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The terror against homeless will continue as scheduled
  • but what about safe encampments mr newsom? :goose-knife:

  • The terror against homeless will continue as scheduled
  • but among the billionaires one must rise to the top to become... TRILLIONAIRE, thus relegating the others to mere peasant status

  • There's some new icons in the world of adult animated comedy
  • i dunno, south park still makes me laugh, and so does family guy..

    i don't watch them religiously, in fact they're only very rarely on, but i don't feel like it's any worse than anything else on TV

  • Fuck You Apple News [Bolivian soldiers surge into presidential palace, raising specter of coup]
  • surprised they didn't go with "freedom officers try valiantly to restore democracy against blood thirsty regime in Bolivia", out some such

  • The white libs are at it again
  • I'd like to visit the author just once, after trudging through a pile of dogshit and then have a few glasses of red wine with them that my butterfingers just can't seem to grasp properly

  • One-Third of Americans Making $250,000 Live Paycheck-to-Paycheck, Survey Finds
  • most silicon valley 6 figure salaried workers do not own a home.. nor will they ever unless they leave silicon valley or they win the IPO lottery

  • Julian Assange has reached a plea deal with the U.S., allowing him to go free
  • so the US imprisoned him without trial and with clear cruel and unusual punishment...

    but libs will say thats okay because he's not a US citizen

  • Julian Assange is free
  • the fuck?

  • power play
  • we're trapped in the belly of this horrible machine, and the machine is bleeding to death

    i said kiss me here beautiful, these are truly the last days, and we fell into it, like a daydream or a fever

  • Clown to Clown Communication
  • that happened in your middle school too? i thought it was just that one kid...

  • Louisiana passes into law that the Ten Commandments must be posted in all school classrooms
  • i just learned more from looking at that than i did in all the geography classes i ever had

  • Astronauts stuck in space another week as Boeing, NASA troubleshoot Starliner
  • it undoubtedly would

    won't somebody please think of the shareholders?!

  • Astronauts stuck in space another week as Boeing, NASA troubleshoot Starliner
  • and subway didn't even murder whistleblowers

  • Least bigoted German
  • how big the market for fresh farmed poles? sounds like an easy industry

  • San Francisco scraps protections from police drone surveillance San Francisco voters OK Prop. E, giving more police powers

    Prop. E gives San Francisco’s Police Department expanded surveillance powers and makes other policy changes.

    San Francisco voters OK Prop. E, giving more police powers

    Huzzah for Mayor London Breed advancing the police state inch by inch. The police no longer have to worry about pesky lawsuits by overstepping their bounds using drones and other robotic means for surveillance and remote law enforcement. Now they can fly drones around and just follow people "suspected" of maybe having committed a crime, or not.

    San Francisco voters approve drug testing welfare recipients San Francisco Prop. F: Voters OK drug screening for welfare aid

    San Francisco voters decided Tuesday on Proposition F, a contentious ballot measure that ties San Francisco welfare payments to drug screening and treatment.

    San Francisco Prop. F: Voters OK drug screening for welfare aid

    Ultra wealthy tech bros clink champagne glasses as the proles vote to kick the lowest among themselves off any public assistance by testing for any "illegal" drugs in their system before they can collect the paltry assistance that already requires navigating hoops and miles of red tape.

    Games PeeOnYou [he/him]
    How do you feel about the USSR? (Tunguksa)

    First time I think I've ever seen anything positive about the USSR in a video game.


    PoY PeeOnYou [he/him]
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