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The entire Dragon Age series is only $10 on steam until June 27th.
  • The second one suffered from being extremely rushed. Much asset reuse. It also made the game more "action-y" because I assume some souless suit said that kids don't want tactics they want biff bam ACTION.

    It also made every encounter consist of multiple waves, with enemy reinforcements popping into existence inside your party and rendering positioning nearly useless. It's like they were going down a checklist of ways to make combat less tactical.

  • The entire Dragon Age series is only $10 on steam until June 27th.
  • I hope they bring back spells like Virulent Walking Bomb from the first games. That one would poison an enemy and make them explode when they died, and if any enemy nearby died to the explosion or within the next few seconds they'd explode too, and so on.

    It wasn't the best spell, but it fit the "mages are one misstep away from becoming eldritch abominations" narrative and damn did it make you feel powerful when the secondaries went off and it turned an entire room full of enemies into mist.

  • What industry secret are you aware of that most people aren't?
  • The power grid does have a major point of failure, in that vital components are on backorder for years out so most places don't have the spare parts to get back up and running if widespread attacks on the grid occur.

  • I guess that yellow part is where 'destroy your furniture' is located.
  • Prey drive is no joke. My sister has a heeler/corgi mix, and taking her for a walk is an exercise in not dislocating your arm whenever she spots a small animal. She's adorabloodthirsty.

    Oddly her other dog, a heeler/pit mix, is super chill with no apparent prey drive whatsoever. I'm pretty sure you could hold a baby bird in front of his face and he'd just sniff at it dumbly with his tail wagging.

  • I guess that yellow part is where 'destroy your furniture' is located.
  • Dogs think about food when they're hungry, or when food is present. Cats will stand on you and complain for hours because their food bowl is only 90% full and they'd really prefer it to be 100% full at all times, please and thank you.

  • What's was your favourite fast food product that unfortunately got retired and never came back?
  • Burger King chicken nuggets from the 90s, before the recipe changed to crap. If I had to pick a flavor that I associate with my childhood, this would be it.

    The Angus Mushroom & Swiss burger from McDonald's. The Angus was the closest thing they ever had to a real burger, but they were too expensive for most people and were eventually discontinued. Fun fact: wages have stagnated yet their basic burgers now cost more than the Angus did.

    Runza used to sell frozen dark chocolate-dipped cheesecake on a stick. They were delicious, and small enough that you wouldn't feel guilty about ordering one.

  • Who is a fictional character that is loved you find either overrated or you don't get the appeal ?
  • The thing is, Viconia and ::: spoiler Throne of Bhaal spoilers Sarevok ::: had similar arcs in the previous games but I never got annoyed enough to not want them in my party. A character can be disagreeable without being insufferable.

  • In the end, I created a new mail
  • The suggestions for email addresses if yours was already taken used to include what you entered plus the last two digits of your birth year. I wonder how many people born in 1988 followed that advice and now deeply regret it.

  • Sun Haven is for Stardew Valley fans that want more and it now has controller support
  • I've had Sun Haven in my library for a while, but I've been holding off on playing it due to reviews calling out bugs at launch. Is it in good shape now that it's had a few major updates? And how does it compare to the other juggernauts in the genre (old Harvest Moon, Rune Factory, and Stardew Valley)?

    Also, it looks like the game is being review-bombed on Steam right now. Is that just due to the deluge of DLC with the latest update, or is there something bigger wrong with the game?

  • Big Surprise
  • My brother-in-law once put a slice of bread on my sleeping sister's stomach, and when their dog (a very gluttonous beagle) started chowing down, woke her up by shaking her while shouting "the dog is eating your flesh!"

    He's great. There's a reason he became my best friend after they married.

  • Long pressing a malformed link crashes the app

    Long-pressing the link in [](this comment) will cause Boost to crash.

    The link markdown is wrong, with the URL in the text tag and the destination tag empty, but this shouldn't crash the app.

    Alternate test link in case the commenter fixes it:

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