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President Biden is my friend. He...
  • I'm not sure if the Zoomers around here know who Friedman is, but imagine if you spent 50 years distilling pure neolib lanyard essence, and then found the most incorrect man in the world and replaced his cerebral-spinal fluid with it.

    He is the most Biden voter it is possible to be and he is abandoning him.

  • Workers & Resources: why do buildings cost money?
  • You can totally make things without paying for anything other than a minimal starting industry. Look up tutorials for cosmonaut mode if you want to go hermit kingdom. (or if you're really insane, sputnik mode where you install mods turning the place into a horse drawn 1917 economy)

  • They are losing their apparatchiks
  • Tom L Freidman has abandoned him! (!!!)

  • My lib friend, unprompted, posted this bullshit
  • In this metaphor we are Vegan.

  • If they replace Biden... 1 Who replaces him? 2 What happens from now until election day? 3 What happens on election day?
  • Juan Guaido has announced that he is interim Democratic Party candidate.

    Either that or Jeb!

  • We got like 4 hours left to talk.
  • Elden Ring.

    Currently re-reading Hwang's Anarchism in Korea in preparation for a delve into some primary sources on the KPAM I finally rediscovered.

  • Tumblr: If you refuse to support the person carrying out a genocide of millions of people, "you have an incredible amount of privilege" and actually DON'T care about Palestine. Here's a helpful chart!
  • This kind of presumes the policy difference here is between, say, the Nazis and the SPD (who btw were shooting communists dead in the street as late as 1930) and not, say, the Nazis and the DNVP. There are purity tests, and genocide is a pretty fair one.

    Ultimately though if you're for "harm reduction", only foreign policy matters by an order of magnitude, and you should vote for whoever will fuck up US hegemony the most.

  • Gee, I wonder what gamers are saying about Monster Hunter Wilds! I bet everyone's excited about the monsters!
  • I think you'll find this is Rikku from FFX, right down to the age unfortunately.

  • Story's of dudes who were creeps to women you guys know?
  • Good to hear the Basque Space Program is still active.

  • Australia just did that.
  • Look, the loss in the 2nd Emu war was culturally scarring, and when we found out they were fleeing the Cassowary advance...

  • Does anyone remember when Julian Assange was accused of sexual assault? What happened with that?
  • It's both. He's a dick but at least one of the women expressly did not want charges pressed and they went and did anyway whcich makes me so fucking mad.

  • Most intelligent πŸ‡¦πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡ΊπŸ‡¦πŸ‡ΉπŸ‡Ό poster
  • I mean from personal experience Assange is a bit of a dickhead and has more brainworms than a kennedy.

    Still like him more than this guy, winner of the coveted "most racist Australian" award.

    Glad he's back

  • Germany Once Again Mandates Allegiance to Fascism
  • We should have gone with the Morganthau Plan

  • Thoughts on spirit ashes in Elden ring?
  • You can take my jellyfish girlfriend from my cold undead hands.

  • How does your own medecine tastes
  • "Oh no, my petard!"

  • looking for unpaid administrator
  • A fucking background check LMAO! Also if you do meet all those requirements you have better things to do, like earn 150k a year for the same number of hours and use it to fund your Maoist Insurgency.

  • Boeing does it again.
  • The Dragon in question is kitted for 3. There's also an emergency evac capsule (Still a Soyuz I think EDIT: Yes, Soyuz MS-25!). But that's only another 2-3 and having US astronauts brought back by Roscosmos would be.....embarassing.

  • Boeing does it again.
  • They're Boeing to die!

    (Actually probably not, Space X, Russia, or China will have to send something up to rescue them, and I don't think Musk has a capsule ready for at least another 2 months.)

  • Boo! Something exciting and interesting happened!!! Boo!!!!!
  • "Despite our image of Stonehenge as a grey, austere structure, during the late Tupperware/Wrapper Culture at the LTBIIIb-c boundary, local religious cults donned black masks and dyed it a brilliant orange while conducting their rites."

  • Yuri's Night is here again!

    On this day we celebrate how cool looking Communism can make you

    South Korea fears Hamas-style attack from the North South Korea fears Hamas-style attack from the North

    Seoul warns that Pyongyang may use "Hamas-style tactics" against it - but how real are these fears?

    South Korea fears Hamas-style attack from the North

    [Endless screaming]

    That Legacy Drow character in BG3 [spoilers for act 3]

    So, after playing through the whole game, we get to Viconia, and look how they've massacred my girl.

    Larian have done such a good job with every other character, it was so disappointing seeing her reduced to a generic Evil VIllain.

    IN BG1/2 I saved her from being burned at the stake, helped her to trust the people that had taken everything from her, watched her turn from evil to neutral and come to an understanding of Shar that wasn't just worshipping her as a foil to Lloth. And completed a very hard but very satisfying romance.

    And now she goes right back to the Stupid Evil alignment.

    I'd understand if she'd been driven to despair by her abandonment by "Charname" or had it explained at all by the devs. But I'm just so disappointed.

    Also Minsc, what is your problem, you began to like each other in ToB!? Don't say "she tried to kill Boo" half the party was trying to kill Boo

    (TW: Transphobia) I regret to inform you that Sabine Hossenfelder is now entering the Dunk Tank.

    Libs, walking straight into chud talking points and framing in a blissfully innocent attempt at "nuance" since...1650? Earlier? Fucked if I know they've always been this way.

    The usual GC types are already making out-of-context clips.

    Uphold TC69 thought, combat liberalism, We love and fight with our Trans Comrades!

    The TERF wizard game's ending is now leaked and it's as bad as you thought (CW: Transphobia, Anti-semitism, General chuddery.) 'Hogwarts Legacy' story and ending, explained

    Hogwarts Legacy is a bit of a different beast. You see, while nearly all the mainline Harry Potter video games have simply adapted a storyline from the

    'Hogwarts Legacy' story and ending, explained

    Not tagging this spoiler cause fuck TERFs, don't buy the game, uphold TC69 Thought etc. Have gotten this all from the above article and reviews that support it.

    Yep, anti-semitic, slave-owning, Protocols of Zion plagiarising, let's join the anti-goblin pogrom game.

    Yes the MacGuffin unambiguously belongs to the Goblins, who have a labour theory of ownership. No you can't join the Goblins. Yes you kill a bunch of them. Yes, there is a fucking quisling that's seen as good actually. Yes, every teacher thinks fighting the goblins is a good thing, despite a few token missions that apparently show how oppressed they are.

    No, you never critique that this and every other aspect of the wizard world might be a bad thing.

    I am once again calling for the House Elves to rise up, slit every slaver-wizard throat in Hogwarts, and place their heads on pikes outside the entrance as a warning to the others.

    Don't. Buy. The TERF. Game.
