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Understanding what an economy is
  • Then do you want to explain the 1:1 correlation between interest rates and inflation?

    Or this investopedia article?

    And a market crash would be something like the Great Depression, where there was world-wide hyperinflation and money was worthless. This specifically happened because the gov refused to bail out corporations.

    The closest that we’ve gotten was Covid. But even then, it was understood that there would be a recovery after vaccine deployment.

  • Another reason that proves that Democrats have no shame and cannot be trusted: Nancy Pelosi, Anti-Asian hater yesterday, Asian hater today
  • That’s fairly idealist of you to claim that.

    Why is it idealist? Three reasons:

    First of all, the means of production, (and through which we can sustain the population density in the states) is industry. Without industry, farms will not be able to generate enough yield to sustain our population density.

    Secondly, suppose that a revolution happens, and the American experiment is ended. Will the workers and the people who have revolted, agree to give the means of production to the aboriginals, essentially placing them as a new ruling class? It would be against working class interests.

    Thirdly, human society will organize themselves in response to material conditions. In the case of the capture or gifting of the industrial mode of production to the aboriginals, the previously equitable aboriginals will reorganize themselves to for a new capitalist class.

    A more equitable solution is to have aboriginals take part in the revolution and subsequently collectively own the land and means of production alongside the working class.

    Racial and other hierarchies are developed in response to not just capitalism, but rather property, the defence of property, and the conquest of properties. As it is, whiteness is just another word for the capitalist class, as representative for the ruling hierarchical class. For example, Obama is white.

    So, to get rid of whiteness, you must change/reorganize our current mode of production. (A la Lenin) But to have enough bargaining power to do that, you must organize across all the intersections.

    And how do we do that? By focusing on our common interests, organizing around our common interests, and fighting for our common interests. How do we not do that? By focusing on our differences and hiding the capitalist contradiction through arguing about the contradiction between intersections.

  • Understanding what an economy is
  • What Volcker did wasn’t special. Interest rates must be raised or lowered in proportion to inflation caused by supply or demand disruptions. That’s it.

    It’s one of the many maintenance mechanisms needed to maintain capitalism. If handled incorrectly, without centralized control, the economy will crash every time there’s a disruption. That’s why we say there’s no such thing as the free market.

    In this case, interests rates were raised in response to the 1979 oil crisis causing massive inflation. It’s not a conscious choice or a change in policy, but rather a response to material conditions.

    As a result, this is why you need to look at trends on a longer scale in order to even out these disruptions to find the macro trend. And these macro trends usually have to have something huge as a root cause, like the fall of a rival superpower. Not a temporary increase in interests rates.

  • Another reason that proves that Democrats have no shame and cannot be trusted: Nancy Pelosi, Anti-Asian hater yesterday, Asian hater today
  • First of all, racism isn’t mandatory for us to make a living. Thus, there is no material basis for racism. And because there is no material basis for racism, we can much more easily organize collective bargaining power, to use direct democracy, to remove the structural barriers causing segregation.

    Secondly, naming it had devolved into a mental shortcut that’s been exploited and perverted to advance practices that lead to more racism, or to practices that’s intensified racial discrimination.

    Lastly, universities still admit based on academics. What we’re doing is changing the groups that you’re selecting the top performers from, from race to income. So for example, if you have to admit a certain number of students from each district, proportional to the population of that district, then that will vastly increase the equality of university admissions, because it normalizes for education conditions. Failing at that, you will decrease the amount of segregation in society as a whole, as more affluent families move to poorer school districts for a leg up. So, it’s win-win really.

  • Another reason that proves that Democrats have no shame and cannot be trusted: Nancy Pelosi, Anti-Asian hater yesterday, Asian hater today
  • Colonialism is not contradictory within the US, but rather between the US (specifically US corporations and client state corporations) and other states. (As opposed to the internal fascistic capitalism within the states) As such, we can have racial equality within these corporations, but the global systemic hierarchy / international contradiction still remains.

    There is data confirming that the benefit from imperialism is marginal in the working class in the US, with this data specifically being how the real average wage of production and non-supervisory employees have not increased significantly. We can see the same trends in heavily exploited countries such as Mexico, with the conclusion being that a good part of America can literally be compared to an over exploited third world country.

    The contradiction inside the US is and always has been between the rich and the poor, and segregation has been just a means of preventing organization. In other words, contradictions between races have been intensified to the point where it overwrites the primary contradiction.

