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Wholesome Mike
  • Calm down.

    The whole point of language is communication and being able to understand others and make yourself understood.

    Considering that, most English speaking people would have absolutely no problem understanding the meaning of this post so it's really not that big of an issue.

    However, you do have a point about encouraging the use of good English in the sense that it allows for less confusion, but maybe if you came across of less of a pedantic porcupine who cares more about making fun of others than trying to give useful information then more people would be willing to listen to you.

    Just like you were trying to make that point Deceptichum was trying to point out that people use different forms of language in different settings such as being more informal and loose with grammar on the internet, for example. Using their/there/they're is much less worse than saying on accident instead of by accident.

  • New GitHub user and extension developer claims Twitch’s website has malware
  • Yeah. Just to clarify, I didn't mean to try to validate conspiracy theories like these and wasn't suggesting that this guy is right, but that it's wrong to ignore the large amount of data that closed source applications oftentimes do collect on you.

  • New GitHub user and extension developer claims Twitch’s website has malware
  • I mean they can watch and monitor your activity on their website, and are probably partnered with many other websites to collate data on your interests and beliefs to feed into a chunky advertising algorithm sooooo...

    But you didn't want to hear that, did you?

  • What are your opinions on Matrix?

    I was sold on Matrix as a viable alternative to Discord but recently read this article which made it look not so good.

    InitialsDiceBear„Initials” ( by „DiceBear”, licensed under „CC0 1.0” (
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