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  • Historically, 'garbage' was specifically food waste, what we now would call 'kitchen scraps' or 'compost' if you live somewhere with a municipal composting program, or compost yourself. (Historically, 'compost' generally referred to the finished compost, rather than also the waste going in.) 'Trash' was other non-compostable refuse.

    TL;DR Trash goes to the dump, garbage goes to the pig pen or compost bin

  • Electricians of fediverse, should I have my selfhosting box grounded?
  • I've found a couple plugs "upgraded" to 3-prong by jumping the load and ground together. That made for a fun firework show when my metal fan touched something metal. Even the landlord was impressed by that stupidity.

    Ah, the good old reverse polarity bootleg ground.

    Fun fact: RPBG is the one fault that those plug-in outlet testers can't recognize

    Edit: Wait, no, that would be hot bootleg ground, they should catch that. RPBG has the hot and neutral switched, and also a bootleg ground to the neutral that's actually hot

  • Phone calls still assume the people on the receiving end are attached to a desk.
  • Then just don't answer?

    With the people who tend to call out of the blue, not answering tends to result in repeated calls, and then when I finally have a chance to call back, usually it should have just been a text.

    If the conversation is best had via an actual call, text me and we'll schedule a call. We'll schedule it soon, like "call you in ten minutes" soon, but it's just easier with a little heads up.

    If you are calling me without any kind of notice during working hours, somebody better be in the hospital or morgue; if you're calling me without any notice outside of working hours, alcohol better be involved

  • Phone calls still assume the people on the receiving end are attached to a desk.
  • Sure, just need to pull out my earbud if it wasn't already in, push my welder out of the way, make my way out of the shop and into the yard where there isn't constant grinder or saw noise, probably find a sheltered spot because it's fuckin wimdy, and all before the call goes to voicemail because if I answer on my way towards the door I'll get complaints about how it's loud and they can't hear me over the background noise.

  • Phone calls still assume the people on the receiving end are attached to a desk.
  • When my dad wants to talk, he texts me something like "Hey Stephen, give me a call when you have a chance", and then I oblige when I have a chance. Most of the time it probably could have been an entirely text exchange, but whatever.

    When my mom wants to talk, she just calls out of the blue, I don't answer, and usually we don't end up talking.

    ...I forgot where exactly I was going with this, but something about lining the call up beforehand

  • It's basic science
  • Whether or not the shittonne of sugar in Gatorade is a problem depends on the person. A lazy Google search tells me professional athletes require between 3000 and 8000 calories, obviously depending on what sport they are engaged in. They could probably use the sugar; they're probably pounding protein shakes too, and you can't get all of your calories from protein long-term, you need sugar or fat or ideally both.

    Then there's alcoholics using Gatorade for hangover recovery. Alcoholism tends to reduce food intake, causing alcoholics to frequently be underweight. Sugar in the default hangover drink isn't hurting them, they probably need it, and could probably use more calories besides. I know, this one is me. My license says I'm 5'9", and the scale just told me I'm 108 lbs. With a BMI of 15.9, any calorie I consume is a good thing, regardless of whether it's dextrose, sucrose, a complex carb, or protein.

    Inactive people who eat more than they need and are overweight because of it don't need the sugar in Gatorade, but also probably aren't active enough to need the electrolytes in Gatorade; they should be drinking water

  • [Request] Long press on links to open them externally

    When reading a web page within Connect, it would be nice if long-pressing on links in the webpage would give a popup with the option to open the link in an external browser (and probably also an option to just copy the link). I frequently find myself linked to Wikipedia from a Lemmy comment, and then want to open other links from that wiki page, so then I have to open the page I'm on externally and refind my spot in the article.

    Having the same options when long-pressing a link in a comment/post would be nice as well.

    [Request] Seperate block lists for seperate accounts

    Edit: there's already a setting for it, another user pointed it out. Ignore me :)

    Currently, when you block an instance or community, it's blocked app-wide. I had blocked various NSFW communities and instances on my main account so that they don't show up in my All feed, but now I can't access them from my NSFW account unless I use a different app to do so, or repeatedly unblock and reblock them as needed.

    Can we instead make block lists on a per-account basis (or have the option of account-associated or global blocking)?

    How can I change the text colour in my comment box?

    The text when I try to type comments (but not the text in the search bar or, as I'm just now learning, here in the 'post body' text box) is white, and I can't find the setting to change it. Obviously I could change my background back to the default blue that it was, but that's the opposite of a solution.

    Anybody know?

    InitialsDiceBear„Initials” ( by „DiceBear”, licensed under „CC0 1.0” (
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