    However, material conditions do not enforce the contradiction between races, and this is just a facade; our current method of production (the methods which we use to put food on the table) does not necessitate segregation by race. What enforces segregation and racism is the structure put in place by our bourgeois dictatorship.

    1. Why not both?

    Yes both, but not the way the liberals do it. You can’t solve racism by policing microaggressions or letting more black people into Harvard. You do it by organizing around a mass line, with goals to removing the segregational rules and policies that not necessarily affects only race, but also wealth.

    The same method used to invoke qualitative change can be used.

  • Understanding what an economy is
  • If the inflection had happened in 1983, then the profit margin wouldn’t have fallen to all time lows in Jan 1992.

    If the Soviet Union did not dissolve, then there would still be a bipolar world order, and profit margins would have stagnated due to a lack of opportunity for exploitation.

  • Another reason that proves that Democrats have no shame and cannot be trusted: Nancy Pelosi, Anti-Asian hater yesterday, Asian hater today
  • The way to fix racism is to stop referring to things in terms of race, but rather in terms of wealth.

    Addressing racism ironically frames the problem in terms of the in-group and the out group being segregated along lines of race. A more materialist framing is with the in group and out group along the lines of wealth, as that is the dominant factor determining your quality of life.

    So for example, instead of trying to make university admissions representative of population demographics, we should be pushing to accept a fixed proportion from each wealth bracket.

    However, that’s not to say solidarity movements are not productive. It is of the utmost importance to join with these movements and support these movements. The most important reason is to avoid segregation along race lines. The second reason is that we often have the same goals, and a class analysis can advance their agenda and prevent it from being derailed by capitalist forces.

  • Understanding what an economy is
  • As I said, look at the trend. There’s only one major inflection point throughout the entirety of the data, and that’s in 1990, corresponding with the collapse of the USSR.

  • Understanding what an economy is
  • Or you can take a look at the link I posted.

  • Understanding what an economy is
  • Publicly traded assets grew on the scale of 15-30% annually, over these two years

    That’s the covid recovery. When looking at ROI trends, you need to look at 10 yr blocks.

    Furthermore, ROI is measured as profit margin. Currently, there is a trend upwards, the start of which corresponds to the fall of the Soviet Union.

  • I need your help unfucking my mind. [CW: SA]
  • I think that just by making this post, you already know how this is going to play out.

  • Understanding what an economy is
  • At the very least, these indicators can be viewed as how much their conditions could potentially improve.

  • Understanding what an economy is
  • Measures such as the stock market and GDP were meant to act as proxies for measuring how well the economy was accomplishing its stated purpose, which is to improve the standard of living for everyone.

    I would argue that they aren’t and never have been a measure of how well the economy is at distributing resources. Stocks haven’t been accessible to the working class until recently. And GDP is neither normalized to PPP nor gives any indication as to its distribution among the populace.

    The “economy” (read: bourgeois economy) has never been connected to the masses. If you measure how well businesses are performing, then it only tells you how well businesses are performing. That’s why these indicators are lagging and not leading.

  • The Chinese scientists leaving top US universities to take up roles in China
  • Remember when we ran out a rocket scientist that went overseas and gave China ICBM’s? Let’s do that again.

  • Something is happening at my school
  • Yea, I just want to give you some context going into the speech.

  • Something is happening at my school
  • Trade with EU is exploitative of eastern Ukraine and the trade deal will prevent its development. The whole of Ukraine was split on the issue between east and west.

    The whole thing started with the comprehensive trade agreement between Ukraine and the EU. Yanukovich had wanted trade with both Russia and the EU. But both Russia and the EU were forcing Ukraine to pick a side. Making a trade agreement with the EU would have forced Ukraine to change their regulations, negatively impacting trade with Russia, and having them become more dependent on the EU. There was also a significantly higher chance their net trade would decrease if they signed this agreement. So if they went with the EU, it would have totally screwed over eastern Ukraine.

    I should mention that at the time, Russia was providing the majority of trade with Ukraine by a fairly wide margin. So it was much more practical to go with Russia.

    The decision to put the EU trade agreement on hold, had sparked euromaiden, leading Russia to reclaim Crimea in response, which sparked the civil war.

    I should also mention that Ukraine is a third world backwater country. Its gdp per capita is lower than some African nations, and is three times lower than their neighbours Russia and Poland. It’s not a country full of Nazis and reactionaries, no more than Guatemala. It’s just people who’ve been fucked over and exploited.

