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As a reminder...
  • If Palestine could stop being terrorist for 20 seconds they might actually find that they would have the global political capital to get their own homeland. But they can't stop screaming Allah Akbar, murdering Jews, and launching missiles. So.... fuck em.

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    German woman's body paraded naked, spit on by Hamas fighters in Israel
  • Nice artwork. Unfortunately, murdering concert goers, Thai workers, and German tourists is terrorism, not resistance.

    You and the mentally ill leftist sociopaths will follow Hamas to hell before you admit you're wrong though.

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    German woman's body paraded naked, spit on by Hamas fighters in Israel
  • To be honest, Palestine is lucky that Israel is governed by a people who survived the worst genocide the world has ever seen. It is their restraint that saves Palestine from being exterminated as they so richly deserve. No other nation would hold back for this long.

  • Hundreds dead in Israel and Gaza, thousands injured after Hamas launches rockets, Israel declares war
  • What's not a false dichotomy is the fact that there are 50 Muslim-majority countries on Earth where they will not be persecuted for their religion.

    There is one Jewish majority country on earth and it is under constant attack by Islamic militants who want them subjugated and destroyed.

    After world war two, they will never let that happen again.

  • Weekly what have you been playing discussion - week of October, 2, 2023
  • Can I just say, that I loaded up Starfield tonight and the NPCs are the worst I've ever seen in 30 years of PC gaming. Their bug eyes and lack of reaction or response to anything is so far beyond uncanny Valley that I actually am impressed at how terrible it is. This is the worst game I've seen released in a very very long time.

  • Hundreds dead in Israel and Gaza, thousands injured after Hamas launches rockets, Israel declares war
  • Your native american comment is a bit out of left field and a weird comparison. The Americans exterminated the native population with little resistance. It's not like there was a resistance group similar to Hamas that sought reprisals for murder of native Americans. In Canada there was less bloodletting but there was subjugation.

    The main difference contemporaneously is that indigenous people in North America are reclaiming lost territory and rights through treaties. There is currently no systemic attempt to exterminate them.

  • Hundreds dead in Israel and Gaza, thousands injured after Hamas launches rockets, Israel declares war
  • Yup. The Muslims have the world as their oyster and can live in so many countries where Islam is dominant. The Jews can only really live as a minority in a country where it's tolerated, like America, or in Israel. Everywhere else they are persecuted.

    Meanwhile, the Palestinians, acting like martyrs, have any number of places they can go and be welcomed. And anyway, apparently all the Muslim countries support Palestine so open your borders and let them in. Or maybe you won't because the Palestinians are your proxy war against Israel because you want to kill the Jews as your long-term plan?

  • Hundreds dead in Israel and Gaza, thousands injured after Hamas launches rockets, Israel declares war
  • There's dozens of countries where Islam is practiced and only one country where Judaism is. The Muslims have a massive amount of options yet they insist on trying to take back Israeli lands. They don't have to stay there. They stay because the end goal is wiping out Israel and restoring complete control with Islam.

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