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  • Kaos: a TV series with trans & queer representation

    Just wanted to put it on your radar in case you didn't know about the show (I only found out about it by accident). I think it's available on Netflix.

    The show was written by an enby and the cast includes a trans man and Suzy Eddie Izzard.

  • Reputable trans housing charities in California (LA area)?

    Hello cool folks. I have a trans friend in California who might be facing unhoused-ness, and I want to be able to give her resources to help her. I used to know about stuff like the trans couch network from tumblr, but that was ages ago, and I live in the UK now so I only know UK based housing charities.

    So: what housing organisations or resources exist in California, specifically the LA area? If any? I feel so out of touch on this side of the pond. I’ll do a Google search as well, but I don’t really trust Google to vet organisations like actual trans folks can.

    Alternatively, any advice I can pass along to her would help. I’m trans but I’ve been lucky enough to have secure housing so far, so I feel out of my depth.

  • Nausea on HRT? (MtF)

    I'm a trans woman, and I've been experiencing pretty annoying levels of nausea recently -- like, daily, for a few months. It's not too disruptive, but I get hungry really sporadically, and I spend the rest of the time feeling vaguely queasy. I'm wondering if it's at all related to the drug cocktail I'm on.

    I've been on HRT for about 2 years now. I take estradiol (4 mg/day orally) and spironolactone (100 mg/day). I get my hormone levels checked regularly at a clinic. The spiro used to be 50 mg/day, but I had to up the dose after my testosterone levels started creeping back up several months ago.

    The T uptick seemingly coincided with when I started taking bupropion for depression. My T levels are back in range, and I've since switched out the bupropion for lamotrigine (a mood stabilizer). But now I have all this nausea.

    Despite what I've described, my HRT prescriber and my psychiatrist both insist that this drug combination shouldn't be causing nausea, nor the jump in T levels. So, it's a mystery, and quite a frustrating one. I feel like I'm a big bag of pills that's been shaken up until it's good and dizzy.

    Not sure if anyone can relate to this -- how many depressed trans women are there out there, anyway? But if you have any advice, I'm all ears.

  • The villain

    Go to any post on any "relationship advice" community and you'll see people drawing up lines, saying you are the villain or your spouse is the villain. "hit the lawyer, facebook up, delete the gym." Most of the time that isn't helpful, people ask for relationship help because they want help with their relationship, they don't want to end it. Oh sure some people are just looking for a reason to get out of an unhealthy relationship, but why are people so quick to vilify? Divisiveness is not going to solve a relationship problem. I feel like I shouldn't have to start every one of my posts with this kind of disclaimer, but if you look through my post history you'll find me fighting for my wife again and again. She is not the problem, she is part of the solution. My number one goal is to preserve this relationship, fully transitioning comes second to that.

    It's not just you all, I see this everywhere. I pointed it out to my wife and now she sees it everywhere. I came out at church and now I'm the villain there, how dare I do this to my wife and kids. Why can't I just "man up" and be what's expected of me?

    And when I come out as Christian to my trans friends, my wife is the villain, how dare she hold you back, how dare she not fully embrace her bi nature, insert bi erasure rhetoric here.

    Usually I would follow up this kind of caveat with the problem that needs addressed, but in this case, this IS the problem that needs addressed. Constantly having to fight for each other in opposing circles is exhausting, especially when we are asking for help. I don't want to hear "oh your priorities are fucked, transition first then worry about your wife". I'm so tired of asking for help and getting divisiveness. And I don't know what to do.

    The two of us sat down with a counselor the other day and we felt seen, at the same time, for the first time. She understood this struggle. I wish she was taking more clients, hopefully the counselor she recommended will be equally excellent. How do we find or make more of these safe spaces, where we can both exist together, without either of us being the villain?

  • How's your week been?

    If you are thinking about harming yourself — get immediate crisis support. Connect to a crisis counselor 24/7, 365 days a year, from anywhere in the U.S via text, chat, or phone. The Trevor Project is 100% confidential and 100% free.

  • How's your week been?

    If you are thinking about harming yourself — get immediate crisis support. Connect to a crisis counselor 24/7, 365 days a year, from anywhere in the U.S via text, chat, or phone. The Trevor Project is 100% confidential and 100% free.

  • Fashion Friday!

    The first friday of every month is Fashion Friday! Give us your favourite fashion tips, tell us what you love wearing, or even post a photo!

  • Place for requesting help?

    Hi, me being a bellend asking for help again- Imean, uh, helpfully bringing up that having a place to do that could be cool. Yeah, that. I think somecritters around here were discussing such a thing at some point? squeaks meekly?

