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if not for bear website I just wouldnt have a social life at all
  • I still hope to be friends with them, but that’s definitely an aspect I don’t vibe with. I thought about appealing my ban much later, getting socially desperate, but honestly there’s not much to miss.

  • if not for bear website I just wouldnt have a social life at all
  • I had friends years ago, but recently all of them were more from my ex.

    More accurately, I posted a ton of commie memes, and then got banned for posting hilarious 9/11 memes and defending them. Then I successfully appealed and got banned on October 7 because the mod was a liberal Zionist who didn’t want me saying based stuff related. I actually got into an argument with my ex over that because no one’s allowed to criticize their friends.

  • if not for bear website I just wouldnt have a social life at all
  • Too real trans-sad I had some social life during school with my gf, but we broke up and school ended, and now I just have my family (and they’re annoying) and online commies. I also move through online spaces, including getting banned from a discord of people I know irl for saying death to “amerikkka.” There’s got to be lonely people in the real world, right? It seems like everyone’s either siloed into their friend groups or given up and terminally online. Someone out there has to be interested in my philosophical ranting, right?

  • Hot take: The ruling class are ruining the internet on purpose
  • But then people could organize better locally. We wouldn’t want that would we?

  • Another cumbag discovered ✍
  • The anti-drug part I presume.

  • Another cumbag discovered ✍
  • Any other recommendations? I randomly found nothingface with no context, and researched only to find they all had miserable lives.

    Edit: I see your comment above.

  • Another cumbag discovered ✍
  • SOAD’s the best, sepultura, kittie, nothingface, king gizzard and the lizard wizard, earth crisis, soulfly…

  • Pick 1. You will receive a stack of 100 pills
  • There should be one that upon entering your mouth the one hundredth kills you.

  • Where does fentanyl come from?
  • “Da joos are doing white genocide and I support that/j”

    Idk, China seems pretty open to being nice to ideological enemies, mostly hurting the US through the obvious consequences of the empire’s own actions.

  • [BMF Repost] consumer desire for most "classic American foods" was manufactured by '50s psyops from corporations trying to sell highly processed bologna or onion dip etc
  • I agree with everything except…

    Like peanut butter which is of course a chalky tasteless food without all those unhealthy fats and salt/sugar

    Fuck you, this is blasphemy. Peanut butter is delicious especially the non [name brand/sugary] Jif kind when it’s able to separate and stuff.

  • Pest that New Yorkers were told to kill on sight found in California for first time
  • Damn, my months of individual jihad couldn’t save you guys.

  • Enjoying things I don't enjoy is reactionary and toxic
  • The truth of your statement depends on if you like what I like.

  • This crowd started singing the national anthem after they said that they wouldn’t be .
  • Fuck you government, I hope you get so mad when I… pledge my undying allegiance to you..

  • Deleted
    Shitposting won't help the economy, Javi
  • Crazy people actually like to look evil… and they totally fail to do it “coolly.”

  • Hear me out

    “National Socialist” > Nazi

    “Patriotic Socialist” > Pazi

    “Democratic Socialist” > Democrazi (moderate wing of fascism after all)

    “Libertarian Socialist” > Liberzi

    Best of all: “Utopian Socialist” > Uzi

    What’s going on with ChunkaLuta?

    I happened to open Instagram and immediately saw there was some drama going on. It appears to be agreed that PlantsFanon had a bad take about Lenin and stood by it when challenged by Sungmanitou. The decolonized Buffalo people allege they went around democratic centralism, brought up nuclear and threatened to wreck. Sungmanitou says they stood by the bad take, repeatedly misgendered them and acted like feds. Who’s in the right here? What would be a good outcome?

    Socialism or Extiction

    > It was such a good book idk how I haven't made this post yet. Just the introduction will have you hooked. > > link to free download here > or here > > In summary, Ted Reese shows how Marxism Leninism is the way forward if we are to save the planet. It is largely a reaction to Fully Automated Luxury Communism and the general trend of people trying to reinvent socialism with utopian ideas in order to stop climate change. I actually read that right before, so it might be part of why I like this book. He explains how the TRPF is leading to the inevitable fall of capitalism in the near future. Anyone who denies that capitalism is reaching its final breaking point is in error. Labor theory of value continues to be vindicated. It's counter-tendencies cannot help it. Humanity looks pretty screwed with climate change, but socialism can enable innovation, stop extraction, and plan our way to a healthy world. Socialism will also employ easy technology and methods that capitalism refuses because it will undermine it's function. The path towards a new socialism is through studying the successes and failures of AES, not through trying to "discover" new forms, or repeating old forms. Principled Leninist tactics are the way. > > This book gave me a lot of hope and I've recommended it to multiple libs (🤞). I highly recommend it. > > Limitations: > > It was published almost five years ago, so it's not all up to date on the geopolitics and so on. As we all know, the past few years we've had many weeks where decades happened. Reese takes a neutral position on China's socialistness, despite presenting evidence to the positive. He doesn't talk about decolonization, which makes sense for a Br*t, but that means it's not all encompassing. There is a lot of great info in there. It might not be easiest for complete newbies, but you don't have to read too much other theory first. > > Here's some memes: > > > ! > > > ! > > > ! > > Long live ecosocialism!

    QueerCommie QueerCommie [comrade/them, she/her]

    read socialism or extinction

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