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The panzer has spoken
  • I'm sorry but you have the big dumb

  • Deleted
    *Permanently Deleted*
  • Oh shit, it's dead mau five!

  • dentist rule
  • I make my own iced coffee so I can chug it quickly.

  • What do you want to see more of on Lemmy?
  • Mfer you think we understood "all ur base are belong to us" and "o rly owl?" no but we embraced it

  • Astonishing
  • You sound like you're at the top of the bell curve

  • me time after work doesn't include sleeping
  • How many hours do you need to lay in bed and browse memes?

  • What's something that's not common knowledge but you think everyone should know?
  • Do not listen to Optimus, he is lying. The ducks are free.

  • "Doctor Death" by War and Peas
  • Relatable

  • Be Yourself!
  • But what if I live in the gayborhood where everyone is like me 🤔

  • entrepreneurial rule
  • These look absolutely hilarious

  • Blasphemy!
  • I don't need protection when using closed source because the closed source has its own protection.

  • Deleted
    One of us, one of us, one of us, ... !!!
  • I want to have sex with him

  • Second kit complete! MG Unicorn using Delpi decals and matte top coat

    cross-posted from:

    > Working on IN ERA Ruling now. Just have some decals and panel lining.

    Mom fights raccon off daughter
  • I think this video is old now. If neither of them got the rabies vaccines they are dead now.

  • When did you finally feel old?
  • I took four naps on my day off. I'm 32.

  • RUle
  • Every James Bond movie be like

  • Deleted
    *Permanently Deleted*
  • What topics does she cover?

  • Request to have the option to mark posts as read after scrolling past them

    There are times where I don't want to swipe to upvote/mark as read for every post I see. Is it possible to add the option to mark all posts that I scroll past as read, making them disappear after refresh?

    Funko Pops are this generations Beanie Babies

    I was at SDCC this year and I was amazed at how many booths had Funko pops, which was about 20-30% of the booths and there was a line for the Funko area, jam packed with people. I over heard people saying they found some rare ones or newly released that were hard to find.

    A few years ago someone bought me a Squirtle Funko Pop, since Squirtle is the best, and I opened it and took it out of the box. They proceeded to freak out that I ruined is value by taking it out of the box...

    Unable to visit website with /c/ in url

    When attempting to visit the image hosting website, Summit does not recognize the url as it considers the link a community.

    For example, if you try to visit my album by clicking the url in the app it won't work. If you open in incognito it will work.

    I'm not sure if this helps, but the Thunder app has the same issue and I submitted the issue to their community a few weeks back. Here is the GitHub ticket with how they fixed it.

    THANK YOU for adding upvote color in compact view!

    That was a fast turn around from when I made the request yesterday.

    [Request] Show upvote color in compact view

    The upvote/downvote does not change color while browsing in compact view and remains greyed out, but it does register my vote correctly. Can you please have the color change to better see if my vote registered so I know I interacted with the post, removing it from my front page after refresh. This only affects the compact view, the other views show the upvote color.

    Also, would you be able to allow us to change the upvote color? The official Lemmy upvote color is blue, which would be nice to change to instead of orange.

    cute dogs, cats, and other animals Mewtwo
    Ash helping with Gunpla building
    cute dogs, cats, and other animals Mewtwo
    Amelia trying to get her daddy's attention

    cross-posted from:

    > Amelia's request granted

    Blue Flame mecha plamo by ZZA video Piped

    An alternative privacy-friendly YouTube frontend which is efficient by design.


    It's not exactly Gundam, but it definitely has a Wing vibe to it. It's currently listed at $98 and will release later this year.

    San Diego Comic Con 2023

    cross-posted from:

    > Here are some pictures that I took while at SDCC. There was a lot of great Gundam artwork and fantasy art. > > Artists that I really loved: > > Sean Lenahan > > Chasing Artwork > > Rich Kamimura > > Naomi Vandoren

    San Diego Comic Con 2023

    Here are some pictures that I took while at SDCC. There was a lot of great Gundam artwork and fantasy art.

    Artists that I really loved:

    Sean Lenahan

    Chasing Artwork

    Rich Kamimura

    Naomi Vandoren

    Mewtwo Mewtwo

    Here to peacefully gay the pray away, by force!

    Posts 38
    Comments 175