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Best Google Maps replacement on desktop?
  • Garmin Explore has a bit of a learning curve but offers a variety of very good maps and (once you've discovered where the web developers have hidden them) tons of nifty features. One of them is waypoints: you stick a flag somewhere and can give it a name, icon and colour. That sounds like the thing you're looking for.
    The downside is that it's made for outdoor stuff so you get street names and some POIs, but no turn-by-turn navigation.

    I use the website ( to plan my tours and import/manage GPX files, and the Android app and an inReach 2 Mini satellite messenger while underway. The three sync seamlessly.

    Since I have a paid subscription (required for satellite access) I can't tell you what (if anything) you get for free, but it should be relatively easy to find out if you think it might be what you're looking for.

    For car navigation I used TomTom Go - it costs something but the quality of POIs and navigation is far superior to Google Maps in my experience. You can also add your own locations but have to do it on the phone by hand.
    In my new car I use Google Maps because it came with the car and there's no real alternative at the moment. I do miss my TomTom app.

  • Nonexistent moderation on Beehaw /c/neurodivergence
  • I am genuinely not sure what you mean by the current state of affairs.

    Sorry, I didn't mean to sound mysterious, I just didn't think it was necessary to elaborate.

    The thing is that there are three overlapping discussions on pronouns and the choice of certain words now, and as much as I appreciate the mutual exchange of ideas, I feel like a lot of what I'd have to say could be interpreted by some people as (re)starting arguments that lead nowhere... in other words, the return on investment in this thread is rather low.
    Not to mention that I've started finding the whole topic tiresome. I'm all for people being who they want to be without judgement (and I have decades of past actions to prove that), but I also have the right not to care about other people's perception of themselves or have that perception imposed upon me. And I'm invoking that right now for the sake of my own wellbeing. A few days without social media sound just about right.

    You take care too, and see you in another thread sometime!

  • Nonexistent moderation on Beehaw /c/neurodivergence
  • I took my time writing a lengthy response to this, but considering the current state of affairs I'm not sure it's a good idea to continue this discussion at the moment, even if in a strictly theoretical and stressedly respectful way. Maybe we can cross paths some other day in some other forum, I think I'd quite enjoy exchanging ideas with you. In the meantime take care.

  • Nonexistent moderation on Beehaw /c/neurodivergence
  • ISTR some essay about OP not identifying as a lesbian anymore for reasons I didn't quite understand, but considering themselves a goddess now. I must stress though that I only skimmed the text and couldn't be bothered to reread it for this post, so if you want a reliable source you should find it on OP's website. There are links to it all over the threads in question.

  • Rio-bound Boeing 777 returns to Amsterdam over tech issue – DW – 06/23/2024
  • According to FlightStats and FlightRadar24, the original plane was a Boeing 777-206 from 2003, which has been replaced by a 777-300 from 2023. It's en route now over the Atlantic.

    So an issue caused by Boeing's recent series of quality problems seems unlikely, unless there was a dodgy spare part involved.

  • Nonexistent moderation on Beehaw /c/neurodivergence
  • I've upvoted your post because I perceive you as respectfully voicing your opinion and mentioning supporting observations. I don't get these vibes from's rants at all.

    Inclusion and tolerance are important, but I feel like is abusing these concepts. And that may or may not be a part of their diagnosis (who could even tell for sure), but the point is, people can't expect everybody around them to accommodate each and every aspect of their state of mind all the time. Just as has a right to voice an opinion (withing the boundaries set by the community's rules), so does everybody else. And that means people have a right to disagree with each other and/or call out obvious BS.

    TL;DR: This is generally an extraordinarily tolerant community, but most people here are not therapists or psychiatrists looking to do pro-bono work.

  • Locked
    Is Donald Trump a Narcissist?
  • I was about to ask where I misgendered you when I noticed that you want your pronouns in capitals for some reason. Now English is my third language, and I'm not sure if in your world you trying to impose arbitrary non-standard grammar rules upon me qualifies as discrimination, but either way, I'm out of here. This discussion has taken too many turns into increasingly ridiculous territory for my preferences.
    You be you, but don't expect the entire wold to drop everything else in order to celebrate and accommodate every last little bit of your uniqueness.

    PS, you have just insulted people suffering from non-consensual sex personality disorder by using the r*pist slur, and people suffering from world-leadership personality disorder by... well.

