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  • Kagi:

    Quick Answer

    Based on the available information, the "slipping on a banana peel" gag has been a staple of comedy films since the early 20th century. The first known appearance of this gag on the big screen was in the Charlie Chaplin movie "By the Sea", where Chaplin's character "The Tramp" tosses a banana peel on the ground and then slips on it later. [1][2]

    The banana peel gag was soon adopted by other silent film stars like Buster Keaton, who featured it in his 1928 film "The Cameraman". [3] The gag continued to be used in comedy films throughout the 20th century, including in the 1926 Harold Lloyd film "For Heaven's Sake". [4]

    However, the available information does not mention any specific 1980s comedy movies that featured the banana peel gag. The gag seems to have been more prevalent in the silent film era and earlier decades of the 20th century. [1][5]

    1. The Origin of the “Slipping on a Banana Peel” Comedy Gag
    2. Chaplin and the first banana peel slip in film history - YouTube
    3. Buster Keaton slips on a banana peel in The Cameraman (1928)
    4. Slipping on a banana peel - 3 versions of the classic joke - YouTube
    5. How Did Slipping on a Banana Peel Become a Comedy
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  • Per Brave:

    slip banana peel 1980s comedy movie

    The classic comedy gag of slipping on a banana peel has been a staple in entertainment for decades. In the 1980s, this gag was featured in several comedy movies. One notable example is the 1983 film “Trading Places” starring Eddie Murphy and Dan Aykroyd. In the movie, a character played by Jamie Lee Curtis slips on a banana peel, leading to a series of comedic events.

    Another example is the 1985 film “The Sure Thing” starring John Cusack and Daphne Zuniga. In this movie, a character played by John Cusack slips on a banana peel while trying to impress a girl, leading to a series of awkward and humorous moments.

    The banana peel gag has also been featured in several other 1980s comedy movies, including “The Blues Brothers” (1980) and “Caddyshack” (1980). These films showcase the enduring popularity of this comedic trope and its ability to bring laughter and entertainment to audiences.

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  • Ford asks suppliers for ideas to cut EV costs in an all-win-or-lose push for profitability
  • I'm going to be honest, I got about half way through, I just wanted to add something some folks may not consider in this discussion.

    Since I first got an EV almost a decade ago, I have spent less of my life waiting for it to charge than I had previously spent getting gas.

    I'll note that everyone's situation is unique, and I've had the fortune/privilege of having private parking next to a 120v outlet at both of my previous rentals as well as my current home, but the 2s it takes for me to plug in every night, and the very rare 30 min charging session mixed into a 6hr road trip (when I'd be stopping for food/restroom anyways) means less time standing around at the charger than I would have spent at the pump.

    I recognize this is a hard concept to sell to some ICE drivers, because all they hear is 30-minute charging session, but it's real. Admittedly this is contingent on you having access to an outlet at home or work, which I recognize doesn't apply to a subset of renters.

  • Hearing is be-leafing: Students invent quieter leaf blower
  • Seeing how some very particular relatives are, I wonder if much of the gas leaf blower crowd is less "watch me stick it to the libs" and more "look at me, I'm cleaning my yard, that makes me better than you"

  • Privacy services and non privacy payments options
  • Depends on what you are using them for.

    E.g., if you maintain a Proton email account because you don't want your emails mined for businesses to advertise at you, then you give very little info away by your bank finding out about the purchase.

    If you use it because you're engaging in activity that could be considered illegal, then your bank knowing about the purchase is probably the least of your problems if someone starts digging. Mysudo has to respond to a court order just like your bank and has access to all of the same PII

  • President Biden announces a series of tariffs on green energy products from China.
  • Yeah, except everyone has had it beaten into them - nobody fucks with gas prices.

    Every news outlet in the country runs the same news segment practically daily - "Let's complain about gas prices". We've somehow made it the subject of basically nonstop discussion.

  • "Portal" Between Dublin and NYC Shut Down After OnlyFans Model Flashes It
  • That's kinda my point. Mastectomies would bring the average down but more women brings it back up. Too lazy to Google but is global # of women who have had mastectomies more or fewer than # of "excess" women (over men)

  • Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth, Final Fantasy 16 and Foamstars all sold less than expected, Square Enix president says
  • Just wait a couple of years for their $700 Exclusivity Box 6 to come out with marginal graphics improvements, and oh by the way your old games are useless, but feel free to buy them again with sloppily upscaled textures.

    If they time it right they can even release Overpriced Game Pt. 3 as an exclusive on the new box so you can never play them all on one system.

  • The Surprising Force Stalling Climate Progress: California Restaurants [funded by the gas industry]
  • A reasonably big restaurant doesn't get enough amps in the panel to replace all their gas equipment with induction

    This is the true reason more industrial kitchens don't go electric, at least in my experience. This and cost. I work in building design and do a decent number of commercial kitchens.

    New kitchens in new buildings tend to be trending towards electric, but retrofits / renovations more often than not are constrained by the (hyper-)local electrical infrastructure.

    The chefs we've worked with actually really like cooking with induction, and their teams f*cling love that it's safer and cooler than gas. Electric kitchens lose way less heat to the environment than their gas counterparts, and thus are way more comfortable to be standing in for 8+ hrs/day.

    especially in grid-strained California.

    Working across the country, I haven't run into this "issue" as much on the CA projects I'm involved in.

    Certain locations, especially older urban neighborhoods may have some local capacity issues, but not at the "state" level. I see many of the same issue in older urban areas around the country (and globe).

    From my viewpoint, any increase in occurrences in California is largely driven by the fact that CA is the most populous state and simply has more projects interested in / requesting these things.

  • Sony does not remove purchase restrictions from Helldivers 2 on steam and also adds them to Ghost of Tsushima
  • (Apparently) Sony has been pulling this shit for years, so either no one noticed or there's more to it. I wonder if perhaps any of these countries have laws restricting certain online services, which Sony doesn't follow, and thus is not allowed (as opposed to simply choosing not to offer)?

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    cross-posted from:

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