MasterBlaster @ MasterBlaster Posts 2Comments 310Joined 2 yr. ago
I think the list/dictionary question should not have been tough. That said, i wholeheartedly agree with the fact that when your job does not excercise a skill you know you did well, instant recall on syntax or core features is damm near impossible.
I wrote very good React two years ago. Ask me to describe how one-way assignment affects the way the code is structured, or to describe the purpose of 3 core hooks and when to use them and I'm gonna freeze.
This is why revisiting prior work or re-implementing something you did before is important. Still, if you're working 60 hours per week on your day job, when are you going to make time to do that? It's a tough problem.
Didn't they and Britain burn down the white house in the war of 1812? They seemed pretty fierce in WWII. As an American, I suggest we not fuck around, lest we find out. I'm much happier with Canada as ally, thank you very much. From wikipedia:
By the end of the war Canada had the world's fourth largest air force,[6] and third largest navy.[7] The Canadian Merchant Navy completed over 25,000 voyages across the Atlantic,[8] 130,000 Allied pilots were trained in Canada in the British Commonwealth Air Training Plan. On D-Day, 6 June 1944 the 3rd Canadian Infantry Division landed on "Juno" beach in Normandy, in conjunction with allied forces
Everybody was kung fu fighting.
Trump shut down the CDC and NIH just in time. Any further delay and he'd have risked failing to maintain his tradition of enabling pandemics during his regimes. He could have missed out on inflicting some death and suffering - that was close!
You make a good point. Unfortunately, I'm beginning to believe a number lower than 70% of my fellow citizens believe it to be immoral, given who is dismantling our country right now.
Sounds like our democracy is dead, if true.
Oh, FORK YOU Trump!
"First they came for the socialists, and I did not speak out— Because I was not a socialist. "
History, folks. Learn it. You might not be next, but eventually they will come after you.
From the "no shit, sherlock!" department.
This is what passes for journalusm today. SMH.
That's the problem. It's only some of us.
Hate to say it, but a violent revolution might be necessary. God help us.
Oh, hi! Glad to see you're awake. Here's some coffee. Let me explain what happened in the last six months while you were out... To much to explain. Let me sum up.
Trump is a convicted felon at least 30 times over, was elected to office, then sprung the insurrectionists who helped him. He's broken the law dozens of times in and out of office without consequence, and packed the supreme court with lackeys. Congress is controlled by his other lackeys.
At this point, there is ample evidence that the fact it was a crime has no bearing on whether or not they will fail to get their desired outcome. Playing by the rules will only get your ass whooped and tossed aside.
Our situation requires grit and willingness to sacrifice in solidarity in order to regain our country.
I'm afraid many of my peers here lack the education to know what Vichy is, and thus would lampoon the article they did not read based on the title with smug superiority.
I'm not sure he was coming from where you think he was. I think he might have been lampooning those labels. The word "crap" seems to point in that direction.
The world in which a 10 and 8 year old walking home from the neighborhood playground are reported to the police and their mother is legally accused of neglect, thus possibly having those kids go into foster care. Then there's they 10 year old who walked to the local convenience store only to be picked up by the police, driven home to mom, and a couple hours later she was arrested for neglect.
That world.
That's because they are the prize. /s
You exist for their needs. This is why they have "standards" that fill multiple pages, but you are misogynist if you have even one standard they don't meet.
This ship set sail in 1992. I've been referencing this very checklist for at least 20 years when debating being dismissively yelled at by conservatives. Everybody thought I was nuts.
For OsmAnd+, there is another option for addresses. OpenSuperMaps joins national address registries with openstreetmaps. For American maps, it enables OsmAnd to make sense of American style address searches.
It is phenomenal.
Really? What about everything your employer shares about you? Whatvavout the faxt they litterally monitor everything you do?
Zero control, and sure don't do anything non-work, but since you give at least 8 hours per day to work, they collect all sorts of metadata, like when you're most productive when you eat, how you interact with people, personality quirks, facial scans, home address, ssn, bank account, phone number, 401k investments... Everything, basically.