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  • Posting the image from my account:

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  • ***Ballade contre les ennemis*** (Moebius, 1995) [NSFW]
  • check this out

    Same! Indeed, check out his “Wheel of Fortune” art, there.

    Motherfucker, it’s PERFECT for Moeby!

    Oh shit, I’m sorry, I’m sorry…

    Pardon but what exactly do you mean?

  • ***Ballade contre les ennemis*** (Moebius, 1995) [NSFW]
  • Whenever I think I have seen all of his different styles something like this shows up and shows me that I was wrong.

    I wonder if anyone’s had the chutzpah to try arranging such a deck out of his art?

    Well, the position of The Fool is already occupied by a certain, class R private detective :)

  • which one is the best anime in your opinion?
  • AKIRA and the stuff by Hayao Miyazaki, like Princess Mononoke, Spirited Away, Nausicaä. Can't really decide between those. Most other anime look like cheap quality productions to me in comparison.

  • Why do teeth don't regenerate?
  • Because our design is not particularly intelligent ...

    Edit: Scientific proof of my thesis:

  • "Contrary to a 'horseshoe' theory, the evidence reveals increasing antisemitism moving from left to right."
  • This is playing down the actual behavior of fascists in a very careless way.

    • They do not just kick out minorities, once in power they systematically hunt down and murder them!

    • They do not just jail dissenters, once in power they systematically hunt down and murder them!

    • They do not just "say no" to Jews, once in power they systematically hunt down and murder them!

  • Elon Musk threatens to ban Apple devices from his companies over OpenAI partnership
  • Please stop posting about every fart that asshole makes ...

  • Rotha Lintorn-Orman, WW1 ambulance driver, lesbian, and founder of the British fascists - history is strange. Photo from 1916
  • They where all purged

    I seriously doubt that. There were probably still Nazis who were secretly homosexual when the war ended.

    When they "purged" Röhm that was simply because they saw him as a threat because he commanded the SA which had grown into a serious power factor in the Reich. His homosexuality was utilized as a pretence against him to destroy his reputation afterwards but it was not the reason they took him out.

    Ernst Röhm, nor any of the Brown Shirts for that matter where openly homosexual.

    I never used the word open ....

  • Rotha Lintorn-Orman, WW1 ambulance driver, lesbian, and founder of the British fascists - history is strange. Photo from 1916
  • You underestimate the human potential for contradiction. Ernst Röhm entered the chat to tell you that homosexual fascists are in fact a thing, a niche thing but nonetheless a known phenomenon. There is a great documentary about gay men in the neonazi scene by Rosa von Praunheim, called "Männer, Helden, schwule Nazis" not sure if it is available in english though.

  • Self Portrait as a distressed poet - Augustus Egg (1858) 🇬🇧
  • How is it a self portrait if he is not in the picture?

  • Was geht eigentlich auf Reddit mit den ganzen Atomkraft-Fans ab?
  • Die nuclear bros versuchen schon länger ganz gezielt solarpunk communities mithilfe des Narrativs vom sauberen Atomstrom zu unterwandern. Das war damals auf reddit ziemlich heftig, mittlerweile bin ich dort nicht mehr unterwegs.

  • What's an unusual but excellent food combo you've tried?
    • Vanilla ice cream and/or raspberry sorbet topped with pitch black, salty sweet licorice sauce. (common only in Denmark afaik)

    • "Birnen, Bohnen und Speck", a stew made from pears, green beans, bacon and a herb called satureja/savory. The pears in this one are a certain old breed, that is pretty hard and sour before cooking. (This is a local delicacy from the city of Hamburg in northern Germany)

    • Watermelon and feta cheese, especially during hot summer days (common in mediterranean countries)

    • Pickled cucumbers and feta cheese (those are eaten as a combo around the black sea afaik)

  • What's an unusual but excellent food combo you've tried?
  • Not that weird, just relatively uncommon. I can recommend it, try one if you can :)

  • What's an unusual but excellent food combo you've tried?
  • That has always been a pretty classic combo on cheeseboards. Probably that is why they came up with the idea to put it on pizza. My favorite pizzeria has it on the regular menu too. They make thin slices of halved pears for it, so the pear is not raw after baking.

  • Was geht eigentlich auf Reddit mit den ganzen Atomkraft-Fans ab?
  • Ja, das ist ein sehr wichtiger Punkt.

  • everything actually important is already metric
  • At least in this case it's not America's but Britain's fault. I primarily blame the small arms industry in Birmingham! :)

  • wir_(STASIGUILDO)_iel

    Du kannst mich bannen so oft du willst. Das ist hier ist nicht Reddit! Ich kann mir unendlich viele neue Accounts machen!


    An admin deleted all my uploads and I have no clue why

    cross-posted from:

    > I have been uploading comic art images by Moebius for several weeks almost daily to the ! community, where I´m a moderator myself. All those images have disappeared. Modlog says the images have been deleted by "admin". Modlog gives no reason for this but says the images were later restored by "admin" but that is not true. All my comic art posts have been destroyed and are empty posts now. I was not even contacted a single time about this and honestly can´t think of a reason because I had uploaded exclusively "safe for work" and apolitical material. We are trying to build a community for european graphic novels like "Tintin", "Lucky Luke" and "The Incal" and I put a lot of love in those posts because I want to help make our community interesting and grow. However - I have been stongly discouraged to contribute content now that I have seen it gets arbitrarily wiped by anonymus admins. How can I find out what happened, who deleted my stuff and why they did so? How can I avoid this happeing to my posts in the future?

    An admin deleted all my uploads and I have no clue why

    I have been uploading comic art images by Moebius for several weeks almost daily to the ! community, where I´m a moderator myself. All those images have disappeared. Modlog says the images have been deleted by "admin". Modlog gives no reason for this but says the images were later restored by "admin" but that is not true. All my comic art posts have been destroyed and are empty posts now. I was not even contacted a single time about this and honestly can´t think of a reason because I had uploaded exclusively "safe for work" and apolitical material. We are trying to build a community for european graphic novels like "Tintin", "Lucky Luke" and "The Incal" and I put a lot of love in those posts because I want to help make our community interesting and grow. However - I have been stongly discouraged to contribute content now that I have seen it gets arbitrarily wiped by anonymus admins. How can I find out what happened, who deleted my stuff and why they did so? How can I avoid this happeing to my posts in the future?

    A few suggestions regarding banning

    I got banned for a day. There was zero communication about it. I simply could not log in any more without any prior warning or any information about what was going on, or about the reason for the ban. This seems like a pretty bad practice because it wont give the user any chance of knowing what they did wrong and how to change their behavior to avoid breaking the same rule again in the future. Even now with my account unbanned, the modlog does not tell me any of those things. I think it is essential to let anyone who gets banned know:

    • Why they were banned, including which rules they broke and in which statements/comments/posts they did so and how, to enable people to actually improve their behavior. Otherwise banning is pointless because users will just make a new account on another instance without changing their behavior

    • That they were banned, I was super confused when I just couldnt log in any more suddenly

    • For how long they were banned, I only found out about the duration of my ban by checking the modlog

    • Who banned them, to make a conversation possible and also to make sure some admins/mods don´t abuse their privilege

    It would also make sense to have a warning/strike system in place so people don´t just suddenly get banned without ever knowing they did something wrong

    Bring on the hot pics!

    Oh wait, this is not c/facesitting?!

    Nacktmull Nakedmole


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