    (Yapping/story-stuff/rambling/???) ... It'd be real cool if the aid programs around here were implemented more sensibly and responsively :-\ Finally got to see a mental-y health-y help-y critter who sent in the stuff to get me on a cash assistance program but now it's just 🦗 🦗 and Idunno if I'm gonna be able to dispel credit bills this month, dunno what'll happen if I don't. I wonder if I can postpone by proving I have COVID? ... Ugh. I assume there's gonna be some kind of torture if I can't. Have been trying not to think of it 'cause I can't handle shit. Am close to being able to, just that one thing needs to stop with the heel-dragging and I'll be able to scrape by well enough to get help and start a life ([Sarcasm] At 34, which everycritter knows is the best age to be starting to live at) but rrgghhh squeaky-squawky-flaily incoherent critter noises! (End ???)

    Anyway, was that place ever a thing? I- er, some critters may need to borrow a buck or something. And a nap. Does anycritter have a nap I can use? I'll give it back after 🤷 [Strange incoherent joke] Can't taste it anyway. Bleh.

    (Off-topic) In other news, somehow I've ended up in the pridest freakin' city? Every other weekend there's some kinda pride thing going on @.@ Kinda neat Is'pose 😅 🤷 🐭 😶‍🌫️ skitters quietly away, still squeaking excuses and distractions >.<;

  • What's one affirming activity you can do that always puts you in a better headspace?

    Even if it's a small change in your attitude, what is that one thing you can rely on when having a rough day?

    I have a few go to activities I can rely on, but they depend on how much time and energy I have to devote to them.

    My favorite and most consistent activity is taking a long shower and shaving every inch of my body. Body hair has always been such a huge source of dysphoria for me since I was a teenager over 15 years ago. Weeeellll before I knew what dysphoria was. I would shave my arms and legs until my friends starting making fun of me for it. Didn't realize it was such a "weird" thing for me to do. I just hated seeing the hair and loved the sensation of smooth skin. 😅

    Unfortunately this activity takes me a while if I want to do it right, but goodness do I feel like a new woman when I crawl into bed that night with soft silky skin.

    So do you have a similar activity? Is it self care based like like or something different like listening to a favorite music album or watching a comfort show?

    All the love, Olivia

  • Looking for Sperm Preservation Advice

    cross-posted from:

    > Hi, everyone! So, I'm moving toward going on estrogen in the next year. Before I do that, there are some steps I want to take to prepare. I'm using an at-home IPL machine now for hair removal, and I'd like to get some voice lessons under my belt as well. The main step I want to take next is sperm cryopreservation. My fiancee and I want kids, but I'm not certain it would be a good idea to have a kid during puberty. So, we want to freeze my sperm or our embryos, and I was wondering if ya'll have any resources you could share? I've looked into a few at-home sperm freezing kits, but it's such a big deal to place your fertility in the hands of a company like that and any advice would be much appreciated! <3

  • PPT Surgeons in UK?

    cross-posted from:

    > Hello, we were wondering if there were any Peritoneal Pull Through Vaginoplasty surgeons in the UK, or if not or they're not good where would y'all recommend going? > > Not currently seeing the GIC because of long waiting lists, so don't know if that's a concern. We are on hormones though. > > Also, haven't had any other surgeries yet, should we do before consulting them? > > Thanks!

  • How Can I Help With my Girlfriend's Transition Without Steering Her One Way or the Other?

    Hey all!

    So I'm a cis guy who's only queer in the sense that I'm demisexual heteroromantic. Recently to my surprise, I've gotten into a relationship, and more surprising is the fact that the woman I'm dating is trans. Without coming off the wrong way, I never thought I'd find myself in a relationship with someone who's trans, and thankfully so far it seems as if there isn't a whole lot about dating her that's too different from my previous relationships, putting aside of course that she's easily been the best partner I've had to date.

    The thing is, she's still working on her transition. While I think she does an incredible job presenting herself for who she truly is to the world, she's not quite fully at the point where she wants to be just yet with. Namely, she wants to do some work with her voice, and get top surgery.

    Now what I want to do of course is be the most supportive partner I can be and help her with getting to where she wants to be. She mentioned that she has a lot of trouble with voice training, and in looking things up online, I came across voice feminization surgery. I brought it up to her, and she seems to have really appreciated me telling her about it.

    In terms of top surgery, I've been looking into it, and was looking into the different types of implants available. I read that silicone implants apparently feel the most natural and comparable to regular developed breasts, and while I want to give her all the options available, I also think that silicone would likely be the best option of the different types for that reason, especially since she's questioned her validity as a woman before and I want her to feel like and be her true self.

