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Chain of Command AAR France 1940

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> Another epic game of Chain of Command yesterday at my wargaming club. Set in France in 1940, A French chasseur platoon attempted to block the passage of Schutzen Platoon from a Panzer Division. Despite losing two jump off points, the fire from the Chasseurs starting taking a toll on the Germans forcing some elements to pull back. The panzer III advanced and exchanged shots with the Renault R35 until the French tank commander was killed. The panzer III was blinded by a barrage of smoke bombs care of the French mortar team while the French deploy an antitank gun. The panzer pressed ahead but the gun crew scored a hit killing the panzer's driver. One of the French section's broke under concentrated fire from two German sections. The French had fought bravely but their morale was becoming fragile under the German attack. > > > ! > ! > !

Chain of Command AAR France 1940

Another epic game of Chain of Command yesterday at my wargaming club. Set in France in 1940, A French chasseur platoon attempted to block the passage of Schutzen Platoon from a Panzer Division. Despite losing two jump off points, the fire from the Chasseurs starting taking a toll on the Germans forcing some elements to pull back. The panzer III advanced and exchanged shots with the Renault R35 until the French tank commander was killed. The panzer III was blinded by a barrage of smoke bombs care of the French mortar team while the French deploy an antitank gun. The panzer pressed ahead but the gun crew scored a hit killing the panzer's driver. One of the French section's broke under concentrated fire from two German sections. The French had fought bravely but their morale was becoming fragile under the German attack.

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What are you playing?

Currently for WW2 I play Chain of Command in 28mm at my local club and I play Bolt Action 28mm at home with my son. What are other folks playing?

Chain of Command Elite Soviet Tank Rider vs German Infantry

A few shots of a game of Chain of Command I played recently. A Soviet Tank Rider platoon tried to capture a building on the outskirts of a shelled town. The Soviet pre-game barrage lifted after the second phase of the game, allow the German platoon to deploy and defend the assault. I was my first time playing with an Elite force and with mostly armed with SMGs. I discovered how useful smoke grenades can be!

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