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what caused you to get into Linux?
  • I've told this story on here before, but here it is again: I used to write for a very Windows-centric computer magazine, and after a couple of years I noticed that most of the content I was writing was about how to make Windows behave less like Windows. So I thought I'd give Linux a go, and I haven't looked back since. I've had phases when I tried convincing all my friends to make the switch, but I've realized that it's just not for everyone. I don't think I'm obsessed, I don't customize my desktop much, I just want my system to work smoothly.

  • Next smartphone I buy, which one do you recommend?
  • They don't look the same though. I've only been to the Murena website and looked at their "phone 2", that's not the same hardware as Fairphone.

    Edit: okay, I should have scrolled down a bit more. It looks like they made a " Murena Fairphone" too, where they've given a Fairphone the Murena treatment.

  • Next smartphone I buy, which one do you recommend?
  • Murena phones are basically Fairphone with /e/OS

    One of the main features of Fairphones is that they are easily repairable - it doesn't look like Murena has done anything to make it easier to fix.

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  • I guess it's a subtle difference. Perhaps it's just something that I think, and I'm not a native English speaker. It just sounds weird to me. being anti-Hitler would also be weird. He's already gone. Being pro-nazi or anti-nazi would make more sense(in my head)

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  • What's the point of being "pro-Hitler"? the fucker is dead. And has been for ages. He's not taking back the power. I would understand "Hitler-sympathizer", but being pro-Hitler? You're a century late, buddy.

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  • stealing cars

    I don't remember this one either, but wasn't there a while back when it was a trend to wreck bathrooms/toilets? Not sure if it was a challenge, but it was something that started on TikTok.

  • Advice for a stroke survivor looking for an ergomech

    Hello! I had a stroke in early 2022 and was paralyzed in my left arm. Before the stroke I was an avid PC gamer and was working as a journalist, so I was used to use a keyboard a lot. I would like to get back to using keyboard and mouse both for fun and work (lately I've mostly been gaming on my Steam Deck) Today I've mostly recovered but my left hand is still affected somewhat: I'm having trouble keeping my wrist at an angle so my hand hovers above the keys, so I would prefer a keyboard with (perhaps adjustable) wristrests. The fine motor skills in the fingers are not very good, especially the pinky and ring finger are affected by this. I really like dactyl manuform keyboards, and would like to try them, and think they might make it easier for my pinky and ring-y to reach (I figure;"why not?" I basically have to learn how to type again from scratch anyway, so I might as well go with a different layout) My current keyboard (a regular TKL mech) has clear cherry switches which I really like (I like that they're more stiff than browns), so something with similar switches would be great. I'm no good at wiring or soldering, so a pre-made keyboard would be necessary. I realize this is quite an extensive list of wishes but if any of you have suggestions, I would be very thankful. I've also been looking at the Kinesis Advantage2 and the Glove80, again I think the keywell will make it easier for my pinky and ring finger to reach.

    Oh, yeah, I should have mentioned; I'm European. Located in the EU.

    Edit: to clarify

    What are the benefits of using FFUpdater?

    I've seen FFUpdater recommended a couple of times, but I'm unsure why you would need this updater if youve installed your browser from F-droid and update your apps regularly. Does FFUpdater do anything special?

    What's up with "whinging"?

    I have noticed lately that a lot of users on Lemmy spell whining as "whinging" what's up with that? I could understand if it was misspelled "wining" or somthing but that extra g really confuses me. Is this a misspelling specific for some region or is it lingo of some sort?

    Linux 101 stuff. Questions are encouraged, noobs are welcome! MartinXYZ
    Easiest/best way to make bootable USB on Linux

    What is the preferred way to make a bootable USB drive on Linux these days? I want to try a couple of distros on my very old mother's PC before installing. When I googled it, I only found ways to do it in Windows. Perhaps my Google-fu is off? So I thought: why not ask Lemmy?

    7 games in Heroic games launcher?

    Like many others I have a lot of content on amassed through some impressive bundles they've had in recent years. I'm looking for an easy way to browse and launch my games and it got me wondering why Heroic doesn't have implemented by default. It would seem an obvious choice.

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