    However, I've been reflecting a bit. While I'm happy to explore these things and learn more about them to try and help her find what's best for her, I also don't want her to get the wrong idea of things. While it hasn't been the case to date that she's taken things this way, even specifically telling me she appreciates what I'm doing, I also worry about either getting potentially too involved in her personal life, giving the wrong idea that I'm making suggestions based on my own interests rather than hers, or that I might lead her make a decision where the end result doesn't match the person she is and wants to fully be.

    What can I do as a partner for her who's cis to best assist her with her journey in transitioning? Where should my place be in supporting her through her journey? How can I prevent myself from making a good-intentioned suggestion that might not end up being the most affirming thing for her? How can I ensure that I'm giving her all the information she needs accurately, without unknowingly pushing options that might not work best for her?

    Thanks in advance, I'll be sure to start responding once I wake up and will take any criticism and critique as needed.

  • [CW: Gatekeeping], [CW: eugenics] and the hormone fairy

    Hello, everyone. Hopefully I'm not doxxing myself too badly if I reveal that I live in Japan, which is not a great place for trans healthcare.

    The standards of care here are still from the stone age, and date from a prosecution under Japan's widely reviled eugenics laws (fortunately repealed in... 1996). Yes, that's right: the guidelines themselves state they're to protect medical practitioners.

    The key requirement is to jump through enough hoops to convince your doctor that you really do know what you want, and then do it all again with another doctor, just in case the first one was biased towards the patient. The hoops include, potentially, genital exams, karotypes, interviews with family and coworkers, and RLE. There's no set timeframe, but six months to a year seems to be the standard. Only then can you access any gender-affirming care, including HRT.

    Now fortunately there is a loophole. Any treatment started outside the scope of the guidelines can be taken over by the evaluating doctor concurrent with the inquisition. And, as it happens, I'm not personally bound to follow anything.

    So, with the sound of a month's supply of my new favorite hormones in convenient gel form hitting the mailbox, I'm ready to start DIY! Hopefully my doctor (who I'm due to see for the first time in October) will be cooperative. From the sound of it a lot of people are using the same trick...

  • How's your week been?

    If you are thinking about harming yourself — get immediate crisis support. Connect to a crisis counselor 24/7, 365 days a year, from anywhere in the U.S via text, chat, or phone. The Trevor Project is 100% confidential and 100% free.

  • What happens if we put patches in the fridge if they say not to?

    cross-posted from:

    > So today we finally got around to reading the instructions for some of our patches (Estradot) and realised they say not to put them in the fridge (or freezer but we wouldn't put patches in the freezer anyway). We took them out but they have been in there for months. > > Are they ruined or less effective? > > We started doing it because our other patches (Evorel) denatured once a while ago, and wanted to avoid the same fate with these ones since it's been a hot summer and have nowhere really cool to store them since we are on the top floor of a building and thus it gets very hot up here, even in our drawers. > > So we are wondering what exactly is the problem with them being in the fridge and are they ineffective now or will they be okay now that they're in the a drawer and hopefully stay cool for the rest of the month? > > We have left our other patches (Evorel) in the fridge as they don't say not to.

  • Pictures post transition

    I've noticed that when I used to see myself in pictures I'd hyper assess every little detail of it to check for passing. Now when I see myself in pictures I don't do that anymore. Anybody else notice the same thing?

  • How's your week been?

    If you are thinking about harming yourself — get immediate crisis support. Connect to a crisis counselor 24/7, 365 days a year, from anywhere in the U.S via text, chat, or phone. The Trevor Project is 100% confidential and 100% free.

  • Blahaj Zone matrix space for gender diverse folk (now with corrected links)

    For those of you who don't know, the Blahaj Zone admin team runs a matrix space for gender diverse folk. Similar to lemmy, it's designed with a few "official" channels, but is otherwise a community curated space, with channels run by our members. You don't have to be a blahaj zone user to join.

    If you're already a matrix user, you can head straight to our application room, or by searching for from within your matrix client.

    If you're new to matrix, you can find some more details and an instruction video on how to get up and running here

  • Know any transmascs?

    cross-posted from:

    > We need more transmasculine people (and people in general) on here. If you know a transmasculine person please get them to check this place out. Spread the word!

  • How's your week been?

    If you are thinking about harming yourself — get immediate crisis support. Connect to a crisis counselor 24/7, 365 days a year, from anywhere in the U.S via text, chat, or phone. The Trevor Project is 100% confidential and 100% free.

  • It's been too long since I've posed a question here...

    So, let's keep it simple to start.

    How have you been? Where are you in your journey?

    I've been on an emotional rollercoaster of sorts for a while but we won't get into that.

