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Retailers are replacing price stickers in aisles with electronic shelf labels. The labels prices can change as often as every 10 seconds. Hot outside? They can raise the price of water & ice cream.
  • Off the bat, it's probably more that they will save on the materials and labor of having to send out reams of tags to every store in a company every week, and having employees come in, usually on 3rd shift, to swap tags. Having spent a lot of time working in a grocery store however, I can guarantee that these will malfunction regularly and most employees won't actually be trained in how to fix them.

    Down the road I tho, "surge" pricing seems inevitable. Also raising prices based on inventory on hand. "Oh that item is twice the price because it's the last one left, sorry."

  • US Abrams tanks failing in Ukraine as Russia mocks them as ‘empty tin cans’
  • Honeywell engines

    I like that all my household appliances are made by people whose actual primary industry is death machines.

  • Liberals proving OP's point
  • Taking action is when you pay lip service to the problems without changing things in any material way. Or like on student loans when you send something out there specifically to sink and then go "We'll evaluate our options and try again" and then just don't do anything else.

  • r/vexillology and its consequences have been a disaster for the human race
  • I feel like every time I see the updated version of the new flag it gets worse. Like didn't it used to have more colors?

  • tag yourself
  • I got tired of the gameplay loop a few weeks ago. My diver is on on their super destroyer sipping mai tais with Eagle 1 and Pelican 1 somewhere over a planet on the old bot front.

  • [Edit] More than 100 protesters were arrested at Columbia University and City College. Most of the arrests were made at Columbia.
  • I remember this video from Minneapolis of people standing on their porch and being yelled at and eventually shot at with paint for not being inside. 2020 was very mask off, but nothing stuck in peoples brains apparently.

  • Biden is toast with people under 45 isn't he?
  • So far we have the whole stimulus check debacle, no student loan forgiveness, banning TikTok, and now his steadfast determination to enable genocide in Palestine. I'm sure there is a lot more. I don't know what he has done for young people except belittle causes and issues that are important to them

    I'm probably not voting at all, but Id vote 3rd party again if I did.

  • Bethesda NEVER Understood Fallout
  • Me last year: Why are people so down on it? It may not be perfect, but the ads said I could be a cool space pirate and travel the galaxy.

    Tries to be a space pirate

    Learn about XP debt

    Never touch the game again

    Combined with the most profoundly uninteresting NPCs I've ever met in a video game. What a waste

  • How did you guys spend your valentine's day?
  • Woke up to a breakup text, still processing that. Was my day off so I went with a family member to watch a trial they were working on, and went to a bar afterward. Been scrolling tiktok while I should be studying ever since. Riveting day lol

  • NSFW
    (cw: war crimes) Modern day SS.
  • Everyday is the most brazen atrocity that I can imagine. I feel terrible for dealing with shit going on in my own life. Mostly because it feels so insubstantial to the absolutely vile things that are happening to the most vulnerable people across the world from me. But it also makes me feel helpless, like I've gone out, protested, and campaigned for local issues that haven't changed things in the slightest. What is to be done about atrocities that far away?

    Like the Irish rep to the EU said, this should end with Israel as a pariah state, but even if that's the case it's little solace in the face of the bloodshed in front of us.

  • I found Hamas under my bed.
  • Dear Israel, there is a Hamas headquarters under my boss' house, please send airstrike.

  • Special counsel: "Biden has obvious dementia"
  • It's funny/not funny that this is all a ripple effect of the dems being so petrified of flattened-bernie that they had to prop up this shambling corpse. Really they could have let Bernie run with it and worst case for them is he gets in and they stifle his agenda and get to go "See? Actually trying to do stuff doesn't work, that's why you need to set your sights lower and be ok with nothing changing."

  • I love peeking under the curtain to see what defederation is sparing us from...
  • Mogadishu in 1993, the Black Hawk Down Incident. May have just been soldiers not pilots, I can't recall.

  • I love peeking under the curtain to see what defederation is sparing us from...

    Sure, we have continuously tried to pummel smaller nations into submission and it hasn't worked out so far, but what if it worked this time? This time there won't be the bodies of American pilots paraded through the streets, or plane loads of coffins to unload. Not to mention countless innocents killed.

  • Do you?
  • Biden’s legacy and ego are more important.

    ruthkanda-forever Someone doing incredible damage by clinging to power for egoistic reasons rather than doing the politically strategic thing? Couldn't be the democrats lol

  • TikTok Says It's Not the Algorithm, Teens Are Just Pro-Palestine
  • It's funny that these freaks are pulling their hair out that they can't just carpet bomb a civilian population and expect the "Israel has a right to defend itself" and "It's antisemitic to criticize Israel" excuses to work. Like it's to the point where even people I know who are pretty disconnected from politics are just like "What the fuck are they doing?"

    Like of course it's not Tiktok or xi-god-emperor pulling the strings, it's a trend based on what people are seeing and opinions, like mistrust in the media and American foreign policy, that people already had.