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Self Defense vs War Crimes
  • I hate to have to say it, but you've labelled the a party that still commits atrocities as "right" simply because they've committed fewer atrocities. I believe this point requires no further discussion. Both can be wrong for committing atrocities. Again, the main argument you've got here is "Israel bad, Palestine good" and "The things Palestine does are fine because they had the moral justification to begin with."

    You are too ideological. I'm a political realist; you're a political idealist. You looked at what "is right" and then decided that anything done in pursuit of that right must be good. You've allowed the ends to justify the means.

    In political realism, you must sometimes force off the justice boner and realise that the best result realistically possible is not the one that is the fairest or rights the most historical wrongs. This is what I was trying to get at with my original comment. History is not fair and never will be, and blindly trying to change that is unconstructive. You have to play the cards you're dealt. It was a historical wrong for Israeli settlers to colonise Palestinian land. At the same time, I am saying that in the near-future, it will be impossible to right this wrong. The Israelis will never be punished for what they did. Palestinians will never control land from the west bank of the River Jordan to the Mediterranean again. Believe me, they want that, and they're maybe even justified in wanting that, but it doesn't matter what is right. We need to think of what is the best way to resolve the situation right now. It is pointless to argue about who is right and who is wrong because that means nothing. That is the harsh reality of international geopolitics. That's how it is now, how it's been since the dawn of human civilisation, and as long as the idea of the sovereign state exists, that's how it's always going to be.

    I will give one final parting analogy: Imagine you are tied up and being beaten on the ground by an assailant who is many times stronger than you. The beating has gone on for several minutes now until your assailant offers you a deal: "If you allow me to hit you ten more times and give me all the money in your wallet, I will let you go. Otherwise, I will shoot you dead and take your wallet anyway." Is this a fair deal? Of course not. Are you "right" to refuse and your assailant "wrong" for even daring to offer such a thing (and putting you in the situation of having to consider it)? Without question. But at the same time, you'd be a fool not to say "yes" to that. You'd also have to be extremely stupid to say "fuck you" in response to that. Even if there's only a slim chance that they'll actually uphold their end of the bargain. Honour, after all, doesn't actually have any value. Your life does.

    That is all I have to say on the matter. I will read your reply if you devote the time to write one but I've said all that needs to be said.

  • Self Defense vs War Crimes
  • You are correct. I would be easily radicalised, as would most people if I were placed into such a situation. I'm not immune from the same forces that radicalised everyone else there too.

    I do not equate colonisers to the colonised, however, one must recognise that both have done things that they shouldn't have done. At this point, "but he started it" is no longer an excuse for racial and religious hatred. It's been 70 years already. People have been born into the conflict, grown up in the conflict, and died from the conflict.

    The State of Israel has committed acts of genocide against the Palestinian people. I do not deny it. But at the same time, I cannot wholeheartedly support the other party in this conflict when their methods of resistance include terror attacks, hostage-taking, and indiscriminate bombings—the same things they decry Israel for doing. The Palestinians have rejected several offers of peace. The UN partition plan—rejected. Two state solution proposals—rejected. Peaceful coexistence—rejected. Instead, they counter with a Palestinian state stretching from the River Jordan to the Mediterranean Sea. Palestinian leaders want to wipe the State of Israel and its Jewish inhabitants off the face of the earth, and Israeli leaders want to wipe the State of Palestine and its Arab inhabitants off the face of the earth.

    You can say that the Palestinians were right/to begin with—that they had no obligation to cede any territory at all to the Israelis. And you'd be right. But it's important to recognise that being right to begin does not give anyone a mandate to do whatever they want. You can be right and move yourself into the wrong by how you act, and this is exactly what happened. Yes, I sympathise with Palestinians whose lands were taken from them by Israelis. At the same time, I condemn those who take matters into their own hands by bombing Israeli music festivals.

    Instead, what is happening is that the situation may quickly be moving to a forcibly-imposed one-state solution with that state being the State of Israel. And that would be a tragedy.

    This is what I mean by "history is nuanced". There is no black and white here and to portray any situation as such would be naïve.

  • Is there a Linux based OS for public computers, such as at a library or a PC cafe?
  • You're right that Microsoft's main source of income is enterprise customers. But at the same time, I strongly believe that IT departments worldwide would start to seriously consider what tasks they really need Windows or Microsoft Office for and start considering giving as many employees as possible Macs or Chromebooks or even Linux systems. An additional $5 a month multiplied by a thousand systems is $60,000 p.a. I do see IT directors trying to minimise the number of Windows licenses wherever possible in that case. Does the receptionist really need Windows when the scheduling software is cloud-based? Can we replace it with a Chromebook? Is it finally worth it to give the designers the Macs they've been clamouring for? And the big one—do we really need Active Directory specifically now that everyone's got a Mac or a Chromebook? These are questions that have to be answered by IT departments worldwide and every time they're answered in the affirmative, it costs Microsoft another customer. Not everyone will switch, but the impact will still be non-negligible, and people will also think twice before getting Microsoft systems in the future.

    I think you're right. Microsoft isn't stupid enough to try this.

  • Self Defense vs War Crimes
  • Yes.

    I will say it flat out. I agree with the notion that the State of Israel is perpetrating genocide against Palestinians.

    Many Palestinians, if given the chance, would do the same against Israelis. There is so much hate going on against each other in that region. Nobody is in the clear right and nobody is blameless.