  • Locked
    Is Donald Trump a Narcissist?
  • So, besides all the assumptions you make and, let's say debatable conclusions you draw from them: your point is that the solution to the problem of this particular case of (perceived) ableism is that we simply pretend that Trump is just your regular low-key average Joe? Or are you attempting to solve the problem by prohibiting a word that you personally don't like to hear and calling it a day?
    I'm still not sure I understand what you're getting at.

    Edit: spelling/grammar.

  • Locked
    Is Donald Trump a Narcissist?
  • I really can't tell whether you're trolling or genuinely misled. Either way, can we please stop using faux political correctness to try & suppress any legitimate idea that just so happens to rub any self-declared militant snowflake the wrong way? It's a stark abuse of (and disservice to) the legitimate fight against discrimination.

    Yes, Trump is obviously a narcissist. Yes, anybody who claims that that statement has anything to do with ableism either doesn't know what either of those words mean or is intentionally trying to cause trouble.

  • what’s your favorite way to beat the heat?
  • Not the greatest solution, but... living in a place where it's mostly been raining for the last 7-8 weeks makes it easy to cool down.
    I'd love to write something about A/C and going for a swim/dive instead, like last year. Maybe in July?

  • how's your week going, Beehaw
  • Logically, I know it's true that demeaning and comparing other people's experiences is wrong, but I encounter it so much it's hard to really believe it.

    I can relate to some degree, though in my case it was my parents. The good news is that it doesn't take much practice until you start noticing the difference.

    There's not a lot of advice I can give you, because above all you need to figure out yourself what you want (and how you want to get there). Just keep reminding yourself every now and then that the most important person in your life is you, and anybody trying to tell you otherwise is unlikely to have your best interests in mind.

  • Who is your favourite author?
  • Man, that's a really tough question if I'm only allowed to pick one.

    I've enjoyed some Becky Chambers books as well, though the Monk & Robot series weren't quite my cup of tea. The Long Way to a Small, Angry Planet is one of my favourite books.

    If I could wish for one new book from any author, it'd have to be Robert Brockway. His Vicious Circuit trilogy is a masterpiece in so many aspects, I've immensely enjoyed Carrier Wave and am currently following his rewrite of Rx and Fuck You In Particular, Nashville, Tennessee on Patreon.

  • A supermarket trip may soon look different, thanks to electronic shelf labels
  • I offer you a third option: at least one Lidl in Croatia uses blinking tags for stuff they really want you to look at.

    Sometime soon we're gonna have to invent a spam filter for real life. Hey, maybe that's the use case that the Vision guys at Apple have been looking for?

  • how's your week going, Beehaw
  • I feel so guilty because I'm honestly spiraling but everyone keeps telling me I'm not. I can't, because it makes them look worse.

    I don't even know where to begin.

    Going through difficult times is not a weapon in a dick-measuring contest to determine who's owed the most pity. Downplaying somebody else's problems in order to make one's own problems seem more important is not something a friend* does, period.
    But then again, those people may just be unable to imagine you holding yourself together so well if you really had all those problems you describe. That's still no excuse though, a real friend should listen to you and believe you.

    I think what (some of) your 'friends' are doing is reminiscent of crab mentality. That's the mechanism that makes sure you're being gifted a never-ending supply of chocolate and junk food as soon as people notice you've successfully lost weight, or alcoholics insisting that their dry friend has just one small beer with them for old times' sake.
    One of the foundations of crab mentality is the assumption that life is a zero-sum game and/or desired resources are scarce, i.e. if you get more sympathy/attention then somebody else will get less.

    I'm not saying you should do this - that would require some hefty assumptions about you and your life - but one of the best things I've ever done is ranking all my friends and family by the degree to which they've made my life better or dragged me down over the years, balanced scorecard-style. It sounds heartless but with some people was a real eye-opener for me.

    Either way, surround yourself with people that give something back. If that means losing some 'friends', then so be it. A handful of real friends will get you much further than hordes of false ones.

    ( * I'm including family members here, though they can generally get away with much more BS than a friend just because they're family.)

  • Must be frozen solid

    Spotted on Isla Mujeres last January. The beer actually was quite cold. ^^

    In-house fiber network

    Not sure if I should post this here or over in Technology, but here goes.

    So I need to run two Gigabit (or better) network cables from the main switch in the garage into another room.

