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  • My workplace disabled extensions today, and I'm just mindblown by the amount of ads I've been blissfully ignorant about. I play music from youtube while working, but every time I'm in a good flow now, getting stuff done, there's an ad-break that takes me out of that flow. Tiring having to work up that momentum all the time.

  • The Beacon is Lit!
  • Jesus Christ, that is for some reason the funniest meme I've seen in quite a while. What a juxtaposition of scented candles, Samwise and his potated cookings, and then the railings of hobbits.

  • Trump popularity.
  • "Be careful to attribute malice to actions taken by ignorance".
    Something like that, I don't remember the quote correctly.

    I'd say as a small counter-argument though, the amount of ignorance required to still support Trump is not something simply to hand wave away.

  • Goodbye MatPat, thanks for everything
  • Is it only the game channel that closed, or all the theory channels?

    I don't understand why I'm asking tho, I really don't give a shit. Some of the Film Theory's were good for a lazy sunday background noise.

  • I do sometimes forget...
  • Yeah, for most of us on this website, that amount isn't life changing, but for a vast part of people on this planet, it would be highly significant.
    For me, I read that comment as being sort of a counter-argument, but in my view, it only goes to show how faulty things are.

  • F#€k $pez
  • This isn't a good analogy at all.

    If it should be forcibly used, like, reddit is an ex, then fuck no we're not over that ex. They took our home that we built and destroyed it.

  • F#€k $pez
  • I just discovered Lemmy, and I'm so happy about it. Instagram replaced Reddit for me these last five months, and I can really feel how detrimental it is for me. It's like an ADHD-machine. No community, no discussion, just this as quick and loud phase as possible vibe. You look through one recipe video and you get recipes for several days. People dancing and dancing with huge smiles and these creepy eyes. Honestly it's all so dystopian.

    So keeping on with Instagram is not an option, going back to reddit is not an option - and I was really considering becoming like this person who is never in his phone, really mentally healthy, but wildly uninformed about the world and the general discussion 😅

    The feel of this place with the Sync app is just so * chefs kiss *. Feels like what reddit was.

  • Aldri vært flere prisøkninger i forkant av Black Friday
  • Det holder ikke å bare ikke delta på dette sirkuset, det er et legitimt problem som vi må bli kvitt. De av oss som handler som normalt og ikke vil delta, straffes med høyere priser i lang tid før og etter. Det er helt tydelig og klart at Black Friday ikke lenger har noe som helst med den originale grunnen til at det startet lenger, bare blitt til et problem.

  • ryggsekk til handleturen
  • Jeg bruker diverse sekker som jeg har samlet opp igjennom, og det fungerer passe greit. Med det er så bananas mange remmer og reimer som henger og dingler. Skulle gjerne hatt noe mer stilrent sånn som denne 😊

  • joining the fediverse to bitch about reddit is the same as going on a date, and spending the whole night talking about your ex
  • Yeah, it's so far from bringing up an ex on a new date. I assume most people here are 'an ex' of reddit. It's more like a group of friends in a new bar talking shit about a bar they used to go to. Which is completely unproblematic and natural. The new bar doesn't give a shit, and the friend group gets to vent.

  • InitialsDiceBear„Initials” ( by „DiceBear”, licensed under „CC0 1.0” (
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