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Bulletins and News Discussion from June 24th to June 30th, 2024 - Waiting for War - COTW: Lebanon
  • Right, I see what you mean now, that’s shitty.

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    Bulletins and News Discussion from June 24th to June 30th, 2024 - Waiting for War - COTW: Lebanon
  • How did they do so? What do you mean by that?

  • Featured
    Bulletins and News Discussion from June 24th to June 30th, 2024 - Waiting for War - COTW: Lebanon
  • American here, actually Donald Trump won the 2020 elections but Joe Biden stole them with mail in ballots, everyone here in USA knows this but the government cracked down on freedom loving patriots and made it illegal to protest when the people tried protesting the stolen election on January 6th

  • NSFW
    Anyone have experience severe alcoholism withdrawal? (CW Substance abuse, mental health)
  • Definitely just go into a hospital, I have been through it myself and it’s so much better to do it with the meds they give you at the hospital, cold turkey can result in seizures and even death in the worst case .

  • Anyone donate plasma for cash?
  • I don’t like the idea of having to sell my bodily fluids because otherwise I couldn’t afford to eat, it made my just rage a little extra hard at how fucked up the whole system is. I guess I can’t say I have many complaints about the actual extraction process, they made it about as painless as you could hope for. You sit there for like an hour scrolling hexbear or whatever while the machine takes your blood out, spins it around to separate out the plasma and puts the rest of it back into you.

  • Anyone donate plasma for cash?
  • I’ve done it before but only when really desperate, I don’t really like doing it and I never did it more than like once a month, even though you’re allowed to do 2 times a week

  • Anyone donate plasma for cash?
  • I think it’s a legality thing, if it weren’t illegal I’m sure there would be places buying the whole blood too.

  • I don't want to come off like a shill, but if you want online work (US based) I can refer you
  • I will take a referral, I’ve been trying to get some supplemental income since my work cut back my hours. Thanks!

  • Where does fentanyl come from?
  • I’m actually surprised it took so long for somebody to give this response lol

  • Where does fentanyl come from?
  • Not everything is a conspiracy

    China is conspiring to get the USA’s population addicted to drugs

    You’re aware that you’re the one pushing a conspiracy theory over the simpler explanation of the media operating along its normal and well known biases?

  • Where does fentanyl come from?
  • Excellent points, and definitely aligns with my own thoughts, I just figured with how much the media hounds on this being a border issue that they’re probably also lying about it in the first place / the stuff is being manufactured here to begin with.

  • Locked
    Bulletins and News Discussion from June 17th to June 23rd, 2024 - Macron's Gambit - COTW: France
  • Ah I never knew that, thanks for filling me in.

  • Locked
    Bulletins and News Discussion from June 17th to June 23rd, 2024 - Macron's Gambit - COTW: France
  • Why Sao Paulo? Was he traveling when he had the stroke?

  • Where does fentanyl come from?

    If you google this question, “where does fentanyl come from?” You get a results page filled with “China” and “Mexico”. I have a suspicion that the fentanyl “pouring over our southern border” narrative is mostly BS and that it’s coming from inside the house, but can anybody point me towards the facts? Thank you

  • China used to run school for revolutionaries from around the world, and they should do that again tbh

  • Locked
    Bulletins and News Discussion from June 10th to June 16th, 2024 - Havana Derangement Syndrome - COTW: Cuba
  • Definitely not paying to read somebody complain about woke, also, shame he isn’t as cool as his dad

  • Locked
    Bulletins and News Discussion from June 10th to June 16th, 2024 - Havana Derangement Syndrome - COTW: Cuba
  • What’s the correct usage, apart from referring to actual cargo cults in the pacific islands?

  • Deleted
    Shitposting won't help the economy, Javi
  • Doesn’t look like he actually posted this, rather, it seems Bad Empanada made it up and posted it as if it were true.

    I kind of really dislike when this happens, because I’ll believe it and show it to somebody and they’ll check, see that it’s fake and I lose credibility. Mileis actual posts and interviews are bad enough, if we’re gonna make things up it should be clearer that it’s satire (I guess I should have known with how ridiculous this is but then again Milei is totally ridiculous so it’s not clear that it’s satire).

  • Today’s Final Jeopardy Question

    On Jeopardy today, the final clue.

    Category: 20th Century History

    Clue: After the Vietnam War, Vietnam got bogged down in a campaign against this leader whom it managed to overthrow in 1979.

    None of the three contestants on Jeopardy got it right, how about the hexbears?

    Anybody here collect coins?

    Thinking of starting a coin collection. Any coin collectors around here? Any tips?

    China says Isn'treal

    Lol, owned.