  • I think the reason people find mainstream news increasingly offensive is because it blatantly treats the public like idiots.
  • The level of language changes based on who their audience is. If it’s something they want everyone to understand, then they will dumb it down and simplify things.

    I took a journalism course way back when

  • The truth about inflation (animated explainer)
  • So that was a load of crap that doesn’t go into the causes of inflation. Here’s a brief summary of how inflation actually works:

    Inflation is when the value of a good grows IN PROPORTION to the value of money. Yes, both things have value independent of each other, and as such, we can see supply driven inflation if a country’s currency is devalued with respect to other countries, as it makes it difficult to import feedstock.

    There are two primary causes of inflation: supply driven inflation, and demand driven inflation. Supply driven inflation is when not enough goods are produced, as with covid supply chain disruptions. Demand driven inflation is when demand grows with respect to supply, as with using graphics cards to mine bitcoin.

    It should be noted that even these are market forces caused by suppliers and consumers, suppliers and consumers themselves don’t directly set prices. The people who own the suppliers do. They must read and manipulate market conditions in order to get the most profit out of their product.

    During covid, we have had supply driven inflation due to supply chain disruptions, and hoarding to a lesser degree. However, when these issues have been resolved, we haven’t witnessed prices going back to normal. This is because the bourgeois have successfully read and manipulated market conditions.

    In a way, what the bourge has done is a variant of the application of the mass line. They saw that material conditions had forced consumers to acclimate to higher prices, making the conditions ripe for another price increase. So that’s what they did, then they sold it as the new normal.


  • Education Hub Ronin_5
    An anarchist describes historical materialism 8. Materialism vs. Idealism: How Social Change Happens | What is Politics?

    WHAT IS POLITICS? Episode 8: Social Change, Consciousness and Material ConditionsHuman beings have free will, but our actions are constrained by material re...

    8. Materialism vs. Idealism: How Social Change Happens | What is Politics?
    Wake up, bae. New JT video just dropped Are We The Baddies?

    As uncomfortable as it may be to find flaws in your home country, wherever that may be, it's an important part of being an informed citizen. While it's good ...

    Are We The Baddies?
    Why do Brits make so much better content than Americans on YouTube?

    I’ve been on a bit of a video essay binge as of late, and most of the good shit has been from Britain, whereas American content creators are mostly reactionary.

    What gives?

    Europe Ronin_5
    How Denmark Destroyed Greenland: Brief History of Denmark's Colonialism in Greenland How Denmark Destroyed Greenland: Brief History of Denmark's Colonialism in Greenland

    Denmark has an often neglected and quite dark history of colonialism. A history which hangs as a shadow over many communities in the world, sometimes even as...

    How Denmark Destroyed Greenland: Brief History of Denmark's Colonialism in Greenland
    The most reactionary shit I’ve seen

    A while back, I infiltrated a far right message board.

    I happened upon a conversation between two Neo Nazis arguing about the holocaust. One of them was arguing that the number of victims were exaggerated. The other was arguing that it didn’t happen, that it was a fabrication, but it should have happened.

    First as a tragedy, then as a farce.

    The most overwhelming piece of evidence for world systems theory. (Sort by country)

    If you click the countries tab, you’ll find a table with countries, and the number of cases as a respondent state vs cases that corporations in their state have taken out against foreign states.

    If you put it in excel, and sort by largest number of cases as a claimant state, you’ll find that the US, the Netherlands, and the UK as the biggest exploiting countries. (Which actually explains how the Netherlands got so rich, their tendency for nationalism, and why the bourge was pushing so hard for brexit)

    Sort by most cases as a dependent state and you’ll find that Argentina, Venezuela, Mexico and Egypt as the countries that are the most exploited.

    Some countries like Spain and Russia are both exploiting and exploited. China has surprisingly few cases despite the breadth of its operations.

    How Corporations Overthrew Democracy | Matt Kennard How Corporations Overthrew Democracy | Matt Kennard

    Honduras is being sued for a third of its GDP by an American company—why?Because the developing nation changed its mind about Prospera building a charter cit...

    How Corporations Overthrew Democracy | Matt Kennard
    United States Distribution of Personal Income (with annotations)

    There’s nothing I love more than using company time to analyze stats. Today’s subject of analysis is the income distribution in the US.

    We can tell who the bourge are, from where their income comes from. I’ve highlighted the boxes showing that the top 10% (of households) gets most of their income from business earnings and dividends.

