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How the ICC case against Israeli leaders was made possible How the ICC case against Israeli leaders was made possible

The groundwork for the International Criminal Court case against Benjamin Netanyahu and Yoav Gallant was laid long before the Gaza genocide through the tireless work of Palestinian human rights organizations.

How the ICC case against Israeli leaders was made possible
What Israeli soldiers' display of Palestinian women's lingerie reveals about the Zionist psyche What Israeli soldiers' display of Palestinian women's lingerie reveals about the Zionist psyche

Israeli soldiers' brazen intrusion into displaced or murdered Palestinians' romantic and sexual lives is a terrifying indication of the occupiers' capacity to violate with impunity

What Israeli soldiers' display of Palestinian women's lingerie reveals about the Zionist psyche
US Exceptionalism Is Dead No Matter Who Wins the Election

No matter the president, the US will no longer meet the world as moral beacon or crusader, but as just another Great Power pursuing selfish interests.

[2022] Desert Technologies Factory first Saudi factory to export solar panels to the German market Desert Technologies Factory first Saudi factory to export solar panels to the German market

Desert Technologies Factory signed an agreement with the Swiss/German Group meeco to export its solar panels to Germany to implement several projects in the city of Lambsheim.

Desert Technologies Factory first Saudi factory to export solar panels to the German market
Death toll tops 1,000 after Haj marked by extreme heat
  • Summer started earlier than usual this year. The Saudi government needs to install more shades and outdoor cooling, as well as perhaps reduce the number of pilgrims allowed. 1.83 million at once, not counting those without permits, is a lot at once to take care of.

  • Biden Doesn’t Have a Real “Red Line” for Horrors in Gaza Biden Doesn’t Have a Real “Red Line” for Horrors in Gaza

    Joe Biden declared an invasion of Rafah a “red line” that Israel could not cross, then allowed Netanyahu to invade anyway. Why is Biden allowing Israel to openly defy the United States and repeatedly commit war crimes with almost no consequences?

    Biden Doesn’t Have a Real “Red Line” for Horrors in Gaza
    The Christian right is coming for divorce next
  • So they are forcing their own interpretation of Christianity on everyone? I guess that the US doesn’t have separate courts for other religions… So no one's allowed divorce even if allowed in their religion? this can’t be legal.

    To think that the caliphate at least allowed Jews and Christians to have their own religious courts.

  • American Christianity
  • The term used in Islamic jurisprudence for someone who claims to believe in a religion but doesn't follow it is munafiq i.e. hypocrite. I don't know what it is called in Christianity/English. But since Islam borrows a lot of concepts, some literally such as shaheed being literal translation from Greek: martyr, and I have heard Christian Arabs use "munafiq", I would think the Greek word for it will be related to hypocrisy.

  • American Christianity

    Not a logical fallacy. Anyone can claim they worship Christ, but all religion have obligations that if you don't follow you are clearly not a follower.

    No one can follow everything in the Bible. It contradicts itself all over the place.

    No one can follow "feed the hungry, heal the sick, and house the houseless"? I understand if it was some contradictory command, but this one clearly isn't.

    I will give an example from Islam since I am more familiar with it. Alcohol is prohibited in Islam yet some people claim to be Muslims and consume it. Those people fall under one of two, no third:

    1. They know they are committing a sin and feel bad about it.
    2. Deny they are committing a sin.

    Those who are group 1, are still Muslims but sinners, but group 2 are out out out!

    So those who don't to feed the hungry and deny the obligation, aren't Christian.

  • American Christianity
  • I am not the one calling them fake Christians, God did

    James 2:10 "For whoever keeps the whole law but fails in one point has become guilty of all of it." The Bible said to take care of the poor and sick, fairly simple commandment, and they are failing to follow it.

  • Key Democrats approve major arms sale to Israel, including F-15s
  • Anyway, back to your point. One party is going to cut off both your hands; the other will only cut off one hand. Are they equivalent?

    The majority want a ceasefire. Why can't the Democratic Party just give its voters what they want and secure for itself the next election as well?

    If the Democratic Party knows what the people want but refuses to give it to them, I think it is time for people to find another party to represent their cause.

  • American Christianity
  • They clearly don't believe in Jesus. At this point they are just pretending to be Christians and destroying it from within, at least in the US. American-style Christianity still hasn't spread everywhere, yet.

  • InitialsDiceBear„Initials” ( by „DiceBear”, licensed under „CC0 1.0” (
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