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Someone gets killed by a car, so they restrict e-bikes.
  • Yes, locking up your wheels is bad. The same is true on a car. It is good that on small mechanical systems with feedback, it is easy to not lock up the tires.

    On top of that, many ebikes have regenerative breaking, which makes it easy to maintain a good speed.

  • Someone gets killed by a car, so they restrict e-bikes.
  • I feel like you're missing that the brakes on current (decent/non-shit) bikes are quite satisfactory. And that cyclists normally dont ride at 28mph, unless going downhill. And that regardless of vehicle, it is up to the rider to be safe for the conditions.

  • Someone gets killed by a car, so they restrict e-bikes.
  • The braking characteristics are not all that different from a normal bike to an ebike, provided they weren't deliberately ignored. Ebikes having a lower centre of gravity also helps this. If you want to whine about ebikes going 28m/h, you should also be complaining about 80% of the cyclists out there.

  • Someone gets killed by a car, so they restrict e-bikes.
  • Most people that do longer rides would be fine with that. On downhill sections you can hit that easily enough, and there's wind too. It's definitely fast, but it's fine enough. It doesn't matter what you're driving or riding, you always drive to the conditions anyways.

  • Violent video games decrease stress hormones, study finds
  • There's a reason different genres exist. For some, not having a challenge or competition is inherently unfun, others might not have fun in single player games. Generally speaking a game that doesn't challenge you at all though, isn't fun for many. Not that they cannot be fun at all, Animal Crossing is one of the larger games around, but it certainly cannot fill the "game" void for everyone.

  • Palworld reaches 1 million concurrent players on steam and becomes the first hit of 2024
  • Um dawg I couldn’t even get into a game with a friend when we tried the other day because of the 'OnCreateSessionComplete Delegate bWasSuccessful == False' errors. I’m sure it’ll be fixed in time.

    Very true, I had heard that one popping up but for the live streams I saw it seemed to go away with time or at random.

    Fair enough to temper expectations, it is after all an early access title. They still seem to be handling things better than the ARK devs is all I was getting at. I literally have not been able to play it once, since purchase, outside of joining random public servers and having a uh... "Rust" ^(cough turboracism cough) type of experience if that makes sense.

  • Palworld reaches 1 million concurrent players on steam and becomes the first hit of 2024
  • You'd have a point, if the comparison wasn't between a decade plus old game and one that released in the last week, as early access. ARK is genuinely one of the single worst experiences to try and get into, and has multi year long bugs that haven't been touched.

    I haven't bought Palworld, but you can actually launch the game, and join your friends in a few minutes tops. I have attempted to play with friends on ARK. Repeatedly. I have yet to actually do so, even after self hosting my own server on a couple occasions. IMO, this makes ARK as a title and game to play, completely worthless.

  • The full source code for GTA 5 has apparently been publicly leaked
  • Discord got problems... but none of those things I've encountered. Save for the

    • Please read the rules before being able to even fucking read anything :3

    And are you really going to complain about being shown the rules of the place before use? You got a point on notifications too but that's it. Annoying, but easy to deal with (right click server, disable notifications, boom done that's it.)

    The other shit I could be easily convinced you're straight up making up.

  • Consumption rule
  • And without getting into the varieties of hiking/trail running/etc. You can easily encounter situations in that genre alone that necessitate 2 or more. Waterproof or not, trail running vs hiking vs thruhiking, the list goes on and on.

    Editting to add: this isn't unique to hiking either, you'd find similar variations in runners too. Endurance, sprint, or agility (among others) running are all different enough you'd have genuine performance and health reasons to separate the shoes. Obviously hardly anyone will dedicate to that many unique activities, but some people really enjoy them so it's worth explaining.

  • Quantum Computing’s Hard, Cold Reality Check: Hype is everywhere, skeptics say, and practical applications are still far away
  • That's actually what current quantum computers look like. The chips themselves are reasonably small, but the whole metal apparatus you see is there to keep it close to 0° kelvin, as the quantum bits kinda just "dissolve" if they're not in a superconducting state. Not super knowladgable in this area, but that's my layman's understanding.

  • Which YouTuber still creates high-quality videos to this day?
  • I would give a shout out to two makers, Frank Howarth and This Old Tony both do some amazing works in general. Tony does a good amount of metal work, while Frank is almost all about woodworking.

    For some AI (sorta) stuff: Primer engaging way to learn about statistics I guess, I don't know the right way to describe them but I always leave with something new.

    For car stuff: Rob Dahm who is known for a wild RX7. Also publishes a lot of public data for the rotary community.

    Junkyard Digs who does lots of classic car "restorations" or repairs. Generally tries to do the most accessible methods or tools.

    Tofu Auto Works does mostly custom body kits and so on, shown in step by step processes with tips and reasons/preferences for doing things a certain way.

    For gaming I'll just throw City Planner Plays out there. He mainly plays Cities Skylines, and talks about how and why certain infrastructure is designed or used.

    Editting to add: sorta (mostly) does gaming, also does other topics as well. Arch fantastic visuals and historical breakdowns of topics. Doesn't have many videos, but they are quite good.

    And purely because I've met him IRL and think his channel is very under viewed, About Here discusses city planning, accessibility and so on. A lot of it has to do with housing and it's current issues, but has other city/civic related topics as well.

  • Paris mayor plans to triple SUV parking tariffs to cut air pollution
  • It definitely varies on locale for sure. Where I live (BC) it isn't much more to do, but still isn't for everyone. Just to tack on to that as well, good transit options for the first leg of the trip is a massive help.

  • Spotify doesn't make profit from music streaming, despite having over 400M monthly active users, because it pays two-thirds of all its revenue to the rights holders.
  • Uhhhh, dunno about that one. Pretty sure it's public knowledge labels will go to almost any lengths to ensure artists cannot be independent, especially when they're small. Good recording quality is quite readily available in many large cities, either as a paid service (which sometimes is still outbid by labels), or through a public library. Many of the issues of "labels investing in artists" loop back around to "labels have made it physically impractical or impossible for the artist to invest in themselves".

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