who understand.

  • What's the strangest job title you've ever heard?
  • Not me but a buddy of mine was a "Cheese Monger". I always found that one pretty funny.

    Also when I was in high school, I was going through a book of prefessions in "Careers" class and I found "Chick Sexer". Heh... Heheh... Chick Sexer.

  • 54% of Gen Z Shoppers Use Pay Later Plans to Buy Groceries
  • I used one of those short term financing things to buy a video card a couple years back. I think I paid 4% interest over 3 months which wasn't bad at all considering my original plan was to put it on my credit card and pay it off over 3 months at like 20% interest. As long as you have the means to pay these things back, they aren't bad at all. If you cannot pay them back, they can and will fuck you in every orafice with no lube.

  • Humanity making progress like it always does
  • Not quite correct. The 2020 image should have a car completely covered in a dust of green pollen because city planners only planted male trees for decades because female trees would produce fruit or seed and be a "nuisance" and/or create trash/animal bait etc...

    But if they only planted female trees, they would never get fertilized, so they wouldn't produce fruit anyway... Or pollen.

    Worst case scenario, they would produce fruit, and cities would still smell bad and have rodent problems. But without the allergies.

  • Ant smell
  • I have really annoying hearing. I'm not sure how to fully describe it but my ears are super tuned into sounds. Very often I will be sitting with my wife or somebody else and I am like "do you hear that?" and they are like "wtf are you talking about?" and I have to be like "Shhh... That! Did you hear it?" and they are like "no wtf" and then I'm like "Wait no no... Wait... That! Did you hear it?" and they are like "Wait yeah... How tf did you hear that while we were talking? Were you paying attention?" and I'm like "No, I wasn't because I kept hearing this noise"...

    Like... Sometimes people's voices just sound like noises and I can't hear them unless I focus because my ears are listening to the noises around me. It can be really frustrating.

  • I want to get into coffee, where do I start?

    So I have drank coffee on and off since I was a teenager, and I recently took probably a 2 year break from it. When I was drinking coffee, it was usually because they had a pod system at work, and it was an excuse to get up from my desk and take a break. With that said, I have been watching this Netflix show Resident Alien recently, and there is a lot of coffee drinking in it, and I started craving a hot cup. On my way home from dropping my daughter off at daycare, I stopped at the local gas station\market and got a cup and was like "Man, I miss coffee, and this coffee is pretty terrible."

    So this got me thinking that I want to get back into morning coffee tradition, but I no longer work in an office, I work from home. I don't want to go pod system because they are wasteful, weak, and a pain in the but to clean\maintain. My wife doesn't drink coffee, so I don't need to make a whole pot. So I was thinking of going French press, as that seems to be suggested in a lot of places for single-serve.

    Do you folks have a suggestion on French press brands? I know it's a pretty simple mechanism, but I'm not against spending a couple extra bucks to get something that will enhance my coffee making\drinking experience. Additionally, I am looking for something that will filter out as many grounds as possible. Are you guys for\against paper filters? Should I get a metal one? Do I need one of those things that goes on top of my mug to hold the filter? Where do I start?

    I know coffee can get really mad scientist really quick, and I'm not trying to go that route (yet). My brother-in-law has one of those electric kettles that gets to an exact temperature, and he grinds his own beans and weights them, and does the whole swirly pour to get "the perfect cup" and while that seems cool, I am not ready to take it to that level.

    So what is your suggestion on "starter builds"?

    Also, what about beans? Do I grind my own? Do I start with store bought stuff (I always liked Cafe Bustelo)?

    Any and all advice is welcome.

    Edit: I also forgot to add - I have read about cold brewing being really smooth. How do I cold brew and heat it back up? Do people do that? Would love to hear more about it.

    Edit2: Oh man, this community is awesome! I didn't expect so many great responses. Pulling the trigger on an Aeropress after reading all the comments here and watching some James Hoffman videos about it. It definitely looks like the right fit for me. I'm not going to get a grinder quite yet, as I feel like I am just beginning my journey and I don't want to go balls to the wall right out the gate. There is a coffee shop right down the street from me that sells\grinds beans, so that sounds like the best bet for trying different things.

    Sxan mentioned the Toddy's kit, and that also has my interest. Maybe that's next after a grinder. I have a feeling I am about to go down an expensive caffeine fueled rabbit hole. Wish me luck. I will report back.

    Anyway to get Samsung Smart Tags to work on Pixel 8?

    I have been living in the Samsung ecosystem for quite a long time now, and i finally decided to make the switch to Pixel because the 8 looked pretty great, and it was time for a new phone.

    Big surprise to me, is that I can no longer use any of my Samsung Smart Tags, which I have quite a few of (Dog collar, Luggage, Car, eScooter, Keys, Backpack, etc).

    I am pretty upset with this, as I purchased the smart tag pro's, and it wasn't exactly cheap. I previously had some Tile devices, but I found them to be incredibly unreliable, and I really don't want to have to re-purchase a bunch of devices and the things that hold them (collar, waterproof container etc).

    With all of that said, is there any unofficial way to get the Samsung smart devices working on a Pixel? From my understanding, they are just bluetooth devices. I don't see why there would be any physical restriction to pairing them to my Pixel, it's just the software stopping it. Like is there some kind of jailbroken Samsung Smart Things apk that tells the app that you're on a Samsung device? I've looked around but haven't had much luck finding antyhing, so I thought I might ask here.

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