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Why does it seem the world is all of a sudden concerned about sexual orientation? Especially America. Did I miss how far we came as a society to see it take a 40 year step backwards?
  • Because the bigots seemed to have found ways to get in positions of influence to spread their toxic ideologies and get laws passed that targets their 'enemies'. Even when the Supreme Court ruled in 2015 that same-sex marriage is legal, I knew in the back of my mind that things are far from over. Because after that? Like one month later, Kim Davis denied legalizing a same-sex marriage.

    And things seemed to have worsened thanks to the existence of people like DeSantis, Trump and any GOP still somehow breathing that wants to antagonize everyone over sexual orientation. Because in their psychotic structure, they want America to be purely Christian, purely White and probably Blonde, Blue-eyed and fair skinned.

    Even in 2004, George W Bush back then on February was quoted to have said: "Our Nation must defend the sanctity of marriage". What he means is, to protect the sanctity of STRAIGHT marriage because he seems to have it in his head that marriage is the property of the church and all that shit.

    Doesn't that sound exactly like the kind of people a certain country named Germany aspired to be like back in WWII? Ironic.

  • Well, I wanted to enjoy stream sticks

    Beginning to have thoughts now on just donating away my stream sticks and use my TV in the living room as a back up incase the one I have in my bedroom dies.

    I got into streaming sticks about a few months ago, I have an ONN brand one and Amazon one that's 4k. And I know the appeal of them and the appeal is nice. It makes you feel like you're watching cable television without subscribing to an overpriced cable subscription. It was nice.

    It was nice until everytime I go to have some sit down time in the living room than my bedroom to watch something there, I turn on the ONN stick, I try watching a single YouTube video.

    30 second ad. Skipped it. 4 minutes into the video - another ad. And this will happen the longer the video is where it's just ad, ad, ad.

    Between the two, only the ONN stick has a chance of being rooted but I'm not sure I want to risk bricking or ruining it. The Amazon one cannot be rooted which is a shame.

    So yeah, not really digging stream sticks as much as I like because of this. I immediately went back to my bedroom to watch on the PC since I have adblock.

    Internet Archive Loses Landmark E-Book Lending Copyright Appeal Against Publishers.
  • Oh...this is not good.

    This is just going to be the floodgate effect for when copyright of any kind is going to be challenged against Internet Archive and we'll see more losses.

    I'm sad to say but I don't think Internet Archive is going to have much longer.

  • Ladies and Gentlemen, the sate of AI.
  • This is not going to stop me from wanting better research. I'll still go to Userbenchmark just to be sure. AI isn't going to tell me what it thinks and expect me to take it face value.

  • Snopes: [True] Project 2025 Wants All **Public** High School Students To Take Military Entrance Exam?
  • Glad I'm not in high school anymore. But this is kind of like in line with how schools prep you for getting used to being shuffled around because after school, you're likely going to end up in a job that's going to function similarly. So now instead of JROTC people bothering you in high school (like mine did) to recruit, now you're going to have the government under Trump being like "we NEED you" and you've got no choice but to go.

    Isn't this like a preface setting for a draft? Sounds like it to me. This all says it's a draft without trying to say or feel like it's one.

  • InitialsDiceBear„Initials” ( by „DiceBear”, licensed under „CC0 1.0” (
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