    Similarly, we can see the massive difference in monthly income from the 70-80% bracket to the 80-90% bracket to be 3400/mo, and the jump from labour aristocracy to the bourge to be 21000/mo, generated through capital and the exploitation of labour.

    Information is from BEA. Search “distribution of personal income”.

    The accuracy of these figures are corroborated by Table 2, showing annual mean household income to be $106,000. I have no idea why the popular narrative is that median household income is $76,330.

    Venezuela Reaffirms Commitment to Elections Amid Opposition and Guyana Dispute Venezuela Reaffirms Commitment to Elections Amid Opposition and Guyana Dispute

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    Venezuela Reaffirms Commitment to Elections Amid Opposition and Guyana Dispute
    Niger's Massive Rally in Support of Military Junta Niger's Massive Rally in Support of Military Junta

    Thousands rally in Niger in support of the military junta, highlighting complex political dynamics in the nation. Demonstrations call for withdrawal from ECOWAS and protest against French policies.

    Niger's Massive Rally in Support of Military Junta
    Stories, Our perception of self, and its propagation

    It’s not too far of a stretch to say that our ideologies are derived from the examples around us. After all, it is the basis for materialism. But when those examples are based in ideals, then we wrap ourselves in a lie and our ideology is manipulated to the benefit of others.

    Why am I writing this? Because propaganda doesn’t work if you know it is propaganda. Or maybe it does. But either way it’s worth a shot.



    The prevalent ideal, and the structure which we are taught to perceive ourselves, (in the west) is the monomyth; the hero’s journey.

    The hero’s journey is a story about individualism, where answering a call to adventure will result in the hero coming home not only better off but the struggle results in his transformation into a “great man”, tying into great man theory, which states that great men are heroes who are able to rise against the odds and defeat rivals while inspiring followers.


    our perception of self

    So as this is repeated throughout media, we start to apply this story structure to ourselves. (since our ideologies are derivative of the examples around us) We become potential heroes who need to undergo trials to become great men. These trials may be something direct like answering a draft, or indirect like working overtime. Refusal of the trial, by this framework, will lead to stagnation. His flowering world becomes a wasteland of stones.

    (Yes, I’m being purposefully politically incorrect because it’s written in a sarcastic tone)

    In other words, the hero’s journey stops becoming just a framework for fiction but a framework for life; a perception of life. And as an idealistic framework, it can be molded into whatever the propagandist sees fit, with convenient subsections and tools to do so.


    Propagation (propaganda) of ideals

    … is done through media. All Hollywood writers, up to the recent modern era have followed the framework of the hero’s journey. That’s why it’s so predictable. Any deviation will be considered a “risky endeavour” and will not be accepted. (I’ve been meaning to do a write up on risk in the future) As per Chomsky and Herman’s propaganda model, other story frameworks are filtered out through ownership.


    An alternative

    Society is a self referencing system. As part of that society, you are both the observer and participant in the system. As you, the observer, is impacted by the system, you will react accordingly to the system and seek to influence it.

    As such, your life is not set in stone and your life will not play out like a story with an intro, climax, and resolution. Your life in capitalism will be, at best, you using the opportunities given to you to create more opportunities. If you don’t have any opportunities, then be prepared to beg for them.

    And I put emphasis on the word given, because unlike the ideology where hero’s are born or they are made through struggle, in capitalism, you are selected by other great men to be a hero. There is a common saying that you must prove your worth in order to better your position, but that worth itself is subjective. The result is that bettering your position is completely subjective.


    why did I write this? How can we use this?

    What I provide to you is a paradigm for criticism and self criticism. In addition to understanding, analysis and criticism of society as a whole, you may also analyze yourself through this lens and identify any ideology that you have that you might want to rethink your position on, as chances are that you’ve been exposed to this media.

    Defeating Level 4 Body Armor part 2 - requirements

    The methodology to calculate the level of penetration of a projectile has is to divide its momentum by its area. This number is then squared to make a kind of penetration index. The units are (J*g/m2)/m2. An alternate way is to multiply kinetic energy by sectional density, and divide by cross sectional area.

    It should be noted that this simplification holds true for harder materials that’s not assumed to deform, like tungsten carbide penetrators.

    What I then did is watch a whole bunch of YouTube videos and took note of which calibers, at which velocities, penetrated the level 4 plates.

    What I learned was that not all plates rated at level 4 are made the same. And there are some plates which are rated higher than level 4. My findings are below:


    Please note that the different values come from different barrel lengths, bullet weights and velocities.

