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What human power-ups/power-downs would you choose? Why?
  • I hope you realize that floating objects generally orient themselves in such a way that the most buoyant parts are at the top. So while you could float around, you would be hanging by your balls the entire time...

  • Deleted
    *Permanently Deleted*
  • Aviation and space stuff.

  • Why do you use firefox?
  • Primarily because I've been using it for much longer than Chrome has been a thing so I'm used to it. But Google's shenanigans are also a factor.

  • New Vaccine Can Completely Reverse Autoimmune Diseases Like Multiple Sclerosis, Type 1 Diabetes, and Crohn’s Disease
  • I get to find out if I have ulcerative colitis or Crohns in a few days. This gives me hope that even if I have one of them, I won't have to take meds for the rest of my life, or worse, have parts of me removed.

  • Deleted
    *Permanently Deleted*
  • Oh no, now someone will have to write a bot to scrape the ToS once a day or something, and push it to Github if it has changed.

  • Probably a stupid question, but will we ever have something like a microwave to make things cold? Is there a reason this can't exist?
  • This is technically possible. The cosmic microwave background, i.e. space, is extremely cold (barely above absolute zero) so it basically acts as a heatsink you can pump infinite amounts of heat into. It turns out that if you can make the food radiate heat out into space and prevent it from absorbing more heat from sunlight, it's possible to cool it below ambient temperature. This is also a completely passive process so it requires no electricity or other form of active energy input.

    The problem with this is that doing it with food might be impossible. At the moment, we can only really do it using objects with special coatings that have been optimized for this purpose.

    Here's a couple interesting videos that explain how it works:

  • Friendly games to play in cooperation with kids
  • Diggy diggy hole!

  • People of Lemmy, I dare you to name ONE billionaire that's done anything good.
  • You conveniently left out the definition of "good" so you can move the goalposts if you don't like the answers you get.

  • running out of memes so spellings of cat rule
  • Cat in Bulgarian (котка, pronounced kotka) means eagle in Finnish.

  • Starfield players pirate the DLSS mod after the developer locks it behind paywall
  • It's great if you have a decent framerate to start with, but it really struggles at lower framerates and you'll get a lot of ugly artifacts if there's any rapid movement on screen.

  • Solve this wordsearch 😛
  • They're right there, written in big text and placed in a nice 3x3 arrangement below the jumbled mess of random letters.

  • [How is your day going?]
  • I went to see a doctor today because I've been having diarrhea and bleeding for 2 months, based on my symptoms and the test results he thought I probably have ulcerative colitis but need to get a colonoscopy soon to confirm it. Will call the clinic tomorrow to schedule it. I also got a prescription for prednisolone so that should hopefully help with the symptoms a lot. I haven't been able to sleep or focus on anything because I need to go to the bathroom like every 2-3 hours. Can't wait to get a full night's sleep again.

  • Not counting games that were unfun because of bugs, what’s the most unfun video game that you’ve played and what made it unfun?
  • Elite Dangerous is the most un-fun game I've spent 1500+ hours on. I want to love it but the developers' actions, or lack thereof, makes it difficult. The game has so much potential the devs won't or can't take advantage of for some reason.

  • There’s enough geothermal energy below ground to power the entire country. Some are trying to tap it — by using techniques from the fracking boom.
  • It's all fun and games until you end up stuck on an ancient spaceship billions of lightyears from home because you accidentally blew up the planet.

  • Rivian CEO issues strong statement about people who purchase gas-powered cars: ‘Sort of like building a horse barn in 1910’
  • Rivian CEO should keep his mouth shut until a few grand gets you a used compact electric hatchback (VW Polo or similar) with a decent battery.

  • Can you drive a manual transmission?
  • It's cheap and reliable.

  • Can you drive a manual transmission?
  • It's not just about speed and acceleration. It's also about control. Racing drivers face an infinite number of different conditions out on the track and it would be impossible to tune the transmission in such a way that it does exactly what the driver wants 100% of the time. And it really has to be perfect. 99.9% isn't good enough because the other 0.1% can wreck the car if it does something unexpected while driving at the limit.

  • PixelOfLife Pixel of Life
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