    China says Isn'treal

    Lol, owned Link:

    Edit: Sorry, I thought I was posting this on hexbear

    feedback RedDawn [he/him]
    Site is logging me out near continuously on mobile

    I use the site through my phone's browser, which is how I've always used it. Recently I'm being logged out almost every time I refresh or go to a new page either by clicking a link or using the back button. Is this a known issue that's being worked out?

    What are some real ways to make a little extra money each month

    So right now, I’m working on breaking into the career field I want but in the meantime just working a full time job. I was hoping to get more overtime but they’ve basically told me that the factory is slow and not to expect overtime until like September.

    I get bombarded with this clickbait things that are like “8 ways to earn extra money this month!” and then it tells you to like play bingo on your phone for money. If those lists were meant to be real instead of ads, what kinds of things would be on them? What can a working person do to say make $500 a month apart from just getting a second job?

    Anybody willing to help me with a coding project for a job interview?

    I've just recently done an interview for a potential first job in the software industry and it went really well but they sent me a quick project to do at home to see what I can do and it uses a couple of technologies I'm not the most familiar with (it's a crypto related company, which I'm not keen on but I'd mostly be working with React and stuff on front end for their website I think). I don't want anybody to do the project for me I'm just a bit stuck and could maybe use some pointers from anybody who's been in the industry for longer. After turning this in I'll likely have to do a last interview where I actually do a little coding in front on them but I'd like to at least get something I can turn in here, whether they end up moving forward with me or not, since I got the interview via a recruiter who has been really good about working with me and I don't want to disappoint and get this recruiter to write me off. Anybody willing to take a look and help me out, PM me and I'll send details. Thanks in advance!

    What are the best/coolest documentaries you’ve seen?

    Any topic, what are some great and interesting documentaries to watch?

    How to land a first job as software developer / software engineer?

    I have a degree in Computer Science and recently finished a 9 month software development Boot Camp. Been sending out resume and applications to quite a few postings off of LinkedIn but so far getting very little response. I have an interview tomorrow but not sure how legit it is, outside of that I haven’t been called up for any interviews yet. Comrades in the software industry please help me out with any advice you can. I’m willing to relocate to pretty much anywhere as long as I can get employment in this field that will lead to good experience and development.

    New Obama slop, apparently a manuscript he wrote in college.

    "Speaking with a candor he would soon be unable to afford, Mr. Obama directed his fire across the entire political spectrum. He denounced a broken status quo in which cynical Republicans outmaneuvered feckless Democrats in a racialized culture war, leaving most Americans trapped in a system that gave them no real control over their lives. Although his sympathies were clearly with the left, Mr. Obama chided liberals for making do with a “rudderless pragmatism,” and he flayed activists — with the civil rights establishment as his chief example — for asking the judiciary to hand out victories they couldn’t win at the polls. Progressives talked a good game about democracy, but they didn’t really seem to believe in it."

    Anybody got a link to watch live streams of NFL games?

    I'm outside of the US and want to watch some games for free, idk where to find this stuff, seems like google, reddit etc are useless for finding it nowadays.

    Edit: nvm I found one off of reddit after all

    Fun, free games to play on my computer?

    Anything that's not super intense or fast paced (not looking for a shooter game or anything where I've got to be quick, something more chill. Or maybe I'll just start a new run of Disco Elysium again

    Edit: thanks so much guys I just woke up to a ton of notifications and there's a lot of great stuff in this thread to try out!

    Questions on whether I qualify for the new student debt cancelation

    My main questions here are whether there are stipulations about when the loan was taken, when the course of study finishes, and if having a cosigner affects whether one qualifies.

    I'll just give my data and see if anybody can find this out for me: Say I have a student loan from Sallie Mae that was taken around January of last year, for a course of studies that terminate in October. One thing I'm wondering, I definitely make (way) less than the income, in fact I make pretty much nothing. But in order to get a loan in the first place I needed to have my parents co-sign, and I'm pretty sure they make more than 125k. Does the income of a cosigner come into play here, or can I still get $10k cancelled?

    Great sources for understanding the Chinese electoral system and democratic processes within the Chinese government and economy?

    I'm arguing with people about how China is actually functionally more democratic than western "democracies" but sometimes people really want to drill into the details of it and I don't know exactly where to get finer details about how the elections processes and other democratic processes work.

    Being poor sucks

    Went to donate blood plasma today to get some money and they said something had expired because it’s been a while, so they have to process me as a new donor, and they don’t have the staff for that today lol. So anyway I’ve got negative $30 in my bank account after I tried making a loan payment and it hit me with NSF fee . It’s so very frustrating never having anything.

    RedDawn RedDawn [he/him]
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