    In summary, a bullet needs to be 1. Made of a tungsten penetrator with a copper jacket. 2. Have a penetration index of greater than 2800.


    1. Made of a hardened steel penetrator (>60 hrc), 2. have a penetration index > 3200.

    You’re not penetrating any armour with lead bullets.

    Note 270 WSM is off the charts. If this round is given a tungsten carbide or steel penetrator, of which you can shape using electro-discharge machining, then it has the capacity to penetrate level 4 armor at range. The length of the cartridge also makes it easier to design semi auto and auto firearms. (Shorter stroke length) though its bulk suggests less ammo capacity.


    Also note that the PLA can make an effective tungsten AP round in their standard caliber without needing any equipment upgrades. (Unlike the US) Though their current copper/steel round isn’t effective with level 4.

    Now look up who’s the world’s leading manufacturer of tungsten.

    As a final note, most law enforcement or military wear level 3 or 3+ plates, because it’s half as heavy as level 4. So this analysis is probably overkill.

    Defeating Level 4 Body Armour

    Level 4 armour plates are specifically designed to protect against armour piercing rounds without pass through. This is the most advanced type of personal protection we have, and it’s important we understand the technologies behind it, especially in CQB and urban warfare environments.

    It is currently able to withstand a M80A1 and m2AP bullet pushed to >3000 fps in a 300 winmag cartridge. The M80A1 round is a non-lead round that’s normally pushed to 2600 fps in a 308 cartridge. The M2AP contains a steel penetrator. But because the bullet diameters are the same, this YouTuber loaded it in a 300 winmag to give it even more energy and velocity.


    What has been proven to work is a tungsten carbide penetrator seen in the M993 round. Penetration is seen when reaching 2600 fps on some plates and 3000 fps on other plates.



    The US has fielded a new rifle shooting a new caliber, the 6.8x51. As the video shows, it is able to defeat level 4 armour in two shots without AP rounds, with standard non-lead ammo.


    Using a steel-backed casing, it’s able to use a fast burning powder to push a 140 gr bullet to 2900 fps in a 13” barrel. Higher velocities and longer effective range against armour can be achieved with a longer barrel.

    To be continued.

    How to choose a gun

    So, you want to buy a gun. Which gun should you buy? There are so many!

    To answer that question, you first need to answer: which caliber are you shooting? And to answer that, you need to answer the following:

    **What are you shooting? **

    Squirrels? Coyotes? Deer? Elk? People?

    **What distance? **

    20m? 50m? 100m? 300? 800? 1000? 3000?

    Let’s start with what. Choosing what you want to shoot will determine the distance.

    If it’s squirrel and small game up to the size of a bunny, it would take only roughly 10 ftlbs of energy to dispatch. However, it presents a very small target, so you would need to be up close or very accurate. Small game can only be reliably taken up to 100m.

    So, viable calibers include rimfire calibers, air rifles and shotgun pellets. A well set up slingshot can produce 6-8 ftlbs of energy, which is barely enough to take small game.

    Coyote and deer necessitates a larger cartridge. Generally they need 100 ftlbs of energy to take down reliably. And even then, shot placement is crucial. So, this moves you up to pistol calibers, straight wall cartridges, and intermediate cartridges. Some air rifles meet this requirement.

    Humans fall within this category.

    Because of a larger hit area, the maximum range is moved out further to 500m. Though if full sized or magnum cartridges and/or specialized guns are used, this can be pushed out to 1 km.

    Larger deer and elk necessitate at least 1000 ftlbs of energy. This moves you up to full sized cartridges like 308 Winchester, 7.62x54R, 30-06, 7mm winmag, etc. At this point, the range is dependent on your accuracy. But if a magnum cartridge like 338 lapula or 6.5 PRC is used, it can be pushed further.


    Cartridge and accuracy.

    Faster moving, slimmer cartridges are more accurate than their fatter analogues of similar energies. I’m not entirely sure of the sciences behind it, but it is a trend I’ve noticed.

    17 hmr is more accurate than 22 wmr.

    223 is more accurate than 7.62x39

    30-30 is more accurate than 45-70

    6.5prc is more accurate than 308.

    More accuracy not only means longer range, but also means you can punch above its weight class, as you can more effectively target organs.

    However, heavier bullets are more accurate at longer distances because they negate wind.

