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Domino's or Pizza Hut?
  • Local always, except when the dominos sends a coupon occasionally. There are no pizza huts here anymore. We would eat there as kids though, because of that read and get a pizza deal.

  • What is the best and worst productivity method, hack, or system that you have ever tried?
  • Half assing is a thing I really need to get better at doing. Crippling myself with need for perfection is so bad!

  • day of the bun
  • Even the smallest particle of magic is rabbits? So fuzzy! So numerous!

  • Las Vegas staff say MrBeast should be blacklisted, cite OSHA, setting medics for failure
  • Old Gumby and Pokey cartoons, like nature intended!

  • Capsela Toys!
  • Yes! We had so many! We'd go to museums often, and we'd be allowed to get something from the shop, and museums have these kind of kits so often! I don't remember any of those as well, it was lucky I got the name of this!

    There were a lot of chemical ones, one we made cheese with, one with so so so many wires?

    I liked the cheese one!

  • Fern Brady's book "Strong Female Character"
  • I always sing her little song she made on Taskmaster whenever I see her name, I love her!

  • Capsela Toys!
  • Boats were the best! Loved those little floating things!

    It took me ages to get the name of the toy! I started thinking of them, but everyone was saying tinker toys or knex and the like, until someone got my (very wrong) description of the floaties, and bam! It's the toy in my head!

  • Disability Benefits: Last Week Tonight with John Oliver
  • Disability benefits are miserable. So much needs reform.

  • Capsela Toys!

    A favorite of mine growing up. I loved trying to make water worthy boats. They were terrifying boats.

    How is your week going ?
  • It is very much comfort food. Hence why I'm on a second bowl! Then maybe I'll try and get more sleep. I do not think the cats will allow this.

  • Featured
    How is your week going ?
  • It is very bad chili. Jar of sauce, two things of canned beans, can of dice tomatoes with jalapeños, some browned ground beef. Seasonings on it of "what I remembered because very tired" and then I make rice and put my portion over rice. Husband doesn't like it over rice, so no rice for him. Sometimes if I'm not tired, diced onions, diced garlic. I need more onions though.

  • Featured
    How is your week going ?
  • Extremely tiredly. Also no more physical therapy, have to go to my primary and get a new scrip. Which is time consuming. Husband's hypochondria caught up him and forced me awake in the middle of deep sleep to deal with so I'm snappy which is bad of me. I decided to make chili for breakfast and I'm just waiting for the rice to finish cooking. Mother's cat is still here, and she is being rude to my cat, but loving to me so I keep trying to tell her to stop being a whappy cat bastard. Enjoying the Maji Market in Palia but it really needs to have more games per hour. Only 2 is...stupid.

  • It's Wednesday, my dudes.
  • Love driving past cranberry bogs being harvested! Seeing them flooded is cool.

  • Mental illness
  • I'm at around a second stage.

    Decaying meat husk is a nightmare to pilot, and I've gone bad doing so.

  • Ghostwriter (1992-1995) (Complete Series)
  • Oh ho ho! This was my jam! It was also one of the few things I was allowed to watch at my grandmother's section of the house, as we had no tv growing up.

    Except we did, as my grandmother had an addition on the house, so we just...walked into there and watched tv.

    There were rules though, mother vetted the shows, and this was one of them. And one of the few I liked! It was exciting.

  • California governor signs law banning all plastic shopping bags at grocery stores
  • I like the reusable bags, when I remember to take them!

  • California governor signs law banning all plastic shopping bags at grocery stores
  • We've gotten better about bringing them to the car by making sure empties are in front of the door.

  • California governor signs law banning all plastic shopping bags at grocery stores
  • Sometimes I still forget to bring a bag, then I need yet another wawa bag, and I just stare at this neverending pile of bags

  • Ahead of the presidential election, Ben & Jerry’s endorses Kamala Harris with new ice cream flavor
  • A disappointment. I'm not a swing state, but was really hoping to try some coconut ice cream!

  • 2meirl4meirl
  • Being female and needing health is miserable.

    Recently I was shocked to go to my doctor, tell her I was covered in hives (gone by the time I had an appointment but hey soonest I could get), told her I expected it was probably anxiety and she was like "no extremely unlikely" so that was nice.

  • What's the most awkward time you've ever had to use the bathroom?
  • Anytime I have anxiety, my entire body wants to do multiple core dumps as quickly as possible, so every time is awkward.

    Most awkward recently was being called over to help search for a lost cat. 30 minute drive where increasingly I have to go. Get there, go instead of search. Search. No cat.

    Find him inside after going to the bathroom another time. So he was never lost, just being a cat.

  • Deadlands - The Weird West RPG

    Deadlands is an RPG originally published in 1993. It's been through a few iterations and currently is under Savage Worlds rules, I think.

    This very old book is from the original run.

    What happens if the supernatural comes back to the world during the American Civil War? Well you get gunslingers dealing with hucksters, people who make deals with demons to sling magic and Blessed running around trying to save the world with Mad scientists makings thing better (or far worse) while all dealing with blood thirsty tumbleweeds (tumblebleeds) and the dealing with the Reckoners, unknown True Evils.

    The original system was its own creation, using a deck of cards including 2 jokers and multiple types of dice, it was an exciting system. Eventually the old system was replaced a free times and it's currently published under Savage Rules.

    I can only talk on the original system, quite liking the use of decks of cards for initiative and other uses. Combat could be quite slow, but it is a very flavorful system.

    This is a bad photo, but it's the book from our shelf!

    Grumpy Kneading

    Love the blanket, don't love anything else right now!

    What is the most quintessential 90s movie?

    Personally I'd go with Independence Day if I had to pick a movie that felt the most 90s.

    Bathroom Complete!

    Or mostly. Unsure if I've ever seen a toilet that wasn't the makeshift outhouse, so this is the best I can make a bathroom in Palia!

    Favorite Blanket

    Her absolute favorite type of blanket, fuzzy fake fur blanket!

    First Time at Master Level!

    And just in time for the new Good Sleep day!

    Shiny Kartana in Pokémon GO!

    Only managed to get into one raid during the kartana stuff recently, and was delighted it was a shiny! My only other big shiny mon is a Guzzlord, which upsets me XD

    Rocky Road Ice Cream!

    With peanuts and mini marshmallows instead of tree nuts, because household allergies.

    Mint Chocolate Chip! Very soft still.

    It still needs to chill more and continue to be mixed up. It's more green than yellow but the photo makes it look very yellow to me.

    Three Cheese Ravioli!

    Made 46 total, and I'll make more tomorrow! I did break the ravioli cutter though, so tomorrow's batch will be heart shaped!

    Strawberry Honey Butter!

    Strawberry honey butter! My first attempt at this recipe from the Ball canning website. It's delicious, think it'll go great on waffles and ice cream! It's a bit runny, but that's fine!

    Candied Jalapeños!

    Made the yearly candied jalapeños! Well, half of them as the place I get the jalapeños from only barely had 4lbs, let alone 8lbs.

    RebekahWSD RebekahWSD
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