    The problem is that that room is a shelter (small bunker), which according to Swiss regulations means no holes in the walls, and the 'door' is an airtight 35cm thick slab of reinforced concrete and steel. So the only way into that room is a small conduit for electricity. There's no way two Cat7 cables fit into that conduit, and power and data cables are not allowed to share the same space anyway. That means the only viable option is fiber - and, considering the conduit's dimensions, only fiber without a connector will go through.

    There are copper/POF adapters readily available (such as this one), and they would probably do the job. However, POF is effectively limited to ~1Gbit half-duplex. If I go through all the trouble of installing fiber, I don't want it to be inferior to the existing Cat7 copper cabling. If there's a multimode solution that doesn't require me to buy two four-figure Cisco switches and five-figure tools, I'd much prefer that. Has anyone here heard of such a thing?

    "Oxygen Not Included" on sale on Steam this weekend Save 66% on Oxygen Not Included on Steam

    Oxygen Not Included is a space-colony simulation game. Deep inside an alien space rock your industrious crew will need to master science, overcome strange new lifeforms, and harness incredible space tech to survive, and possibly, thrive.

    Save 66% on Oxygen Not Included on Steam

    Oxygen Not Included is on sale this weekend. If (like me) you happen to have wanted to play it for a long time, but were worried you lack the patience/stamina and give up after a couple of hours, the price is now at a level where buyer's regret is rather unlikely.

    [Slightly NSFW] Should I ask stepdaughter to wear less revealing stuff in private?

    Not the bad porn script you were expecting, I swear. 🙃

    So here's one for fans of grey areas.

    SO has brought two daughters and a son into our relationship. They're all young adults now. We generally get along well and I'm a trusted third party and, according to the then-minor younger daughter, a good source for pregnancy tests and the such "because you're the least likely to freak out".

    We're generally a very open and judgement-free family, and I'm immensely proud of the fact that the kids feel comfortable talking freely about love and sex with both of us despite their 'traditional' catholic indoctrination upbringing. We've established that we can talk about anything but won't go into detail about their or my personal preferences. This works very well and there's a lot of trust. Whenever their mother's not around, the kids talk to me about whatever's on their mind (anything really, not just love/sex stuff).

    There's one thing that makes me slightly uncomfortable though, and I'm not sure if I'm the one who's at fault here. It’s the older daughter’s choice of clothing at home. Especially in summer and near the pool, she often walks around in a t-shirt or scant bikini top and panties whose front just about covers the crack and whose back leaves nothing to the imagination.

    I'm very happy that she's both happy enough with her body and feels comfortable enough around me to walk around this way. Especially the former has been a bit of work on her mother's part.

    Now my own background is that I come from a very uptight family myself (sex is an evil and shameful thing that the wife endures because she owes it to her husband) but am very open now (swinger clubs, former co-host for BDSM meetings etc.). I also have a minor degree in both communication and sex therapy.\ Still you never entirely shake off an upbringing based entirely on shame and guilt, and occasionally there’s a situation that instinctively makes me uncomfortable, but upon closer inspection I conclude that it really shouldn’t.

    I’m currently trying to figure out whether this is one of those false-alarm situations, and it really bothers me.\ On the one hand, "you don’t wear that kind of outfit in front of men you’re not biologically related to."\ On the other hand, why not? She should be able to wear whatever she’s comfortable with in the privacy of our home. And you can't make a request such as "dress more modestly" without it smelling of misogyny.\ On the other other hand, it would definitely be inappropriate for her to walk around entirely in the nude, so there's got to be a line somewhere.

    (Let me add that she’s never even remotely tried anything, and I really don’t think of her in 'that' way, so that’s not the issue.)

    TL;DR: Adult stepdaughter sometimes wears revealing clothes, makes me uncomfortable, not sure if it’s supposed to. Nothing fishy going on.

    EDIT: Wow, so much food for thought. I don't think I'm going to be able to reply to everyone individually, but I've come to realize that what makes me uncomfortable is probably the idea that she or other people around us might feel uncomfortable, and in the classic stepfather-stepdaughter constellation I could be seen as a potential 'perpetrator', which I'd need to protect myself against. So it's really just mostly me worrying about what other people might think (but probably don't).\ But the point is, if she's comfortable there's really nothing tangible for me to worry about.

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