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Astronomers detect sudden awakening of black hole 1m times mass of sun
  • This isn’t “world” news, is it?

  • General election: 121 business chiefs sign letter backing Labour
  • Business Leaders, famed for supporting workers, are backing Labour.

  • Register to vote for the General Election
  • Which party in England explicitly supports and protects trans people?

  • Removed
    Slack is now using all content, including DMs, to train LLMs
  • They could have made that clearer. Still not great though

  • xkcd #2932: Driving PSA
  • Just a nice little roundabout would sort that shit. A nice train would sort it more, but y’know

  • What do you think of these 17 political policies?
    1. Republic? Good.
    2. Voting? Good. Removing votes from the incarcerated? Bad.
    3. Politicians/representatives should be paid.
    4. Universal arming? Definitely needs some caveats
    5. All legal proceeds should be free.
    6. They had their compensation already.
    7. State owning is first step to worker owning
    8. so, tax? Good.
    9. see above
    10. Fuck banks.
    11. Fuck cars; free public transport - gooood.
    12. All salary should cover looking after a family, regardless of the existence of one.
    13. Yep - separate the church
    14. Yep. Some inheritance (like a family home) is fine, but full-on wealth is ridiculous
    15. Does anyone need over like €100.000/year? No.
    16. Guaranteed work? Good.
    17. Free education? Goood.
  • Some in Germany do show solidarity

    Photo of some stickers in the Berlin U Bahn (metro): one is the standard “no eating or smoking”; the other, in a similar design, says “Stop the genocide in Gaza!” with an image of crossed through bombs. “Thank you for solidarity with Palestine. Against anti-Muslim racism!” is written at the bottom.

    Tried Arch for the first time | My experience and impressions
  • It’s definitely AI, so the original is probably square too

  • Lemmy, what's your internet speed in mbps?
  • South Korean Won

  • Acclaimed China-born physicist who taught at Stanford joins Tsinghua University
  • Chinese man lives and works in China

  • Do you all have any tips on activities to do yourself, instead of consuming content all the time?
  • Famously a solo activity, which it looks like OP was after

  • VPS suggestions?
  • Recently started using Contabo

    Hosted in EU, and the default storage is way better than most others.

  • XPipe status update: New scripting system, advanced SSH support, performance improvements, and many bug fixes
  • Looks great! Is there more documentation than the website FAQ and the

  • Guyana appeals to US and UN as Maduro advances annexation of territory | Venezuela | The Guardian
  • Can someone explain this whole thing like I haven't a clue? Why would this be a good thing for Venezuela to do now when they get so much shit from the US and stuff anyway?

  • Israel is participating in EURO 2024 playoffs
  • Yeah. I dunno about Eurovision, but Turkey was one of the first teams to qualify for Euro 2024. The point stands in relation to Turkey being in the EU for example though

  • General Discussion Thread - Juche 112, Week 43 - Death to Zionism Edition
  • When you're so guilty about the genocide you committed 80 years ago, you blindly support another one

  • Red5 Red5
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    Comments 25