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Tucker Time: Thu 27 Jun 2024
  • ngl, I saw the headline and thought "Am I really gonna waste my time looking at a thread about Tucker Carlson?"

    Very pleasantly surprised with the quality of the discussion here 👍

  • Steam users have spent $19 billion on games they’ve never played
  • And I've spent $0 on 19 billion free games that I'm never going to play....

  • A good engineer prepares for every use case.
  • A good engineer prepares for every use case.

    What normally happens is that the engineer will raise the corner cases and then be told that will never happen and they must not prepare for those use cases. Also, they can now deliver a week earlier.

  • 'I signed up to be a b****, not a criminal': Australia's 'most-hated' TV villain speaks
  • I can't help feeling kinda sorry for most reality tv contestants now.

    The latest one that really got to me was Alone. I watched a couple of different countries versions. It basically is leaving people in the middle of nowhere until they have a mental breakdown. I bailed out part way through a season. I just couldn't watch any more, it was so depressing.

    To want to be on any of these reality shows, I just keep feeling bad for them.

  • How was your NBN fttp upgrade experience ?
  • Told them where the water pipes were. They used some sort of pipe finder to confirm.

    Then, of course, they put the conduit drill straight through the water pipe under the concreted driveway. Turned off all the water and disappeared to Bunnings -allegedly- for hours. Cut up the driveway to get to the pipe to fix it. It still looks like shit. And is sinking..,

    Next week, the guy to do the internal cabling shows up. Everything is too hard for him to do properly. So he drills a hole in the eaves, runs the cable through the roof, then a hole in the ceiling and drops the cable down the wall. No covering inside or out, just a black cable running up and down walls. And here was I stupidly thinking it would just be a nice faceplate on the wall inside.

    I've never seen such a shitshow.

  • Last week, I re-took the national baccalaureate exam this year, Algeria. and this came up in the English exam.
  • Yeah, I realised that, but couldn't resist it for the lols.

    I think it could score a perfect zero by both not correctly comprehending and being offensive to whoever had the misfortune of marking it.

  • Last week, I re-took the national baccalaureate exam this year, Algeria. and this came up in the English exam.
  • Artificial satellites? Just for fun, I'm interpreting that as fake communication satellites, so:

    'Unlike traditional communication satellites, artificial communication satellites are not launched into space via costly rockets using environmentally unfriendly propellents.

    Instead, Artificial Satellite Systems (or ASS) make use of artificial intelligence to communicate via Frequency Adjusted Radio Tower Systems (known as FARTS).

    FARTS allow for rapid, ASS to ASS communication. Additionally, Multiplexed Over/Under The Horizon' allows for increased speeds if ASS to MOUTH is enabled.'

  • What popular product do you think is modern day snakeoil?
  • If you want a rabbit hole to go down, look into how RDIs/RDAs are arrived at...

  • What popular product do you think is modern day snakeoil?
  • Cheetos are orange and everyone knows orange has Vitamin C!

    And an Applebees a day keeps the doctor away!

  • A Cool Guide Scorpions The Deadliest Animal
  • Not sure how they come up with 'deadliest animal'. Wikipedia lists scorpions as only 8th most deadly to humans. Freshwater snails and dogs kill at least 3x more people, and mosquitoes kill over 200x more people.

    cnet ranked the most venomous animals and the highest ranked scorpion comes in only at number 10

    1. Box Jellyfish
    Although the Australian box jellyfish just misses having the most potent venom on this list, it is probably the most deadly. It is large in size yet almost transparent in the water, and its tentacles can sting you with its millions of nematocysts, injecting a hefty amount of venom while holding its victim in place.

    The venom's toxins can cause extreme pain, paralysis, delirium, shock, cardiac arrest and even death within minutes. The jellyfish has enough venom to kill 60 adults.

  • John Williams & Vienna Philharmonic – Williams: Theme from “Jurassic Park”
  • Still fills me with a sense of wonder just from hearing those 5 notes.

    Also there is this

  • What's the dumbest blockbuster movie you have seen that somehow received high praise?
  • I'm curious when you were born and where you're from?

  • What's the dumbest blockbuster movie you have seen that somehow received high praise?
  • The stories in both were somewhat disjointed and as with most sci-fi, requires some level of suspension of disbelief.

