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bit late for November but...
  • In November In the UK people where a poppy flower ,that they buy from the royal British legion. The money goes to looking after vets of ww1 and ww2.

  • keep going lads!
  • This before deliveroo though

  • locks?
  • Language is stored in the balls

  • keep going lads!
  • "stop shedding hair young man!"

  • keep going lads!
  • *Halloween music gets more intense

  • Removed
    wee man
  • Guess it's Scottish teenager for message sent

  • just bung it in the corner
  • Exactly!

  • just bung it in the corner
  • I have a lot of hanging stuff as well as the lights but only put them on the front. I think I need to up my game.

  • Could be fun though
  • Ha! Lol. The Paladin just getting more annoyed at the paper work they'll have to do.

  • Could be fun though
  • But theRogue still has to roll persuasion to get the Paladin to give them their weapons back at the start of every fight

  • Could be fun though
  • This would work great if they have to do a prison break

  • vanity plate 1III1I1
  • "what's he Driving?"


  • RockAndGnome RockAndGnome
    Posts 7
    Comments 13