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The ASIANS are building another GHOST CITY
  • Or about 30 failed piers!

  • Bird flu detected in Houston-area wastewater
  • autism, ADHD, and being below average height

    Hey look, it me

  • Israel nears decision on Lebanon border offensive, army chief says
  • I'm sure the guys standing in open windows or too scared to leave their tanks against a less trained and starved guerilla force will do great against a better equipped military force. Isn'treal should start now

  • Nazis' anonymous
  • Gotta remove any ambiguity to make it clear it's just a Nazi pipeline

  • Woman killed by her two XL bully dogs at home in east London
  • Interesting, I daydream about making it to retirement and being a crotchety old person who harasses people in the neighborhood who don't pick up their dog's poop on my numerous daily walks. Perhaps someone like that appeared in your town

  • Featured
    President and foreign minister of Iran confirmed dead after helicopter crash
  • Wasn't he pretty involved in the suppression of women? All I've read is that he generally wasn't well liked by any group of the citizenry of Iran

    I can understand people feeling concern for Iran's people and trajectory during a tumultuous time like this, but I don't think anyone should feel bad he's gone. He wasn't a good person

  • Has Zizek genuinely lost the plot?
  • Downside to only one of the two being beaten in the head

  • Where do people buy things that don't break?
  • Darn tough socks are great

  • Chinese reunification with Taiwan to devastate US, Commerce Sec. says
  • Yeah, have a degree focused on chip making. There's going to be something like 50k jobs not filled and a lot are highly technical. Many STEMlords are not interested in a job that forces you into a cleanroom in a less than ideal location when they could code or do other jobs that are remote/ based in a large metro for as much or more

    US needs to heavily incentivize these programs in schools and find a way to raise pay for the positions if they ever hope to outcompete Taiwan

  • Guess who's sick again.
  • It's some kind of curse he's acquired. Immortality at the cost of never-ending hospitalization

  • Ok, but how did they recover the mf hijacker passports from 9/11
  • It seems like some wrap up 9/11 truth conspiracies into a bundle and throw them all away based on the most absurd ones, like the planes actually being taken away to some black site with all the passengers still alive.

    In reality, if you view some of the details like the entire scenario surrounding the striking of the Pentagon, the very odd timing of air defense training/drills drawing fighter jets away from the region, and all the warnings from other intelligence agencies paired with Rumsfeld and friends' actions that day, it seems just as absurd to say those were a ton of wacky coincidences

  • Liberals are dumb as fuck
  • Thank God, it's finally a beneficial use for this personality trait of mine

  • Suspected arson at Portland police training facility damages at least 15 patrol cars
  • Are you suggesting the direct action specifically during periods of protest or as an alternative?

  • Muddy tunnel work is my least favorite thing about what i do
  • I never even considered that people with slabs could do this. I'd probably quit when I saw one for the first time


  • Let's play an ole fashioned game of capture the flag!
  • At my school they were always too high to do anything. Plenty of other ones getting booted for SA songs they write or enact and I'm sure even more doing it without being caught. And people wonder why men get a bad rap

  • Thoughts on Freedom Flotilla?

    I wasn't sure what this lady was talking about about here in a video about Aaron Bushnell:, but after searching found this:

    Chances they are going to actually try this? What will happen if they do? Will Isn'treal attempt to sink them all with Ansaralah defending them and creating a naval starting flare to WW3?

    Hamas tricked us into firing from helicopters at crowds of fleeing music festival goers on 10/7 says Israel news outlet with video from the Apaches הטעיה של חמאס למסוקי צה"ל והכוונת טייסים בוואטסאפ | חיל האוויר ביום ה-1

    המסוקים הראשונים הוזנקו דווקא מצפון הארץ, והגיעו לעוטף עזה כשעה אחרי תחילת הקרבות. המחבלים הונחו לא לרוץ כדי שמהאוויר יחשבו שהם ישראלים. הטייסים ירו על חוצי הגדר, וגם ממש בתוך היישובים. טייסים קיבלו מידע מהקרקע בניידים. ב-4 שעות הותקפו כ-300 מטרות | אירועי השבת השחורה

    הטעיה של חמאס למסוקי צה"ל והכוונת טייסים בוואטסאפ | חיל האוויר ביום ה-1
    Protest Guide

    I am finally in a place where I'll be able to attend a protest but don't know what to expect.

    I've got the basic understanding of leaving behind phones, don't drive and take public transit, bring first aid supplies, and wear nondescript comfortable clothing that will cover most exposed skin and is easy to move in, but what actually happens at these? Any good ideas for signs?

    Other tips appreciated!

    Looks like we need to free our fellow Russian bots Atlanta group implicated in Russian influence scheme

    The Black Hammer Party, an Atlanta-based radical group with a cult flavor, is implicated in a Justice Department indictment as part of a Russian influence scheme to sow discord in the United States.

    Atlanta group implicated in Russian influence scheme