    Nowadays, storytelling and plot takes a big backseat to action and explosions....😔

  • Australia Community Anniversary Thread
  • I'd like to thank all the friendly, helpful people I've met, apologise for any steamy hot takes, and of course thank the mods for keeping us under control, and Lodion for standing up a place aussies can call home.

    Honestly, I'd like to see more of the same, but with a growing user base. This place, and lemmy in general, deserves more eyes. Of course, that also brings risks and costs, but for discussion based communities, you need a 'critical mass'

  • Deleted
    Why do so many people still hate GrapheneOS?
  • Yep, tor me it's because it requires a Pixel. And specifically poor Pixel battery life.

    I value battery life, and every Pixel I check out on gsmarena has an endurance rating < 90h.

    For comparison, my current phone's endurance rating is 113h, and this is why I ended up shopping by chipset. Everything not Snapdragon had poor battery life. (Disclaimer: haven't looked for a couple of years)

  • Why Toyota Is Intentionally "Falling Behind" On EVs | Morning Brew (10:10)
  • Toyota has been touting breakthrough solid state batteries for a while now.

    Not so surprisingly, they are always 4-5 years away.

    So, in the meantime, you should buy one of our Toyota ICE or hybrid cars!

  • login redirects to

    I use, and had trouble logging in from there today. "Too many redirects". I also use the Redirect to extension. When I disabled that, the login link it now takes you to is That, of course, takes you to

    The old 'popup' login box has been removed. I also noticed that the in sub logins where they used to have username/password entry boxes have been removed.

    More reddit enshitification to try and make us use their horrible UI.

    Nominating Valtteri Bottas for *compulsory* Aussie citizenship

    He's passed EVERY test. He's more Aussie than anyone I know!

    Best Tomato Sauce/Ketchup?

    Ok I have a confession to make. I often don't put tomato sauce on things that are expected required by Aussies to have tomato sauce. It's a shameful thing, and I don't want to talk about that.

    But, sometimes I must have tomato sauce. The bottle is almost empty, and after upgrading my BBQ sauce and Mayo, surely there is a great bang for the buck tomato sauce.

    Choice rated Community Co A Squeeze of Tomato Sauce, available from IGA, as number 1 in 2019 from a list of over 20 tomato sauces/ketchups.

    Anyone tried this and can give me a recommendation and reasons on why I should try something else over this?

    Ima have to apologise in advance for being a questioning beotch that expects a reference to a scientific study for every statement...after quoting Choice 🤣

    Short Film :A man who stutters is forced to drive a voice-activated car. | Voice Activated

    Great little piece that hits a surprising range of emotions

    Single Guy Kitchen

    Reckon I could have won it easily with a Bachelor's Handbag....

    Ninja Parade Slips By Town Unnoticed Once Again

    Brilliant troll. Better than Santa Claus

    Closest Look Ever at How Pyramids Were Built

    Fascinating analysis of the casing stones on the Great Pyramid.

    Also recommend Updating the Great Pyramids Internal Ramp Theory

    Live Matches Discussion Round 23
    • Roosters vs Sea Eagles: Battle for about 10th on the ladder lol
    • Panthers vs Storm: 1v4. Could well meet in the finals, and maybe even the big one.
    Live Match Discussion Round 22: Storm vs Eels

    Second rate commentator standing in for the legendary

    Will this be a good footy game?

    100%. The boys look fired up to give 110%, so footy will be the winner.

    Australia retains the Ashes in anti-climactic fashion as rain wipes out final day of fourth Test Australia retains the Ashes in anti-climactic fashion as rain wipes out final day of fourth Test

    Australia will carry a 2-1 lead into the final Test of the Ashes series in England, meaning they have retained the Urn on the back of a drawn fourth game at Old Trafford&nbsp;with a little help from the rain that washed out day five.

    Australia retains the Ashes in anti-climactic fashion as rain wipes out final day of fourth Test

    Poor old England wiped out by the weather.

    I almost feel sorry for them. Yeah, nah, not sorry.

    Daily Discussion Thread - Friday 21 July, RIP sydbot

    After being missing for 5 days, we have called off the search for sydbot.

    RIP, little buddy. Hope you and your other bot friends are beeping and boopiing in bot heaven

    Match Thread: The Ashes - 4th Test, Old Trafford

    We lost the toss (again!), and were sent in by England.


    Match Thread: The Ashes - 3rd Test, Headingley

    Come on Aussie!

    We lost the toss and are having a bat first.


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