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New lib theory just dropped
  • I mean some people don't, but also there will always be people who are just kinda late to something. Like I only ended up playing LiS last year, and I liked it, so I could see someone doing that and feeling like talking about it with people online

  • Head empty. No apple.
  • Yeah this is kind of the conclusion I've come to. I don't really know what it is that 'see' is really supposed to mean. I mean very obviously I don't see it in the same way as I see an object in front of me, but at the same time there is still an apple that has various characteristics and exists in some way within some sort of mental space, and whose attributes, including ones which for a real apple would be visual, I can be aware of and understand

  • Check-In Thread: How Are You Doing, Comrade?
  • Quite well actually. Started uni a few weeks ago and I'm doing linguistics which I'm really into so that's been pretty fun. I've had a bit of extra time now that I'm more settled in as well, so I finally started learning Arabic (fus7a that is) for real, which I've been wanting to do for a long time and it definitely hasn't disappointed because it's a really cool language. Also I met someone really cool on the introduction day thingy for my programme and we've been talking a lot, like a lot a lot, and it's been really nice, it's been quite some time since I've vibed with someone this well I think.

    On the other hand ye olde eating disordre is a thing still I guess, although in kind of a weird way where I almost don't know if I can call it that. It hasn't really even been on my mind almost at all, which in pretty stark contrast to a while ago, and it doesn't feel like I've been eating that little, but at the same time I've clearly lost a fair amount of weight (can't say how much bc I have refrained from getting a scale) since arriving here because basically none of my clothes seem to fit anymore. So yeah idk what's up with that

  • What does it mean to love someone?
  • Not sure I could really define what either of them is, but I can tell them apart because they just feel different. I can tell that I'm romantically in love with someone because it's a feeling that's just not what I have platonically. That's not to say there aren't similarities of course, because there are many. In fact I'd say to me it's kinda like it subsumes platonic love. It has all of that, but also a bit more. I think there's also maybe a sort of "irrationality" or whatever you want to call it to romantic love, like the person themself isn't necessarily in any real sense that different from other people I don't feel the same way about, some unconscious part of my brain has simply happened to confer them with a unique significance.

    Also if it's at all relevant I'm asexual so sexual attraction has literally nothing to do with anything here, not that even all allos would say those are necessarily related I don't think.

  • More on the Canadian parliament discourse
  • Although we should really push back on the historically revisionist narrative that most Ukrainians in WW2 were Nazis because by orders of magnitude the brave Ukrainians of WW2 were fighting against the Nazi invaders as part of the red army.

    pavlichenko was Ukrainian

  • Terminal Reddit Brain
  • I feel like there's something uniquely cringe about the way redditors seem to love more than anything to invoke the names of the fallacies. Like if someone's argument isn't sound it's totally reasonable to point that out, but the redditbrain seems to only care about naming the fallacy rather than actually doing that. Of course there's also just the fact they're just wrong a lot of the time. Like yeah for sure believing in cause and effect is definitely a slippery slope fallacy you got me

  • NSFW
    [CW: ableism being mocked] Autism discussed on Reddit starter pack
  • I have Asperger’s and my “special interest” is gender ideology, which means I spend every waking minute thinking and problem-solving on how to quell this monster. Everything points to exposing the abysmal quality of “scientific evidence” that props up their beliefs. 🧵

    Not 100% what you were talking about, but is word for word an unironic tweet I've seen and idk it felt relevant somehow. And down in the replies they make the point that they can't be wrong because of their Asperger's genius powers or whatever

  • InitialsDiceBear„Initials” ( by „DiceBear”, licensed under „CC0 1.0” (
    NoGodsNoMasters [they/them, she/her]
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