  • Self Defense vs War Crimes
  • I would suggest you return to Lemmygrad where you'll find more people who will share this definition of "war". Everyone else seems to define it a little differently but you do you

  • Self Defense vs War Crimes
  • as a method of warfare

    A war or something resembling one must be fought in order for something to be a war crime. Otherwise, you could classify the Irish potato famine or the Holodomor as "war crimes" as well.

    Think seriously about whether the court would really accept this interpretation of the Rome Statute. Think long and hard about it, don't just reply with whatever knee-jerk response you come up with in the first five seconds. Think of the possible defences and why they would succeed in addition to why you think they might fail. And before you attack its impartiality, consider the actual composition of the court and what type of countries criticise it in the first place.

    This is not to say those events I mentioned weren't horrific, but the term "war crime" does not fit. You'd be better off arguing a case of genocide instead.

    History is nuanced and any attempt to fit it into a snappy five-second sound byte is necessarily not just a crude simplification, but an inaccurate one. History ain't simple and nothing's black and white.

  • Is there a Linux based OS for public computers, such as at a library or a PC cafe?
  • You have to understand that the bulk of computer buyers aren't really that computer literate. As someone who worked 4 years in IT, I'll tell you that the average computer user doesn't even know how to install a graphics card driver, let alone do any other stuff. If given the choice between even $5 a month or learning to use a Mac or a Chromebook, people will learn to use a Mac or a Chromebook. Linux isn't even a consideration.

    The vast majority of people are perfectly happy with Google Docs/Slides/Sheets for daily personal use. If the choice comes down to using the Google office suite or paying a subscription, people tend to avoid paying. I know ZERO people who subscribe to Office 365 for personal use (besides those tricked into it). They either pay for the one-off license, pirate if they know how, use copies paid for by their work, or use alternatives.

    People don't care that ChromeOS and MacOS are locked down. They don't do anything that requires the "unlocked" operating system and you can bet your ass that if Microsoft starts charging a subscription fee, Apple and Google's marketing teams will jump so hard on that it'll crack the pavement.

  • Self Defense vs War Crimes
  • Nope, just that Hitler is one notable counterexample. There are plenty more European war criminals.

    Don't forget Hideki Tojo too. Not white, but still a light-skinned war criminal.

    Vladamir Putin is wanted for crimes against humanity right now. There is a warrant out for his arrest.

    And are we just allowing the current situation in Israel to slip our minds voluntarily?

  • Is there a Linux based OS for public computers, such as at a library or a PC cafe?
  • Imagine trying to sell a computer to some old lady with a subscription OS:

    This computer costs $300. But to run it you need to pay another $10 a month.

    "Do you have any where I don't have to pay every month?"

    Salesperson proceeds to recommend a Chromebook or a Mac.

    The technically-savvy would look for Windows 11 machines, those who could and know how would install Linux, others will buy a Chromebook or a Mac, and only the truly stupid would pay the subscription.

  • Self Defense vs War Crimes
  • What a rubbish take on history.

    Pray tell, name ONE historical war criminal, one who basically everyone agrees was a war criminal. You know exactly who I'm alluding to. Everyone knows his name, and I literally don't need to say more than this because everyone already knows who I'm talking about.

    Now, what was his skin colour?

    I can think of more counterexamples but I'd just be wasting my time at that point.

  • Chinese War Simulation Finds Top US Carrier Group Could Be ‘Destroyed With Certainty’
  • I remind people that this comes in the context of it being a US wargame. These are not realistic simulations, they are training exercises where the simulated enemy is given almost every conceivable advantage to see how the US military fares in the worst-case scenario. The thinking is that you want to lose the war game (or just barely scrape by), because then you get valuable insight into the military's shortcomings and can plan for a real war. If they constantly won their war games then it's not valuable as a training or preparation exercise; it'd be kinda the same thing as sitting in the corner fantasising about your own power.

    So don't think this means that the Chinese navy would necessarily crush the American one in a real war. That information would very much be kept confidential and not broadcast to the public.

  • I installed a new, bigger SSD and cloned the old one, LUKS partition is still old size

    Here's what I did: I bought a new 512 GB SSD to replace my old 256 GB SSD, which was getting full. I put the new SSD in an NVME to USB adapter and then booted to a Fedora 38 live USB and cloned the old drive into the new drive using dd if=/dev/nvme0n1 of=/dev/sda. Then I used gparted to expand the LUKS partition to cover the rest of the disk. I did not have to unlock the encryption for this. After that, I powered off, removed the 256 GB SSD and installed the 512 GB SSD, then booted normally. I did not erase either of the SSDs.

    Now when I get into Fedora 38, GNOME Disks reports that /dev/mapper/luks-5e5f911c... is a 511 GB ext4 partition with 80 GB free, and /dev/nvme0n1p3 is a 511 GB LUKSv2 partition, but when I run df, this is what I see:

    nate@redgate:~$ df / -h Filesystem Size Used Avail Use% Mounted on /dev/mapper/luks-5e5f911c... 233G 159G 63G 72% /

    What did I do wrong?

    Any news on how far along Boost is?

    The original planned release date was the "end of August", so I'm just getting a bit curious on how far along it is.

    Not trying to put more pressure on what's probably a single developer, totally understand if it needs more time or polish. I'd rather get a good product a few months late than a half-baked one that is nominally on time.

    What region of your country is the worst?

    Most disgusting food, stupidest people, worst weather, whatever reason. What is the shittiest part of your country?

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