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7 days ago

  • Crazy. Never heard of them actually banning someone.

  • Damn, kicked off? Where do you live and how many violations did he get?

  • Gaming

    Rockstar has some of the most restrictive mission design I've ever experienced

  • I'm hypersensitive to framerate and have a 170Hz monitor so 60 FPS is minimum for me. But even that's a bit too low. Yes, I'm a snob.

  • I agree losing the openess was a shame, but I really enjoyed the story and updated gameplay in 2. I haven't played 3, but it's my understanding that it's more open than 2 again?

  • I thought Crysis 2 was fun. What didn't you like about it?

  • It's useful if you want someone to copy a URL from a physical medium, so they don't have to copy a huge URL.