    I've just hit 6mo on HRT and last week I learned...

    drumroll please

    I finally love myself! Something that has taken me 30 years to learn to do. And that final piece of the puzzle was to embrace myself as Olivia ❤️

    So, how have you been? What's on your mind?

    • O✌🏻
  • New resource discovery?

    If you've found some new resources regarding being trans (any aspect of it), link to 'em down below. Sharing is caring, woo hoo.

    Personal tips/anecdotes of things you've found useful are also welcome.

  • Helpful workbook: You and Your Gender Identity

    User dandelion posted this link in a comment on MTF, and I figured y'all would be interested in this (especially to the eggs out there).

  • How's your week been?

    If you are thinking about harming yourself — get immediate crisis support. Connect to a crisis counselor 24/7, 365 days a year, from anywhere in the U.S via text, chat, or phone. The Trevor Project is 100% confidential and 100% free.

  • hexbear trans mega hits 3098 comments!

    i know people here have a sour taste over hexbear but im so happy to see trans spaces on the fediverse popping off, im so done with corporate social media and its great to see.

    love seeing hundreds of trans people vibing

  • What do you do with photos of your old self?

    Do you keep them, destroy/delete them, lock them away? What are you doing with your photos of your old self?

    Personally I'm a bit torn. On one hand I want to keep them because they are still memories, on the other hand I never want to see them again. So I will probably lock them away/archive them somewhere.

    But what about you?

  • How's your week been?

    If you are thinking about harming yourself — get immediate crisis support. Connect to a crisis counselor 24/7, 365 days a year, from anywhere in the U.S via text, chat, or phone. The Trevor Project is 100% confidential and 100% free.

  • How long did it take you getting used to a new name/pronouns

    For context: This Monday I came out to my work colleges and asked them also to call me by my new name and pronouns. Everyone is very supportive which is all that I could hope for. The only issue is, since in my family noone calls me by my actual name, not many people in my life actually call me by my chosen name (at least up until now).

    With everyone at work calling me by my chosen name now, it actually feels quite a bit strange, uncomfortable and even a little embarrassing.

    I did talk to my therapist about something like that once and he said that, yes, I am stepping out of my comfort zone and yes, that is uncomfortable but it's a necessary step to get better.

    And yet, my brain still slaps me with that sweet sweet imposter syndrome like "how can you be trans if what you want is making you uncomfortable" and so on.

    And now I'm here, asking you for similar experiences you've had to hopefully get it through my fat skull that it's a normal thing to feel (hopefully).

    So. How long did it take you? Did it just click for you or was it just as uncomfortable as it is for me?

  • Thermal Stability of Estradiol Enanthate, incl. best supplier for DIY Estradiol Enanthate - Hexbear Thermal Stability of Estradiol Enanthate - Hexbear

    DISCLAIMER: This is not medical advice, engage in DIY HRT at your own risk; the intent of this post is harm reduction. This information is not intended for minors; by reading further you agree you are over the age of 21. DISCLAIMER 2: This is not rigorous scientific research. I conducted this experi...

    cross-posted from:

    > A user posted some incredibly good science on DIY HRT, I have verified them, they wish to stay anonymous. > > Please take a look at their post! I know people have a vendetta against hexbear yada yada yada but please take a look at the post, it is very good information.

  • How's your week been?

    If you are thinking about harming yourself — get immediate crisis support. Connect to a crisis counselor 24/7, 365 days a year, from anywhere in the U.S via text, chat, or phone. The Trevor Project is 100% confidential and 100% free.

  • A poem

    I tried to put some feelings down in words. It's a bit dark; I hope that's OK.


    A ship sailed over waters deep Beneath a graying sky; A sightless pilot at the helm Dreaming of distant shores.

    The clouds rolled in, the waves grew tall, Yet onward pushed the boat; What else to do for a lonely crew Who knows no other home.

    Insidious breakers beat the prow, The sailor's grip grew tighter. Far away from an unknown port The ship began to founder.

    To stay with these worthless timbered bones, A barnacled prison cell, Would bring an end to a pointless voyage, And beautiful dreams as well.

    One step, so small, into the dark, Leave the ship to the ocean grim. It matters not what the morning brings For I was born to swim.

  • How's your week been?

    If you are thinking about harming yourself — get immediate crisis support. Connect to a crisis counselor 24/7, 365 days a year, from anywhere in the U.S via text, chat, or phone. The Trevor Project is 100% confidential and 100% free.