    So, if you want the ultimate accurate bullet, then it needs to be long, fast, and heavy, like the 50 bmg.


    guns and accuracy

    The more money you spend, the more accurate your gun will be.

    What you’re spending money on is the following:

    1. Precise chamber tolerances. How the chamber holds the bullet and how it precisely and accurately aligns the bullet with the rifling has a big effect on accuracy. Not only should the chamber consistently align the bullet the same way every time (precision), but the axis of the bullet should be at the same angle and with zero offset to the axis which it’s going to be rifled (accuracy).


    1. Crown. The end of the barrel and how it terminates. How well the crown is made affects accuracy greatly


    1. Action and cycling. Whether it’s bolt or semi-auto, loading rounds from a magazine, when too much force is used, will deform the round and misalign the axis of the bullet from the axis of the cartridge. The accuracy standard is bolt action and hand fed loading is considered the most accurate.

    The reason that semiautomatic is considered to be less accurate than bolt is that to increase reliability, the design of the chamber is looser, and the action and cycling is performed with more force than bolt action.

    1. Stock, ridgity and resonance. I’m going to consider this the final item because it doesn’t affect accuracy all that much. But as your gun shoots, the forces the bullet imparts will resonate the barrel, and cause it to slightly deform. And increasing the ridgity of the stock will cause it to deform the same way every time, giving it more consistency. This is also where barrel length comes into play. A longer barrel will resonate more, but a shorter barrel will result in a slower, less accurate bullet


    Accuracy and you. Expectations and practice

    If you’re into fun culture, you’ll encounter 1 moa as the standard for accuracy. This is a lie. Most guns you get off the shelf will typically shoot 2-3 moa on average with bulk ammo. That’s including bolt actions and precision rifles.

    If you want to get sub-moa, then not only will you need a precision rifle, but also either match grade ammo or custom reloaded ammo suited to your gun. For rimfire, you’ll need to do extensive testing to find the type of ammo that shoots best. And even then, it’s rare to find a pairing that shoots below 1 moa.

    The point of saying this is: don’t get upset because you’re not getting tiny groups. It’s probably not you, it’s how your gun is set up.

    So how do you actually shoot a gun accurately?

    Avoid using your muscles as much as possible. The more you use your muscles, the shakier you are in aiming. Every joint between the earth and the gun is a source of deviation. So if you can, lean against something to steady your aim. prop your gun up using branches or tables. Use something solid like spare magazines to prop up the stock if you’ve already rest the barrel.

    If you don’t have anything to rest against, I recommend the crossed legged sitting position. You’re essentially leaning against your legs, which stabilizes your upper body, as long as you’re able to relax all your muscles.

    If you don’t have time to get into position, you can use something called the hasty sling, where you use the sling to pull the gun against your arm, and you can relax some muscle groups to get a more accurate shot.

    But nothing beats practice.

    Mao’s works summarized

    On Contradiction: “actually fucking talk to your comrades and your enemies, and maybe you’ll find some common ground instead of coming to fisticuffs”

    On Practice: “touch grass”

    Breaking the sound barrier using airguns

    I’ve gotten into playing around with air pistols lately as a good way of practicing. Going into this subculture, I found this practice called dieseling. It’s when you smear some kind of gel like lube or petroleum jelly around the pellet to create a better seal to maintain a higher pressure behind the pellet to give it better velocities.

    But then I came across some claims that air guns were pushing pellets up to 1500 fps. If you google air guns breaking the sound barrier, you will find all sorts of these claims. This is physically impossible because the speed of sound is the limit if you’re using air as a propellant.

    People think that “compression of gasses” detonates the propellant, making it achieve supersonic velocities, which doesn’t happen since the pellet is propelled by decompressing gasses.

    Like. God damn. I will be smearing some vegetable oil around my pellets though.

    Bank of China Opens Branch in Saudi Arabia Bank of China Opens Branch in Saudi Arabia

    <p>Currently, the Bank of China operates and provides financial services across 64 countries.</p>

    Bank of China Opens Branch in Saudi Arabia

    As a follow up to the oil deal between China and Saudi a couple years back, BOC opened a branch on Saudi soil.

    I can only speculate as to the purpose of this, but I think this is to facilitate both investment into China, and oils purchases in Yuan. Both of which will weaken the concept of the petrodollar and US hegemony.

    If the world’s most prolific oil producer starts selling in yuan, then that will provide a route for development for sanctioned oil producing nations like Iran and venezuela.

    Ronin_5 Ronin_5
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