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Do you Joemember
  • We'll remember in Joevember.

  • Keter level cognitohazard
  • I still can't believe this was the guy he settled on to stop the succdem.

  • Definitely how interviews work
  • If a person like him appeared at my job like that, they would get them a bed after their initial intake. They'd probably tell us to give him ice cream with every meal.

  • OH MY GAWD! The liberals are actually going to purge Biden!
  • They tend to be in New Orleans. Much like pete , they try to escape their red state the moment a job in the national party or ngo opens up. Then they never return if they can help it.

  • [EDIT: Done] Hello, Reddit! IAMA 45th President of the United States Donald J. Trump. Ask Me Anything!
  • Well this was unexpected. I've got three serious questions to ask you:

    First: Favorite Broadway musical of all time?

    Second: If you ever get back on Twitter, can you insult Rosanne Barr in the same vein as Bette Midler by calling her a "huge cow in a Disney flop"? I'm of course referring to her voice role in the disastrous 2004 film Home on the Range. Because it's technically true, there's no way she could sue you for libel.

    Third: Who is the most handsome of all the handsome generals?

  • My dad is not happy Biden got steamrolled last night lol
  • I can relate to this. Of course mine mostly yells because he's constantly in pain somewhere and has no real way to process it besides that.

  • Yes! Yes! Yes! Yes! Yes! Yes! Yes! Yes!
  • brandon "It was my birthday present, Jack!"

  • New DNC Presidential Candidate Announced!!!
  • Way more coherent than Biden.

  • NSFW
    I don't know if my frustration with this past COVID-19 incident was justified, but I never got told that it was.
  • Wow, these folks sound horrible. What kind of father says those things to their child?! It's unthinkable. Just abusive.

  • Can’t wait for the John Hickenlooper nomination a month from now
  • If he wins, we gotta do a Gatorade dump on him with fracking fluid.

  • OH MY GAWD! The liberals are actually going to purge Biden!
  • The President can poo no wrong. It was just a stutter after all.

  • OH MY GAWD! The liberals are actually going to purge Biden!
  • So it does appear these resume ghouls have survival instincts after all. Here I thought they would just parade the usual corrupt Louisiana Dems to distract us with their gumbo recipes.

  • OH MY GAWD! The liberals are actually going to purge Biden!
  • Is it that bad? They can't. That would be admitting they were wrong.

  • Pokeymans.
  • Yep. Gen 4 had best cosmology with Arceus and the creation trio. Can't get higher than that.

  • ITT: I post pictures of Biden looking like a lich
  • He looks so confused staring into space.

  • #Debate 2024 - brain as smooth as 3000 grit sandpaper
  • Can we replace Alfred with Poison Ivy instead? I'm sure she has a good plan for attempting to build carbon sinks with a mass reforestation program. Maybe she could be our climate Mao.

  • Pokeymans.
  • No Explorers of the Sky. That installment had a good plot and more expanded mechanics than original Mystery Dungeon. I did like the effort they put into designing the friend areas though.

  • Old farts of Hexbear, is there something about younger people that you don't get? [no punching down!]
  • Basically I remember watching my first movies on only Laser Disc around the same time the Sopranos came out. That and VHS tapes. My father isn't going to get rid of something he bought brand new in the 80s. Still works fine along with his old speakers.

  • Old farts of Hexbear, is there something about younger people that you don't get? [no punching down!]
  • I have one of those at home. It's strange that I'm a young millennial that grew up watching things on Laser Disc.

  • Story Post: Meeting A Self-Described Communist With Religious Brain Worms [CW: References to Homophobia]

    I’ve been sitting on this story for a while and wanted to eventually share it here. [CW: References to Homophobia] This is a story about the only self- described communist I’ve met in my life so far.

    A few years ago after my job I got to know a number of workers on the shift, including the old inventory man, who recently retired this year. Me, being without friends to talk about the stuff that I studied in college (history mainly), got to chatting with him about what I learned in university. Unlike most people I speak to, he got some of the references to historical figures and current events, revealing a person who took great pride in his own self taught schooling. We particularly connected when I referenced reading about the historiographers tracing developments in writing on the Caribbean back through historians such as Eric Williams, who was well known to him when he was growing up in the Caribbean during the 60s. He had an old tattered copy of Capitalism and Slavery at home that he took great pride in owning. I initially got the impression from talking about history with him that he had strong left vibes inspired by the anti colonial movements of the mid 20th century, especially when he talked about his disdain for the French under de Gaulle continuing to meddle in African affairs down to the present. However, I just assumed he would describe himself in the vein of being some sort of left-liberal, I did not expect the moment I’m going to describe to you all.

    One day when we are all doing our jobs, we get into the usual sort of conversation about history and politics. I think the conversation veered towards universal health care or something, I can’t remember exactly. He then steers the conversation towards the Cuban healthcare system, and then the conversation climaxes with him basically shouting/proclaiming to me in earshot of anyone who’ll listen, “I am a Communist, and Fidel Castro is my childhood hero!” This surprised me as I tend to avoid the c word in public but he brought it up himself. It wasn't every day someone shouted at you that they're a communist. He then told me it was his dream to travel to Cuba and receive an education there when he was young but his parents made him study in America instead. We had some further conversations like this about the state of American hegemony. The point being here was I had never met a self-described communist before and never expected to given the conservative area of the country I live in.

    However, it was in my conversations with him that I also discovered his religiosity and the homophobia that it fueled. This first showed up in our conversations about history, where he took great interest in the chronology of the near east during the Iron Age because of his religion. But, it was in conversing with another coworker (someone who I trust and I’m out to now), that I discovered the extent of his homophobia. She told me she noticed a tendency in him to be particularly belligerent with any young people who worked here in the past that he perceived to be queer, to the point that he had to be warned by the supervisor. It was in discovering this that I understood I could not consider him a comrade and resolved to not to get into any conversation that might draw any homophobic ire. We kept talking at times but, for the most part we spoke less because of a change in schedules. He retired a couple of months after I found all that out, and that was the last I ever saw of him.

    Idk, I was a bit excited at first that I might have found a person who I could call a comrade irl but he had major religious brain worms that I didn’t want to get into.

    Anybody Notice The Lovebugs Are Gone?

    When I was a kid, I remember seeing clouds of them in the school field when we went out to play. There used to be so many that they would cover your windshield. For the last few years I have hardly seen any around. Today, I only saw a single solitary bug lazily flying through the air.

    I suspect the rapidly changing climate is the cause but, I guess I feel a bit of shock at realizing and reflecting on the fact that this is happening right at home.

    What Do You Do To Stay Calm Around Chuds?

    Anybody have any tips for keeping calm when a chud says their usual callous shit? I'm still a bit piqued from today.

    Edit: Thank you all for your helpful comments. I greatly appreciate it.

    What are Good Sites For Making Friends Through Correspondence?

    Can anyone suggest sites for pen pals/ chat where you could find a person uninvolved with this site who is on the same page on left and queer issues? In the past I tried the new friend/hobby setting on the major dating apps but, I find they almost make impossible these days to sort for someone to talk to that has your same niche interests.

    Red_Sunshine_Over_Florida Red_Sunshine_Over_Florida [he/him]

    Former long-time lurker of r/CTH. Just want to chat and post with some comrades. Maybe make some some funny comments along the way.

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