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Any EU based users of reddit should immediately file a complaint under GDPR with their supervisory authority
  • Yea they keep all the data. I deleted everything on my account when the whole shitshow happened and then GDPR requested the data associated with the account and it was all still there. And when I requested that they delete that too they outright refused.

  • Anon does mental math
  • Nope, it does not. You can have a team, but you absolutely can card count on your own in BJ. I think you are the one who needs to watch a video I am afraid.

  • Do you prefer playing with Keyboard or controller more, and for what type of games?
  • Keyboard and mouse for literally everything except things where using a wheel makes sense (ETS2 and ATS).

    I can not use controllers at all. I can't wrap my head around using them properly and pretty much all except one (ps3) hurt my hands after 15 mins.

  • 100% not haunted
  • Yea I guess. It threw me so off guard because the pictures from the rest of the rooms were completely standard real estate pictures and then I see this shit.

    Great idea!

  • 100% not haunted
  • I am pretty sure its linoleum not tiles actually. It is really common in older houses over here.

    Edit: actually the more I think about it, the more I am sure my grandma has the exact same linoleum in the kitchen and its terrible.

  • 100% not haunted
  • I don't actually believe it is haunted at all, but this house IS also suspiciously cheap and over 200 years old.

  • 100% not haunted
  • I think the doll its even worse from this angle somehow

  • 100% not haunted
  • Holy shit, that is ... perfect.

  • 100% not haunted

    I don't understand what has to posses you to think this is a great photo to post. Actually I might have a guess what.

    Windows: we noticed that you kept the useless search bar disabled since 2015, so we sent an update that re-enabled it without your permission
  • No worries!

    I actually just got the same nonsense on my work laptop so I can now actually give the "official" English translation:

    Search box has been added to your taskbar. Want to keep the change?

    Keep it | Undo

    Close enough

  • Windows: we noticed that you kept the useless search bar disabled since 2015, so we sent an update that re-enabled it without your permission
  • The ? search has been added to the application bar. Do you want to keep this change?

    Keep | Cancel

    I think the thing that I marked with ? just says box (so search box), but I am not 100% sure.

    Hopefully this helps and I haven't fucked up the transation, I has been a long time since I last spoke Italian.

  • Microsoft ends free upgrade from Windows 7 to 11
  • Not who you replied to but I haven't had any issues with a 3000 series card and LTSC, but I only used it for a whooping 12 hours since I got the card (I do 99% of gaming directly on Linux) so take my answer with a grain of salt.

    I might be missing something but can't you just manually download the drivers from the Nvidia website on LTSB?

  • Counter-Strike 2 is out, but it’s not Steam Deck Verified
  • I have seen some people reporting non working audio with Pulseaudio as well, but I haven't tried myself or looked more into it after I found what fixes it for me.

  • Counter-Strike 2 is out, but it’s not Steam Deck Verified
  • No audio is not a Steam Deck only issue, its broken for a lot of people on Linux.

    I don't know what the deck uses but -sdlaudiodriver pipewire in launch options fixed it for me.

    The rest of it sounds like a nightmare tho.

  • Windows eats partitions
  • If you don't want to bother with the bootloader like the other comment mentioned you can also just use the boot menu from the motherboard instead. You gotta mash f11 (or whatever it is on your motherboard) on boot when you want to go into Windows, but if you only need it every once in a while it is good enough.

  • Windows eats partitions
  • If you don't want to bother with the bootloader like the other comment mentioned you can also just use the boot menu from the motherboard instead. You gotta mash f11 (or whatever it is on your motherboard) on boot when you want to go into Windows, but if you only need it every once in a while it is good enough.

  • How would you compensate employees for commuting to work?
  • I am not from NL, so dunno how it is there, but over here that money is completely untaxed, so it is not quite the same as getting a raise. And yes, if you move the amount you get changes. But noone is dumb enough to move just to get more travel money, it barely covers gas costs, you would just be wasting your time lol.

    I don't get how workers having rights and benefits is ridiculous. Honestly I think claiming that it shouldn't be a thing is the ridiculous part.

    EDIT: just saw its untaxed in NL too, I guess the difference between us and NL is that for them its typical to get that paid, for us is straight up illegal for your employer not to pay that.

  • How would you compensate employees for commuting to work?
  • This is idiotic. No one compensates employees for their commute.

    Yea, thats not true. Where I live any employer legally has to do it. They either pay a certain amount per kilometer (defined by law) or pay your public transportation fee. I rack in about 300€ of travel compensation every month which covers fuel costs. Having to pay to get to work seems to bizzare to me.

    Also wait till you learn our lunch breaks are paid and on top of that the company has to either provide a meal or compensate you for that too...

  • Deleted
    Have you ever demoted yourself from a job because it caused too much pain?
  • Technically yes. Switched from software dev to QA at a different company. Worse pay, worse commute, 0 regrets. My current company asked me if I would want to work as a dev instead, nope, can't pay me enough to do that again.

  • What is this death trap?
  • Look at the screenshot I posted, it actually specifies "ctrl + g" for help.

  • Pls fix my window

    Hello, one of my windows broke, can someone please come and replace the glass for me? Ktnxbye

    MouseWithBeer MouseWithBeer

    I actually use Manjaro, sue me.

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