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This is going to set back medical trust for years
  • Doctors tend to not take that oath any longer. Too much of what they do constitutes 'doing harm', seriously.

    "Some say that the oath is irrelevant in modern medical practice because it does not address ethical issues that are relevant today."

    Editing to clear this up: I mean insurance companies stopping them from helping their patients and not giving them enough time to accurately diagnose their patients. Just to be clear I'm not talking about gender affirming care or abortion.

  • Hobbies Wednesday - what have you been up to?
  • He's a real Narcissus. Fell in love with himself in a different world and almost destroyed two worlds so that they could be together forever.

    My players know there are two worlds and that Zeitounessian did it for love. I'm amazed they haven't guessed the truth yet.

  • Hobbies Wednesday - what have you been up to?
  • They are, vaguely. The situation is that two worlds from parallel timelines almost collided and we're sealed into a bubble plane to keep the catastrophe contained.

    One party from each world is unraveling the how and why. At the center is a pair of liches - the same individual from each world - whose phylacteries are each other. If you dint defeat them both in the alloted time, the other lich rises again.

    None of the players know about the liches yet, but they do know their name, Zeitounessian.

  • Hobbies Wednesday - what have you been up to?
  • I'm running multiple d&d games for both friends and family. My friends are currently playing The Curse of Strahd and loving it but it's just by the book.

    My family just finished The Wild Beyond the Witchlight, which I had heavily modified and plan to release a boom detailing what I did and how it went. After that this group returns to my homebrew game, so...

    I need to revive a third game, also with friends, which is their heroes in the same homebrew world as I plan to bring the two groups together for a level 20 finale.

  • Have you ever, given someone a major step up in life, been a mentor, and measurably altered the trajectory of their life for the better?
  • A few times I've been there for friends and helped them through rough times just by being someone to talk to.

    But I also helped my best friend and roommate by paying most of the bills while he developed his IT/engineering skills. He's got a good career now but struggled for a few years.

    Then I took someone in a couple months ago and she's staying in my attic now. That's going well, my wife and I get along great with her. Hopefully it'll all turn out well.

  • High Fidelity (2000) ⭐ 7.4 | Comedy, Drama, Music
  • I feel like this was Jack Black's big break. He wasn't all that well known of a performer at that point.

    I knew him from Mr. Show and I'm sure I'd seen him in bit parts but this role was just huge for his career.

  • Julia Louis-Dreyfus Calls ‘Bulls—‘ Over Complaints That ‘Comics Can’t Be Funny Now’ Due to P.C. Culture: It’s Not an ‘Impossible Time to Be Funny’
  • And for Seinfeld, of all people, to say something that is so... dumb.

    It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia is essentially Seinfeld on crack. You have a cast of bad people with little redeeming qualities who are actively becoming worse people. And it's a massive hit that's been running longer than Seinfeld's own show.

    In addition, what the hell, man? You are the cleanest, most white bread standup I've ever seen. I paid to see you do a ten minute bit on raisins that killed. You do not DO edgy comedy, so shut the fuck up.

  • What was your worst work mishap, accident, or oopsie?
  • There were three women who were best friends, took their breaks together, etc. And in the Christmas season they wore matching knit sweaters and would walk down the hall side by side so it would read "Ho! Ho! Ho!"

    But one day when I was leaving the break room, they approached... and one was out sick. Before I could stop myself I asked "Where's the other Ho?"

    Might've gotten a visit to HR from it if I hadn't looked so shocked at myself.

  • I'm the Duluth Critter

    Hey all, I'm a cis ally in the upper Midwest of the USA. I offered a room to Keris a while back and she accepted.

    She got here Wednesday night and things are going very well. She likes me, my wife, and our cats and one dog, and is learning to tolerate the other.

    She has an attic bedroom that is her space alone.

    She has time to unwind and figure out what she wants to do without fear of being dumped on the streets.

    I just wanted to let you all know that we have taken her in and that she is safe and loved.

    [GENERAL] John Flansburgh is a superior musician to John Linnell

    I've been a fan of They Might Be Giants for most of my life and have always been surprised that people universally disagree with me on this.

    Linnell's songs tend to be quirkier but also shallower. (State Songs is a good example here - there isnt a song for every state and theyre often abstract to the point of meaninglessness. I expected such a project to have more inspiration behind it.

    I've always found Flansburgh's more melodic and thoughtful, slightly better composed, and with a superior singing voice.

    Of course they're a great duo and they play off each other's strengths. I don't dislike Linnell at all, just the songs that he sings tend to not be my favorites.

    Out of Context DnD Pronell
    "I can't believe I didn't get to poison anyone last night."

    Said by one of my two DM friends to me while we were in a pizza joint together.

    "Dude! Context! We are in public."

    I have a bountiful life of riches. I run two games and play in three. Just a problem finding time for them all.

    InitialsDiceBear„Initials” ( by „DiceBear”, licensed under „CC0 1.0” (
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