  • Reaching Out For Help (crossposting to spread awareness)

    cross-posted from:

    > Reaching Out For Help > > After much consideration and fighting with my brain, I've decided that it's okay to ask for help in hard situations. So, I'm making this in hope that I receive at least a little bit of help. I'm asking for money, friends, and any advice you can give me. Everything counts and will help me during this rather terrible time. I'm Uni (name TBD) and I'm a 16 y/o transgirl unfortunately situated in the USA. You may know me as a regular on the Blahaj Matrix chats going by "Miss Universe". > > So a little bit (a lot?) of backstory to sort of explain my current situation. My egg cracked October last year and it was both the best and worst thing that has happened in my life so far. Being a minor means that I can't really do anything about the fact that my egg cracked, I'm fully relying on the people around me to help me (which has failed). Put simply, as a minor I have absolutely no control over my body or my life, I have no money, no experience, and nowhere to go. > > I came out to my mother and step-father (my parents are divorced) February this year, and while they seemed to be supportive at first they semi-recently turned on me and have been mostly unsupportive since then. > > As for my father and step-mother, they are both actively transphobic republicans. I have no plans on coming out to them until after I turn 18, and it would be unsafe to do so before then. > > Basically, as of now I have basically no support from anybody in my life and I'm completely trapped as my dysphoria gets worse with each passing day. > > With my situation sort of explained(?), why am I actually here? Pretty much I'm here because I need money. Money for clothes, makeup, just stuff that can hopefully help me alleviate some of my dysphoria until I'm able to afford to do so myself (which as a minor is difficult). And also I suppose gas, in case it comes to it and I need to run away, even for a short period. I'm also looking for advice, I don't really know what to do and it would be really nice to have at least some semblance of what I could be doing right now. > > I don't really know if any of that made sense, I'm bad at organizing my thoughts and even worse at asking for help. If you have any questions post them in the comments and I can probably answer them. > > You can support me here on Buy Me a Coffee if you so wish, and/or with advice in the comments. Every donation counts.

  • Severe anxiety & coming out

    cross-posted from:

    > Hey, so I [17 MTF] have now known I'm trans for a bit over 1.5 years. Still, I have only come out to precisely 2 friends and my parents, even though I am a member of several groups that are trans-supportive. I have extreme anxiety when it comes to that. > > Some reasons that I believe are part of why: (CW transphobia included) > - My parents didn't take it super well and are kind of on the edge between transphobic and supportive. (They have a lot of transphobic views but are generally not malicious about it and try to use gender neutral terms for me most of the time.) > - One of the friends turned out to be quite transmed despite being trans herself, and has invalidated me on several occasions for not having enough dysphoria at the time. > - I'm scared other people won't take it super well and I have no functioning support network. > - I'm scared I'll be seen as some kind of abomination > - I don't really feel like I "deserve" to come out since I haven't started HRT yet (and my parents do not support me starting, so I have to do this in secret) and don't feel like I pass well enough. I know I don't need to, but telling my anxiety any of that has no effect > > This anxiety is absolutely crippling my progress. It extends not only to coming out but also leaves me too scared to even make an attempt to pass. I look pretty fem already and have sufficient voice training for most situations, but I don't even attempt to use that voice in public just in case it might slip. For this reason, everyone assumes I'm male very quickly upon me saying anything, which also leads to the anxiety worsening because now I'm also scared it was the looks and not the voice. > > Additionally, I am non-confrontational to the point of fawning a LOT, which means I end up trying to appease anyone I have a conversation with even when there is no reason to. If someone criticizes the way my walls are painted for example, I will always agree with them to at least some extent, even if I actually like the way the walls are. This also makes coming out super hard because there is absolutely no way I will stand up for myself if someone reacts negatively. And that'll of course validate them in their negativity. > > As I've said, I have multiple groups that I know to be trans-supportive. But there, I am afraid coming out might still lead to disapproval due to me "not passing enough". (Once again, I know this is a harmful way to think, but that's what I'm here to fix.) > > I'm on a waiting list for a therapist, although I don't know how trans-supportive they are. I'm primarily there to help fix the anxiety and possibly get the autism I suspect to have diagnosed. I do hope they're good with trans stuff too, but it's not a requirement as I've already sorted the medical things out with slightly less-than-legal options. > > So, my question is: Do you have any tips on how to reduce this anxiety and expand my support network by coming out in more places? >

  • Just ordered DIYHRT for the first time

    Feeling really nervous about it but its hard for me to access it outside of these options, I just hope that the order actually goes through and that its not a scam and that I can finally start to change my body. Sorry to make a bit of a vent post but ya'll are awesome and I don't know anyone irl who would listen <3 Edit: The order didn't go through but they haven't taken my money so I don't think it's a scam, if anyone has some sites they can recommend which ship to the UK I'd really appreciate it ❤️

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