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It has never been more joever
  • Why is contrapoints so fucking lame and cia asset-y

  • Are dems just unaware that Biden probably only won because of the pandemic?
  • I guess im more conspiracy brained than i thought

  • Are dems just unaware that Biden probably only won because of the pandemic?
  • I dont think the people in charge care about winning or losing and I think actually purposefully losing might be part of the strategy sometimes.

  • Anything look good on the Steam Summer Sale?
  • Can someone buy me a steam deck :(

  • What are you watching instead of the debate?
  • Im going to practice my instrument and submit a application for a different job

  • Check-in thread: how are you, comrade?
  • Sad grandma not doing well. I hate work. I miss my partner. I feel alone and isolated all the time. I relate to no one and i desperately want someone irl to reach out and care

  • Seeing old geezers (millennials) on Reddit codgering around, posting unsolicited lectures on /r/genz and falling in the same self-aggrandizing apathy of previous generations.
  • I think the pipeline of school->work alienation makes people stuck in their ways.

    Also reddit is kind of a selection bias because no one cool uses reddit

    Im a millenial who grew up w rush limbaugh propaganda and i became based as fuck, its all more complicated than that

  • Rep. Jamaal Bowman, a vocal Israel critic and 'squad' member, loses primary
  • I just wanna say that it does not matter if you vote in stuff like this so even if the gains are marginal by having bowman in its still better than letting the DNC get their neoliberal. Atleast make them hide the ghoulishness. But ya it dont matta, nonadis mattas

  • Something I think everyone here should internalize 🤗
  • Unironically agree with this mostly

  • Removed
    I hate this woke bullshit in movies now
  • Im at the point as a straight (hisss booo) that i wish gay propaganda did work the way chuds say it does.

    Anything to get me farther away from fucking hot dog people chuds but thats not reality I just dont feel that way. Its kind of a shame.

  • NSFW
    [CW SLUR] Nick Fuentes' BADASS security
  • Yakub in the middle there embarassed by his creations

  • Anyone else feel that their direction in life is more related to being what "they're supposed to do" rather than any conviction or desire to pursue it?
  • I feel like I always resisted the path put out for you because I knew my family was dysfunctional and I liked the arts, so being a normie was always off the table, but I also hated being poor. I feel like I stride a pretty fine line in my adult life. I am becoming a pretty good drummer and I have a decent job.

    Somehow I think I got it to work, we'll see. I try not to let myself frame my life as stuck at any point. I've seen many times where I thought my life was over but it wasn't and it got better. It definitely takes some effort though. It also takes doing things you dont want to do and a degree of faith which I think many people have a hard time applying in their life.

    The more i get what i want out of life (least amount of work for the most money, more play, more arts, more free time) the more liberated I feel. The world sucks and is wrong, why would I entertain anything it explicitly wants me to do.

  • OceanGate co-founder organising trip to one of world’s deepest sinkholes a year after Titan disaster
  • imagine being the fish who gets to eat their dead body guts

    shit must be so cash

  • Vampire Weekend - A-Punk
  • Most rich kid band to ever rich kid

  • Sunday is Gaming Day: What are you playing weekly thread
  • Hell Let Loose, i need to delete it. Such a timesink

  • I've solved the age gap discourse: it should only be legal to have sex with people older than you
  • hmmmmmmmmmmmmmm i think the age gap discourse is important but nuanced

  • Games like Stories fron Sol

    The game is only a demo atm but I really liked it. Can someone recommend anything that is inspired by PC98 visual novel aesthetic?

    Hell let loose ps5

    Anyone want to play this w lil ol Mokey? Tired of playing with literal fascist
