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A new trolley era
  • I don't like the spying aspect but it is unironically true that if you slam your brakes at every red light you are driving in a dangerous fashion. It's more so about the pattern than a one off event though.

  • Elon Musk’s Neuralink reports trouble with first human brain chip
  • Hmm, turns out the human body doesn't like to be tampered with! Who could have predicted this? I'm sure this is akin to organ rejection but I'm definitely surprised that the brain has these kinds of mechanisms. Maybe to defend against ancient parasites?

  • At some point it's got to be easier to get it over with and just do the damn dishes.
  • ...Do you understand the nature of this disorder? It's not like people just don't WANT to do things. We want to, but due to a developmental difference, lack the neurotransmitters/receptors to be able to consistently turn "want" into "do".

  • Removed
    Either ya understand why most women pick the 🐻 or you are the 🐻.
  • I fucking hate this entire discourse but it is just a fact that sharks mostly don't want much to do with humans and most shark attacks happen because of them mistaking you for something they're familiar with, especially wearing wetsuits.

  • Pov: You criticized the first Crusade
  • Of course, I only meant on a day-to-day basis it doesn't affect my life much, I look queer as hell and I think I get about the same treatment from Hutterites and Mennonites as anyone else around here. I prefer not to compare so I don't mean to suggest that anyone has it better than me, they're just different. Escaping any cult means you have quite a nice bit of religious trauma to deal with in any case. Jehovah's Witnesses I'm moderately familiar with and I'm sure there's some shared experiences, I used to watch this channel Telltale, the creator being ex-JW, and I spotted many similarities to my own experience being Mormon.

    I'm past most of it now, but something being so baked into your upbringing leaves you with a lot of growth to be done to say the least.

  • Phileo - The Way She Flies

    cross-posted from:

    > I feel like this song kinda flew under the radar for the longest time but its always been one of my favourites!

    Phileo - The Way She Flies

    I feel like this song kinda flew under the radar for the longest time but its always been one of my favourites!

    InitialsDiceBear„Initials” ( by „DiceBear”, licensed under „CC0 1.0” (

    Hello! My name is Cobalt Swiftpaw. I'm here for memes and art.

    Previously /u/PirandelloKruger723 on Reddit.

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